Spencer Reid x Reader

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Summary: Spencer is in a relationship but the rest of the team don't know that.

Warnings: Brief talks of sex but nothing graphic.

Author's Note: So I've fallen back in love with the amazing human that is Spencer Reid. Also, I haven't written for him in a while.

I glance up from my desk as my ears register the sound of an argument happening across the bullpen. The voices belong to Derek Morgan and my secret boyfriend Spencer Reid. I can hear Derek say, "So pretty boy when was the last time you had sex?" 

I watch as Spencer's face gets all flushed and he starts stuttering. And just like that the IQ dropped down to 60. I giggle to myself trying to remain quiet so they don't notice me watching their little argument. 

I drop my head back down to my work until I hear words that spark my interest once more. I hear Derek say, "That's it pretty boy I'm setting you up on a date." 

In an instant, I'm up from my chair and striding across the bullpen to the two guys. I lean on the cubical wall and I ask, "What's this about Spencer going on a date?" 

He looks up at me with his adorable puppy dog eyes that have panic in them. Before either of us can say anything Derek says, "Well since pretty boy here can't get any I am taking it upon myself to set him up on a date." 

I look at Spencer with a sly smirk on my face before I say, "Well how do you know he doesn't already have a girlfriend?" 

Derek's eyes shift from me back to Spencer before he asks, "Well?" 

Spencer begins trying to stutter out an answer and it's at this point that I say, "Well if you need me I'll be at my desk." 

I send a wink towards Spencer as I walk back across the bullpen. I've barely sat down in my chair when Spencer appears at my desk and he says, "Why did you do that?" 

I spin my chair to look at him and I can see he's stressed but I ask, "Do you trust me?" 

He nods and I say, "Okay. They're going to ask you questions which you obviously won't answer so they'll ask me. And when I won't answer them they'll drive themselves crazy trying to figure out who it is and that way they won't bother you about going out." 

Spencer thinks it over for a moment before his face lights up and he says, "That's genius." 

Before I can say anything Hotch calls us into the briefing room for a case. 

The flight to the case is entertaining, to say the least. Derek had quickly informed the other members of the team about Spencer possibly having a girlfriend and they were bombarding him with questions while I just watched from the side smiling to myself. 

As the weeks go by they get increasingly more frustrated since between Spencer and I had given them very little to go on. Until one day we slip up. 

We were working on a case and the unsub was extremely hostile and we were confronting him. I was near Spencer and the unsub was surrounded by us yelling. The unsub takes a step towards Spencer and me and unconsciously Spencer moves me behind him. 

Once the suspect is handcuffed he's fighting tooth and nail to get out of our grasps and Spencer once again moves me behind him protectively which doesn't go unnoticed by Derek. 

On the plane home I'm sitting next to Spencer and Derek asks, "So pretty boy, what were you doing with Y/N behind you while we were taking the unsub into custody?" 

Spencer looks confused before he says, "I don't know what you're talking about." Trying to play it off but Derek isn't willing to let it go that easy because he asks, "What would your girlfriend say if she found out?" 

He snickers to himself and I mumble out, "I don't think she'd mind." 

But unfortunately Derek hears me. His eyes widen and he starts pointing between the two of us putting two and two together. He shouts, "You two?" 

His exclamation gets the attention of the other team members because they're rushing over asking, "What?" 

Derek says with a proud smile, "I finally know who Spencer's girlfriend is." 

All at once they shout, "Who?!" 

Derek points to me and the moment they realize their mouths drop. They all begin shouting questions at me and Spencer. Finally we get them to calm down and Spencer says, "Okay first question." 

JJ asks breathlessly, "How? When?" Spencer and I glance at each other and I hear Spencer mumble, "That was technically two questions." 

I shove his shoulder playfully before he says, "It happened after that case we had in Arizona. I asked her out after we went home." 

Derek asks, "Why didn't either of you say anything?" 

Spencer says, "Because we didn't want to make a big deal out of it and we know we're not supposed to date coworkers." 

Hotch sighs and runs his hand down his face before he says, "Do you know how much paperwork I'm going to have to do now." 

He goes back to his seat and everyone leaves except for Derek. He stays behind for a moment as he says, "I'm happy for you Spencer. Congratulations."  

He claps Spencer on the shoulder before walking away. I look at Spencer and say slowly, "Well now that they know do you think we could cuddle?" 

Spencer nods his head before stretching out on the couch and I climb so that I'm laying on his chest and using him as a body pillow. For the rest of the plane ride we spend it cuddling and talking. 

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