Anthony Lockwood x Reader

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Summary: You're going to the Fitts Ball and Lockwood finds out you have tattoos.

Warnings: None

Author's Note: Inspired by the fact I got a second tattoo this past Wednesday. If you don't have tattoos just pretend you do. Also this is very self indulgent for me sorry.

I take a deep breath and gently tug the hem of my dress down a little further. It was shorter than what I would have liked but would have to do considering the short notice.

I carefully clasp my necklace in place before grabbing the accompanying earrings. I look myself over in the mirror and try tugging the dress up so my cleavage doesn't fall out. But upon doing so the hem rises up.

Upon this revelation I just decide to give up. My eyes drift to my two tattoos, the one on the side of my calf on my right leg and the other larger one on my left forearm.

Lockwood and George had no idea that I had tattoos since I usually wore long sleeved shirts and pants since most of the time we were in a colder environment when handling cases.

I hear George call through the house, "Come on we're going to be late!"

I take a deep breath and grab my clutch before making my way down from the attic.

With each step I take, and the sound of my heels hitting each step I feel nerves settling in my stomach.

Sure this was the nicest I had ever looked before with my hair lightly curled and a light dusting of makeup. I know why I was so nervous because of Lockwood.

Even though he was my boss I couldn't help but develop feelings for him. With his charming attitude and protective nature I couldn't help but fall for him.

I get to the bottom of the stairs and stop on the last one. I look over George before my eyes shift to Lockwood.

Lockwood is wearing a white button down shirt and tie. But he has a more formal suit jacket over it along with a freshly ironed pair of pants.

Neither of them have noticed me so I lightly clear my throat. They both turn and look up at me. I watch as their eyes scan me up and down and I start to play with the fabric of my dress.

I ask uncertainly, "Well, what do you guys think?"

George nods his head in approval before I hear Lockwood clear his throat and say in a shaking voice, "Nice, you look nice."

I feel my heart drop a little at his less than enthusiastic response but again what did I expect. He was my boss and neither of us could do anything.

The drive to the ball is silent and I play with my fingers. Neither Lockwood or George has acknowledged my tattoos so I wasn't quite sure how they felt about them.

Upon entering the building I immediately feel out of place amongst all the unmarked people making me feel like a fish out of water.

As the evening progresses I watch people dance. From in front of me I see none other than Kipps approaching. He stops in front of me before he asks, "Care to dance?"

Before I can reject him I feel an arm wrap itself around my waist and hear Lockwood practically growl out, "Hands off Kipps."

He quickly reteats and before I know it Lockwood is twirling me around the number of people dancing.

Back at the house, I sit on my bed lightly running my finger over my tattoos alternating between my leg and arm. My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on my door. I say softly, "Come in."

My eyes shift up and I see Lockwood wearing a zip-up gray hoodie with a white cotton shirt under it and a pair of light gray sweatpants.

He comes over and sits next to me before he says casually, "I didn't know you had tattoos."

I nod unsure of what to say before Lockwood says, "Well I like them. Would you mind telling me what they mean?"

I point to each tattoo and begin to tell him why I got them. To my surprise he takes my hand and lightly begins to trace over my tattoo causing goosebumps to break out on my body.

He looks up from what he's doing but doesn't stop as he looks into my eyes and I stare into his deep brown ones.

With a small smirk on his face and in a much more confident tone than earlier he says, "They're beautiful. Just like you."

I blush at his compliment and before I can register what he's doing he lifts my wrist to his lips and places a gentle kiss next to my tattoo.

And before I know it, he's up from my bed and walking down the stairs leaving me a flustered mess even more confused about our relationship than before.

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