chapter 39 - NSFW warning

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Applejack glanced at the girl before leveraging herself into her vehicle and climbing into the back seat, the other following her. Rainbow noted the smaller windows at the back with the larger panes taking up the front seat walls as she followed AJ, eyes staying glued to her as if guiding her movements. Once she slid herself towards the flat seats where AJ was sitting, awaiting the other, she immediately locked eyes with her, a siren-esque allure to her eyes. Instead of moving into the empty spot next to Applejack, she placed herself on her lap, one leg on each side of the girl already slightly manspread.   

NSFW WARNING: sex scene but specific terminology not used to make it more bearable LMAO

To continue where they left off outside, Dash pulled AJ's head back to give her better access to her lips, the girl letting her do so and carefully placing her hands on her hips. Not bothering to start slow, the girls made out roughly with their lips never unconnected, Applejack's lips on top of Rainbow's being able to focus on her upper lip as she could feel the other biting her lower one. Pressing Rainbow's hips down and letting her lower body writhe slowly on the girl, Dash wrapped her arms tightly around her, tugging on her hair painlessly yet the message that she was enjoying herself properly communicated. As their kissing became heavier, both feeling the others tongue slip inside their mouth in rotation, Applejack moved one hand to hold the girl's upper body as she lowered her so that her back was against the seat, Dash posing as the bottom. Feeling AJ do this, she let herself be laid down, eyes fluttering open occasionally to observe the other's movements. Applejack let one arm support herself as she held herself over the girl, the other finding its way to Dash's waist and drawing a line up her shirt, feeling her exposed skin underneath. Rainbow let out a pleasured sigh into their kiss as she felt the contact between her chest and AJ's hand, indicating she wanted her to keep going. 

Applejack pressed a final harsh kiss into the girl before pulling back, both of them opening their eyes, AJ to see Rainbow's face in a perplexed why-did-you-stop way, the girl's hand still under her shirt. 

PAUSE IN THE NSFW SCENE (for those tryna skip the sex stuff, read the next part)

"Dash why are you doing this."

Rainbow shifted her eyes away before blinking a few times, trying to spit an answer out. "I'm angry and stressed. Everything's a mess right now with the band and I really just..."


"I really need this right now AJ." 

"Are you just using me to get your frustration out?" Applejack confronted, letting her hand position move to somewhere more respectful and doubtful after speaking. 

Dash remained silent for a second before replying. "I'm not using you. I like you and you know that. " Her eyes softened as they connected with the others, AJ gaining some hope that they were going to be okay. 


Applejack nodded, as her gaze travelled back to the other's lips, resuming their previous actions and movements, a long-awaited desire being fulfilled. Rainbow raised a hand to pull at the girl's shirt, forcing them closer together as her hand ran up the back of AJ's upper thigh, passing the line that her skirt covered and grasping the surface which brought a small moan from the girls lips which became muffled in the kiss. To return the sensation, AJ let her hand resume its wandering, letting it change its movements to mould to Dash's body. As they became more physical and touched each other more, AJ decided to intensify Rainbow's wishes, breaking her kiss to the initial disappointment of the other, yet soon to be elevated with satisfaction as Applejack moved to kiss the girl's neck, Dash letting out breathy moans in response. She began to squirm underneath her in an effort to find any source of friction, hips rising and falling with each touch of AJ to her neck from her lips and hands to her chest. While the girl made her way down the collarbone, tightly connecting mouth to skin, leaving barely visible marks, Dash tilted her head down slightly to whisper to Applejack to imply she wanted more. 

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