chapter 20

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They continue to get ready to sleep basically ignoring the conversation they had and interacting like they normally would, surprising the both of them how good they are at forgetting the unfinished conversation. Applejack helped Dash pick some more comfortable clothes to sleep in, dark teal shorts and a navy top with a random logo on the front from some gift with purchase at a supermarket, were the first two items she found. Rainbow thought they were perfect and watched as Applejack obtained her own pyjamas from underneath her pillow which is where she keeps them everyday after she changes. Both girls were still wearing their formal dresses which had started to become itchy and inconvenient as all they wanted to do was rest.

Initially being respectful, the girls turned to face opposite walls and planned on changing facing different directions. As Rainbows dress was made of a softer cotton material with seamless layer transitions, it was easy to unzip and soon enough she had slipped the shirt over her head and the shorts on, sitting halfway up her thighs. "AJ I'm done, are you?" She asked to be safe.

"Actually, can I please have some help?" Applejack asked as Dash turned around to see AJ struggling to pull down the zip on her thicker denim dress. "Oh yeah sure!" Rainbow confirmed calmly, trying to push away any thoughts she may have of Applejack in an evocative context.

"The zipper seems to be stuck or something, maybe it's just the angle I'm at, can you unzip it for me?" Applejack specifies as she turns her head to see RD coming towards her. She lifts up her hair, allowing easier access to the top of the zip to make the chances of her getting out of the heavy garment better. Rainbow tugs a few times at the top of the zip, changing the different ways she's pulling at it to try and jiggle it down the dress. She tries a few more times and AJ adjusts herself, arching her spine slightly to loosen the fabric around the back. "You know RD if you can't-"

Before she can finish her statement which admits defeat, the zip gives in and she can feel Rainbow slowly drag the metal piece down her spine to loosen the dress. Her heart increases in beats and she can hear Rainbow suck air into her mouth through a soft gasp. They pause for a second and AJ slowly turns her head, eyes barely meeting each other, yet it forms a silent consent, and Dash proceeds to lower the zipper until it reaches the end of its teeth near Applejack's tailbone. Raising her hands to Applejack's shoulder, she slowly slides one sleeve of the dress off, her bare skin slowly becoming more exposed, followed by the other shoulder, as she slowly begins to slide it off, she whispers, "Is this okay?"

Applejack nods gently, "It's okay."

With her permission, RD pushes the denim off of her collarbone softly as if any harm inflicted upon her would be equal to hurting a goddess. AJ's dress slowly slides down her form that Rainbow hasn't seen in months, and lingers at her hips before she pulls it down and off of her, gently placing it in an unfolded lump on her dresser. AJ's back was still facing Rainbow who could see her figure, enveloped in a tan clasped bra and grey underwear. Not wanting her to feel cold or too exposed, Rainbow slowly wrapped her arms around the girl she adores and let her arms sit around her waist, head resting on her shoulder which she kissed delicately. Following two more kisses on her shoulder, Applejack turns around, Rainbow still holding on but arms now resting on her back. Upon seeing her from the front, she is enchanted, 'how can someone be this perfect,' She thinks.

Applejack slowly brushes her hands against Rainbow's waist and drags her fingers across her waistline, making contact with her shirt and slowly running her hands underneath and feeling her warm back, slightly dry, but comforting, reminding her of the days they'd cuddle in bed together. Removing her hand from under her shirt, she places her hand on Rainbow's jawline and lifts her head up, their eyes softened with the contact. Applejack flickers between looking at her eyes and her lips once again like all those months ago, and mutters up the courage to ask faintly, no louder than a whisper.

"Can I kiss you?"

Without replying, Rainbow places her hand around AJ's nape and pulls them together, connecting the distance between them. She had forgotten what AJ's lips felt like, two soft pillows that melted into her cracked ones. Applejack slowly began to deepen the kiss, pulling RD closer by wrapping her around her waist and pulling them together. They would break apart for split second before joining together again, gently caressing each others lips with their own, it was passionate but yet also innocent, as if it was their first kiss all over again.

Applejack lifted Rainbow up in one movement effortlessly and supported her underside as Dash wrapped her legs around her partner and she walked over to her bed, placing Rainbow on the sheets careful not to hurt her. They shared another kiss, this time more final and soft before Applejack sat up with a small smile and brushed a hair away from Rainbow's face. After tucking a rainbow strand behind her ear, Dash's smile lowered into a smirk.

"I think I know what you want us to be now."  

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