chapter 72

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the picture has no correlation with the story at all i just wanted to show another adaptation of them in a different outfit other than their eqg ones. im really having lots of fun designing different fits for them LMAO maybe ill do that for every au chapter later on (dash is holding a ribbon cause shes gonna tie it in aj's hair) 

next question: whats ur zodiac sign? its obvious mine is aries by my user

anyway lets continue


"How have I never heard of this girl before?" Sunset inquired through the phone, as Rainbow was about to share her reflection. 

"That actually makes a lot of sense. That day Gloriosa turned into that nature magic spirit thing, I helped Wallflower get to the undercover area, and I said her name. I didn't even know I knew it until I had started to ask her if she was okay. Maybe that stone didn't fully take away my thoughts as somehow, my brain recollected who she was, despite the fact I thought I had never seen the girl before..." Dash spoke, explaining it to them clearly as the concept may have been a bit tricky to wrap their heads around initially. 

"It seems as if the magic stone has a fatal flaw since it failed to completely erase everything. I take it that you haven't gotten any memories back yet?" Twilight replied through her logical mindset as she readjusted her glasses to push them up from the top of her nose. 

Applejack responded for the both of them, trying to give Rainbow the opportunity to not be forced to speak since she was quiet until the two girls called, "No not yet, but she better give them back soon. And once we do, we can figure out if we want to track that girl down or not," a slight joke at the end of her sentence. 

"It's your call, I'm happy to help with the hunt if you need us," Sunset proceeded to joke, laughing at herself before she finished speaking and then concluding their discovery. "Alright I'll leave you lovebirds to it, text us if there are any updates and we'll do the same."

"Wow okay," AJ rolled her eyes at the screen, finding it somewhat humorous that despite the fact they're facing a major magic debacle, they're acting as if everything is okay which honestly makes sense since this is nothing compared to their past evil encounters.

"See you soon!" Twilight optimistically said just before Applejack removed herself from the joint call, shutting off her phone. The rooms energy, that for a second was a bit more lively with her friends presence, had went back to what it was before, quiet and still. 

Not wanting to pry but also wanting to cheer Rainbow up, she tried to talk to her again, "Do you want to watch something? We can watch an animated movie? Pixar always knows how to make you feel better," she spoke from recent observations. "I can microwave popcorn for us?"  

Dash allowed her gaze to move to her girlfriend, her soft expression acknowledging and being grateful for how hard she was trying, "Thanks AJ..." she paused before adding something else. "I think I'm alright now. I mean, it sucks, but these things are going to happen to us, whether we like it or not. About time we start getting used to it and knowing how to deal with it. Better than I did anyway," she spoke, letting out a singular breathy chuckle when thinking back on her now stupid actions that pulled her further into the mans whirling anger. 

"I wish we could just live the way we want to without worrying about jerks like him to come and ruin it," Applejack replied as she similarly shared the same idea, a part of her satisfied that Rainbow was talking to her in whole sentences now. 

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