Petyr Baelish x Reader

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Summary: You are upset and Petyr comforts you.

Warnings: Very light mentions of sex but nothing graphic.

Author's Note: No one please judge me for this I just have a soft spot for this character and I honestly don't know why.

I can't believe what my parents have just told me, I would be married off to some lord I didn't know. I knew that it was expected of me but my heart belonged to someone else. I tush from their chambers as I fight the tears building behind my eyes as I leave the castle and make my way through the streets of King's Landing. I let my feet carry me along the familiar path until I come to a stop outside a familiar white stone building. I pause outside the doors for a moment to catch my breath before pushing the doors open and briskly walking inside. I begin walking towards the back of the building past all the various rooms and ignore all the moans and lewd sounds coming from behind the closed doors. I burst through the big set of double doors at the end of the hall. I look up and see Petyr behind his desk who is now looking at me with his gray-green eyes surprised by my sudden entrance. Before I can stop myself the dam behind my eyes breaks and I start crying. I hear the feet of the chair scrape against the wood floor of the room before Petyr's footsteps sound on the floor before he comes to a stop and wraps me in a hug. I cry into his chest as he just holds me and runs his hand over my hair. Once I've calmed down I pull away and wipe my runny nose with the back of my hand as I laugh lightly and say, "Look at me I'm a mess and I probably ruined your clothes." I look at him with my red puffy eyes and splotchy cheeks and he's looking at me with all the love in his eyes as he wipes my remaining tears with his thumb and says, "Well if it helps I think you look beautiful." I smile at his compliment as I hear him say, "There's that smile. Now, why don't you tell me what has made you so upset." He leads me further into the room but not before closing the doors so we at least have some privacy. I sit in the chair across from his desk and take a deep breath before I begin to say, "It's my parents. They've arranged for me to marry some Prince from the Iron Islands. But I don't want to and they wouldn't listen to my protests. They're so desperate for me to find someone but I don't want to marry because I have to I want to marry because I want to." Once I'm done speaking I see Petyr looking thoughtful before he says slowly, "Well, what if I were to go ask your parents' permission to court you? I mean, I know we're courting already secretly but perhaps if I were to make my interest in you public to them then perhaps they would call off the marriage. And besides, I am still a lord after all." I smile at his offer before I ask, "And if not?" He stands up and walks around the desk to me and says, "Well, we'll just have to run away together won't we." I nod and stand up before going over and pulling me into another hug holding me close to him.

Later that day I am sitting in my bed chambers in King's Landing when I hear a light knock on my door I say, "Come in." The door opens and I see my handmaiden she says, "Your parents have requested you to come to their chambers." I nod and stand up leaving the room as I follow my handmaiden to my parents chambers. I come to a stop outside their door wondering what they could possibly want with me but nonetheless I raise my hand and knock lightly on the door. I hear he faint voice of my mother say, "Come in." I slowly push the door open and step inside and close it behind me before turning around and seeing Petyr standing in front of my parents. I glance over at him as I walk past him and feel my heart flutter when I see him already looking at me as I come to a stop by my parents. I feel my heart pounding in my chest and nerves building in my stomach as I try to steady my voice before I ask, "What would you like to speak with me about?" My father says, "Lord Baelish here has expressed to us his desire to court you. However, there is a predicament since you have already been promised to Prince Theon of the Iron Islands." My head races at this thought and I can't help but wonder if they will still force me to follow through with the set marriage. But I feel the nerves leave my body when I hear my dad say, "But your mother and I have decided to let you chose who you would like to go with." I have to force myself to keep my composure and not jump up and down cheering. I let out the breath that I had been holding and say calmly, "Thank you for letting me decide. I know you already have a marriage set up for me with the Iron Islands but I would like to accept Lord Baelish's wish to court me." My parents share a look before my father says, "Very well if that is your wish." I thank them before making my way back across the room. I pause when I get to Petyr who places his hand on the small of my back and walks with me to the door and opens it allowing me to leave the room first. As soon as we are in the hall and the door is closed Petyr grabs my hand and drags me over to a hidden alcove where he promptly presses his lips to mine. After about a minute he pulls away and I can't help but giggle, he brushes his thumb along my cheek before he says, "I told you it would be okay didn't I?" I nod sheepishly before he leans in and whispers in my ear, "You're mine now." I shudder as his breath hits my ear but look at him before replying back, "Good." Before leaning up to connect my lips with his once more.

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