Hook x Reader

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Summary: It's your birthday and Hook surprises you. 

Warnings: None 

Author's Note: This is dedicated to Mxnaghan who is one of my best friends and her birthday is today. So this is for her.  

I wake up to the light coming through the window and I groan, I roll over and reach my arm out searching for my boyfriend but I don't find him, instead, I find his side of the bed empty and cold. I sighed more than a little disappointed because today was my birthday, I got out of bed left the bedroom, and made my way to the kitchen. 

Upon entering the kitchen I go to the coffee maker only to see a note on it that simply says Put something nice on and come to Grannies. 

I rush back to the bedroom and begin looking through my clothes for something nice to wear. When I finally find something I brush my hair and leave it down before putting on some light makeup. Once I'm ready, I grab my keys that are by the door and make my way out of the building and onto the main street. 

I begin the walk to Grannie's and regret not wearing something warmer since the chilly Maine air kept making me shiver. The sky was gray and cloudy not particularly nice for birthday weather but the sun was at least out. 

I arrive at Grannie's and see the lights are off I look around uncertain for a moment and I walk up the steps to the door. I figure it will be locked but I decide to try anyway and to my surprise the door swings open.  

I step inside the diner and look around trying to figure out why I was asked to come here if it was closed until the lights flicker on and everyone jumps out and yells, "Surprise!" 

I bring my hands up to cover my mouth as I see that all of my friends are here. I see Hook walking through the crowd and he comes to a stop in front of me and says, "Happy Birthday love." I give him a loving smile as I stand up on my tippy toes and place a kiss on his cheek. 

He takes my hand and leads me over to a table and I see a cake with candles on it and I say, "You didn't have to do all this." He simply replies, "Of course I did."

I take a seat at the table as everyone gathers around me as they begin to sing. Once everyone is finished I take a deep breath and blow out all the candles. Everyone cheers before the cake is cut and passed around. I smile as I watch everyone talking, laughing, and smiling and I feel happy. 

After the party is over Hook and I are back at our shared apartment and we're sitting on the couch neither of us saying anything until I say, "Thank you for today. It meant a lot to me." 

He looks over at me and gives me one of his smiles that only I get to see as he says, "Of course love. I wanted you to know how much you mean not only to me but to everyone else." I hum in contentment as we drift back into silence. 

We're both getting ready for bed when Hook comes back from the bathroom with a small box held in his hands. He hands it to me and I look at him unsure of what to expect but he doesn't give anything away he just motions for me to open it. 

I carefully take the lid off the box and can't help but gasp when I see what's inside. Inside, is a heart-shaped necklace and each side of the heart has our name engraved on it. I look up at him with watery eyes unable to speak. 

When I regain my composure I say in a shaky voice, "Thank you." 

Hook comes over and picks up the neck from the box and unclasps it and I move my hair to the side as he fastens it around my neck. Once he's done, I jump up from the bed and wrap him in a tight hug eagerly taking in his distinct scent of salty ocean water. 

When I pull away he's smiling at me as he says, "Come on love let's go to bed." 

We both climb into bed and I feel his arms wrap around me and I feel a smile make its way onto my face as I close my eyes happy and peaceful.          

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