Robin Hood x Reader

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Summary: You're reunited with Robin after being away from him for months. Set in Season 3.   

Warnings: None 

Author's Note: I haven't done an OUAT imagine yet and I love Robin Hood so here y'all go. 

   I walk through the woods with my bow in hand looking for at least a little something I could eat. I look up when I see a cloud moving toward me through the forest and I brace myself as the cloud passes over me and when I open my eyes I see that I'm still in the forest. I hear voices coming from a few feet away and I begin carefully moving towards them, and when I get to the edge of the woods I can see a group of people. I move to the side to see better but I accidently step on a branch and I can hear it break under my feet and I freeze. I hear someone shout, "Come out. I know you're there." I sigh still holding my bow at the ready when I step out of the shadows of the trees and I'm met with someone holding their bow at me though I can't make out what they look like. Once they see me they quickly drop their bow and ask, "Y/N?" I lower my bow and see Robin who I just so happen to be dating. I rush over to him and he immediately wraps me in a hug holding me close to him and I breathe in his familiar scent. We pull away after a few minutes and I say, "I missed you." He smiles sadly at me as he runs his thumb over my cheek and he begins to apologize but I cut him off saying, "Don't you dare say you're sorry." He nods and I say, "I'll show you guys to camp." 

Robin and I walk at the front of the group hands intertwined as we talk and catch up. As we get closer to the camp I whistle signaling the guards on duty that we were friendly. As we walk into camp people begin leaving their tents to see what's going on and when we reach the middle of the camp people are hugging their old friends as everyone catches up. I smile watching the happy reunion, especially seeing Robin being reunited with Roland again. I quietly slip away from the group and back to my tent. 

I'm rearranging a few things in the tent when I hear the flap open and feel arms wrap around my waist. I lean myself back into the familiar chest of my boyfriend. I sigh in contentment as Robin says, "You know I'm proud of how you kept them all together while I was gone." I simply hum in response just happy to have him so close to me again I almost don't register his next words, "Marry me." I step away from his chest not sure I heard him right and I ask, "What?" He says, "Marry me." I stare at him in disbelief still not comprehending what he's saying, "He begins talking, "I know I don't have a ring or a fancy castle but I love you and so do the merry men. But most importantly Roland loves you he needs a mother figure and you would be the best and only person I would want to fill that role for him." When my brain catches up with what he is saying I can feel myself break into a grin as I say, "Yes." I watch as relief covers his face before he strides over to me and kisses me. He kisses me until we're both breathless and when I pull away I giggle out, "Did you think I was going to say no?" He smiles at me before replying, "Maybe." Before kissing me once more. 

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