Crowley x Reader (SoulmateAU!)

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Summary: You're the youngest Winchester sibling and your soulmate just so happens to be Crowley. 

Warnings: Mentions of torture and blood 

Author's Note: This idea popped into my head at 5 am this morning so here we go.   

I look around trying to make out any distinguishing features of where I was being held but with my right eye mostly swollen shut and the dark room, I couldn't make out anything. I hear the creaking of rusty hinges and feel myself fill with dread since that usually meant that someone was coming to torture me. I hear the footsteps approaching and I look up into the jet-black eyes of the demon who had said his name was Stuart. I hear the familiar sound of metal on metal and the sound of wheels scraping against the concrete. He comes to a stop in front of me and I see a knife glinting in his hands as he runs the tip of it over his skin. I begin struggling knowing that it's no use but I still have to try. The demon tsks before saying, "It's no use. Now why don't you tell us what you brothers are planning." I give him one of the famous Winchester bitch faces and reply sassily, "Yeah about that, I don't know anything." This isn't the answer he wants because he drags the knife across my arm causing me to cry out and a line of blood to start trickling down my arm. 

The demon tortures me for what feels like an eternity until there's a commotion from outside. He casts a wary glance at me before he takes a knife and stabs into my stomach before leaving the room to see what's going on. I'm the only one in the room and can feel myself going in and out of consciousness and can faintly hear what's going on before the door to the room bursts open, I hear quick footsteps coming over to me and I struggle to keep my eyes open to see who it is. They crouch down in front of me and I am relieved to see the face of Dean. He quickly unties me and I practically fall into his arms, I hear him shout, "Sammy!" I hear Sam come running into the room to see Dean kneeling on the floor holding me in his arms I can feel myself fading fast and I glance down to my wrist where I see the words Hello darling written there. The first word my soulmate would ever say to me and I would never know. The last thing I hear before I lose consciousness is Dean calling for Cas to heal me. 

When I wake up again I look around and see I'm in the bunker. I can hear voices coming from the main area, I get up and feel my legs wobble a little bit and wait for the room to stop spinning before I take a few cautious steps forward. I make it to the door open it and begin walking down the hall towards the voices. I enter the main room and see my brothers and Cas along with another man who's a little shorter and looks to be wearing a suit. Dean sees me and his eyes widen before he asks, "What are you doing out of bed?" At that, everyone turns to look at me and the man in the suit looks at me before saying in a Scottish accent, "Hello darling." My eyes widen and my jaw drops to the floor before I ask, "You?" Sam, Dean, and Cas are looking between the two of us confused but neither of us cares. He begins to talk and says, "In all of my years I had given, and yet, here you are right in front of me." Before I can say anything he turns to my brothers and says rather aggressively, "You idiots. Why didn't you tell me you had a sister?" Dean begins to speak, "Because one its none of your business and two we didn't think it mattered." I notice Cas is looking between the two of us and I see his eyes widen before a small smile graces his lips. I clear my throat bringing the attention back to me and I say, "Um if you don't mind could I have your name?" The man turns to me and says, "Ah I'm sorry. Crowley, king of hell." My eyes widen once more and I start swaying on the spot and the next thing I know the ground is rushing up to meet me. 

When I wake up again I see everyone is gathered around me and I slowly sit up, once I'm sitting up I hear Dean say, "Now one of you want to tell me what the hell is going on?" Crowley says, "Ah yes about that, you're sister is my soulmate." I watch as Sam and Dean look between the two of us before Dean jumps up and begins pacing the floor as he yells, "No absolutely not." I stare at him dumbfounded and hurt wondering how he could just dismiss the fact that Crowley was my soulmate even when Dean himself had already met his. Sam gets up and tries to calm him down but Dean throws his hand off and continues, "You know what those demons did to her." Sam goes to argue but Crowley cuts him off by saying, "Those demons were not under my orders and if they were if I had know she was my soulmate she never would have been taken." Then the three of them get into a shouting match completely ignoring me until I yell, "Hey!" They stop their bickering and look at me waiting for me to continue. I say, "Let Cas make the final decision." We all look at Cas and wait for him to speak, after a few minutes Cas says, "Dean even though you might not like it Crowley is Y/N's soulmate." Dean throws his hands up in frustration before he turns to Crowley and growls out, "You better not hurt her understand?" Crowley visibly gulps before nodding his head, once Dean is satisfied he drags Sam and Cas out of the room. 

Now that we're alone I get a good look at Crowley and he says, "Sorry about that love but I don't have the best relationship with your brothers." I roll my eyes before I respond, "Gee I had no idea." Crowley lets out a low laugh before saying, "I would like to take you out to dinner tomorrow if you'd like." I smile at him and say, "I'd like that." Crowley simply smiles at me before snapping his fingers and vanishing.               

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