Lance Sweets x Shy!Reader

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Summary: You work at the Jeffersonian as an intern with Dr. Brennan and like Sweets but are very shy 

Warnings: Mentions of dead bodies and murder 

Author's Note: Just enjoy a cute Sweets imagine. This is not set in any particular season of the show. 

I stare at the dead body in front of me as Dr. Brennan analyzes the corpse. Once she's done she asks, "What do you notice about the victim?" I move forward to get a better look and with my gloved hand gently move a piece of detaching skin before I state, "Well there's a fracture to the occipital lobe as well as several fractures to the ribs." Brennan nods, happy with my observations but before she can say anything else from across the Jeffersonian we hear, "Bones!" We both look over and see Booth walking towards us with the Psychologist that was designated for the team by the FBI who I just so happen to have a crush on. Lance Sweets. Where to begin with Lance Sweets should I start with his adorable boyish looks, his dark brown slightly curly hair, or his soft chocolate brown eyes? I quickly looked away and busy myself with the various tools used to examine and remove flesh and organs from corpses that are less than decomposed, and if it weren't obvious enough I had a crush on the shrink but I could never say anything to him. I was probably the quietest one on the team and anytime a cute guy, Sweets or otherwise tried to flirt and talk to me I turned into a blushing and stuttering mess. Once they have finished talking to Brennan they leave allowing us to go back to examining our victim. 

Later that night we're all sitting at our favorite diner and somehow I ended up sitting next to Sweets which makes me a little uncomfortable and allows my quieter shy side to make itself more prominent. I barely talk and am lost in my thoughts until I hear Sweets say, "You okay?" I blush and say, well more like stutter out, "I'm um. I'm fine." Before I quickly get up and leave mentally cursing myself for stuttering. 

The months go by and I barely speak to Sweets and avoid him any chance I get. I don't care if it hurts his feelings but I can't force myself to be around him without turning into a blushing and stuttering mess. Christmas falls upon the Jeffersonian and with it decorations throughout the Jeffersonian. I am making my way out of the break room when I bump into someone, I look up and see Sweets. I mutter out a quick, "Sorry." Before trying to move around him but to my surprise he blocks me. I look at him with confusion only to see him have a boyish grin on his face as he points up. I glance up further and see mistletoe has been placed in the doorway. I look away avoiding his gaze at all costs until I feel a hand on my cheek turning me to face him and before I can register anything he kisses me. His lips are soft and taste like peppermint, the pressure on my lips is firm but not too forceful. Once he pulls away he says, "I'm sorry. But I've liked you for quite some time now." I ask surprised, "Really?" He nods before he asks, "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I nod, both of us oblivious to the rest of the team watching from the side as they place bets on how long it will be before we get married.   

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