chapter 82

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the fanart has nothing to do w the chapter but i love that trope sm. like, we're enemies but, who hurt u, ill kill them trope.

also do any of u get the reference im abt to write LMAO cough cough catradora cough cough


"You love me...?" Rainbow responded quietly as her eyebrows shifted down in an equilibrium of saddened happiness, disbelief. 

"You're such an idiot..." Applejack laughed at her softly as she brought the girl back towards her with a single pull at her waist. "I've loved you since the day I lost you. Before that too probably. I was just too blind to admit it."

Dash allowed herself to be lured in but did not fall victim to a kiss quite yet as she had an unanswered question, now that the best case scenario truth was out, she could ask freely. "If you do love me, why didn't you say it the other night? Or why didn't you tell me when I kept going on about how you just 'liked' me. I was clearly talking about love," She inquired with a perplexed expression, yet her tone read as more understanding than interrogation, the memorable music likely aiding in this. 

"I just didn't think it was the right time to say it. Because you know, we just had sex, and then we were yelling at eachother. It was all wrong, I just felt like for you, I had to make it more of a...magical moment, so to speak. Because that's what you deserve. But hey, I kind of fucked it didn't I?" AJ joked in response as she smiled down at her partner, a small part of her comforted at how it did end up playing out despite the rough patch. 

"Well it did lead to me saving the day so, I'm not complaining," Rainbow equally snarked in response to gloss over the sore points. It was in the past now, and since she does know that AJ feels the same way, there's no need to ponder all that irrelevant worry. 

"Do I get a kiss now? My love?" Applejack asked as her eyes slowly moved to the others lips. 

"Obviously," was all Rainbow said since she already began to lean in. That was their first kiss as proper, true lovers.


Once the cruise that had ties with the company of the boat that sank arrived, the young and old travelers alike all piled on thankfully, met with open arms. Accepting the free rooms graciously, only the smaller ones left available, the stragglers were happy to stay in them until they met safe land again. While mostly everyones belongings had been drowned, much to Rarity's dismay as she mourned the loss of her many jewellery items, the enterprise offered to pay everyone back in full all that they were stripped of, and fortunately since the cruise was a large company, it was well within their budget to do.

When the friend group boarded the new ship last in an effort to make sure everyone got on okay, self delegated responsibility, the romantical pair stayed close to eachother with held hands. Though they didn't ask questions, all the friends definitely noticed through a series of side eyes and eyebrow raises in silent communication to acknowledge how the girlfriends seem to have recovered from their fight. The groupings of the rooms were slightly different as there were only two for them to share, it original arrangements that Twilight helped plan were going to be Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack in one and then herself, Sunset and Rainbow in the other, however, after recent progressions, the gang decided to let the newly reformed have their own room. For whatever purposes they chose to utilise the privacy with.

Like sheep following a shepard, the crowd swarmed to the lower decks and settled into their new rooms, the staff aiding in providing free refreshments at their individual mini bars to make up for their large loss. Bidding farewells to eachother as they split into their own rooms to sleep that night, the sky no longer a flurry of colours and now a simple midnight black, Sunset nudged AJ and presented her with a knowing warm smile before the groups closed off for the night. 

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