chapter 58

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your guys's comments actually mean the world to be thank u so much i always get so excited and motivated to write more chapters when i see the comments roll up. I LOVE U ALL

okay now gay time


"I know I'm charming, but you don't have to fall for me," Timber uttered out as he caught Twilight who's weight on the unsuspecting weak dock crumbled under her. With her foot getting caught on the broken plank, her lack of coordination let herself fall, lucky enough to meet the arms of the other teenage camp manager. Sunset watched from the shore beside Flash, both equally torn at the scene unfolding infront of them. 

"Guess I can't get too jealous right? She's not my Twilight," Flash opened up to her when noticing her position next to him. "I mean! Not that the other Twilight was mine! Just that we know."

"Yeah, she's my Twilight," the other muttered under her breath, pulling a confused look from the guy as he craned his head to hear her better. "Um I mean, I get it. But hate to break it to you, your Twilight is a princess in Equestria, and she'll probably spend most of her time there," she diverted, slinging an arm around his shoulders which caused him to bend down slightly due to his taller height. 

"So you're saying I just need to get over her?" He highlighted, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand as if it was pushing away the blush that arose there when he glanced at the Timber attentive girl. 

"Pretty much yeah," Sunset replied, shrugging with an apologetic look on her face. 

"Ouch, you're not pulling any punches," he replied with a slight chuckle at the end of his sentence. 

She let a friendly fist drive a punch to his bicep, "Not really my style," as they shared a smile, a genuine one they hadn't had in ages since their break up after Sunset Shimmer got all the popularity she needed from him. It was comforting knowing they were beginning to smother over the past and mend a friendship that worked between them, despite them feeling the same way about one girl. 

"I'm going to go talk to her," Sunset spoke as she nodded goodbye to Flash, making her way to the dock and not really knowing if it was the greatest idea to force Twi away from this guy that's clearly interested in her. Considering her choices as she came closer, she heard Vice Principal Luna and Principal Celestia inspecting the new hole in the dock and deciding how large of a safety hazard this posed, also striding past Applejack and Rainbow who were conversing in a group with Fluttershy and Rarity. 

"Hey Twi, I was looking for you," Sunset called as she stepped carefully to go meet her, standing somewhat protectively infront of the girl and pushing her away from Timber. "The planks aren't so stable, let's go back to solid ground," she suggested as she intentionally dragged the girl away, Twilight waving Timber a quick goodbye as they walked around the missing wood. 

"This is a serious issue. I suggest we close down the dock for the remainder of the camp," Vice Principal Luna announced with a tone that acknowledged how unfortunate the event was. This expression was not well received amongst the cohort, spread groans and annoyed chitters were meeting the teachers ears, Rainbow being one of the loudest. 

"Awh I was so looking forward to all the water sports!" She sulked to Applejack like an unhappy child, crossing her arms over her chest and looking down, attention instantly turned to kicking a heart shaped pebble on the ground. 

"It's okay! It's okay! I'm sure we can get this patched up in no time! I've got this!" Gloriosa exclaimed with a panicked glaze over her eyes, her common phrase she seemed to keep repeating ending her statement. A moment of thought clouded over AJ's mind as she looked from Dash and back at the dock, a potential paradigm arising. 

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