AU: Hogwarts

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if u dont know hogwarts general stuff, slytherin is house of cunning and bad(basically) people, gryffindor is house of brave and courageous people, ravenclaw house of smart and funny people, and hufflepuff house of nice and hard working people 

so in this au, here are my headcanons specifically just for this fic, some not fully what i think theyd be in in actual scenario:

gryffindor: aj, sunset

slytherin: dash, spitfire, soarin 

ravenclaw: rarity, twilight

hufflepuff: fluttershy, pinkie

also theyre all like 18 in this


"Just keep it there Applejack, stop moving," Sunset ordered to her friend as AJ sat with a bag of ice pressed to the right of her forehead. 

"I hate them. They lose one game against us and send the bludger in my direction...typical," AJ muttered under her breath as she winced at the cold pinch of the disfigured cubes that had started to melt into a more malleable icepack. 

"We can kick their asses later," Sunset offered, ushering the girl over to a seat along the side of the outdoor hallway that the quidditch field led into so she could rest while minimising the pain. 

"Just beating them in this match was enough, and we'll be sure to cheer for ravenclaw when they verse them in two weeks," Applejack suggested as an alternative, raising her head to look up at her standing friend with raised eyebrows. While she was similarly hot-headed at times, she often took the more reasonable and better thought out approach when facing conflicts. 

This morning, Slytherin and Gryffindor competed against eachother in their usual quidditch matches that happened every few weeks or so depending on how whether it was a heavy exam season for the different year levels or not. This match, the more supported house claimed victory with their best chaser, Applejack, managing to throw the quaffle into the other teams highest ring, past the athletic Slytherin keeper who was distracted by the cheers from their house in the stands, and unfortunately let Gryffindor take the title for that game. The score finalised at 3-2 within the last 30 seconds, the seeker, Sunset, deciding there was no way she'd be able to find that pesky gold ball now, and simply flew over to her friend to congratulate her. 

Yet just when she caught sight of her and began to make a beeline over, the girl she observed was plummeted by one of the two heaviest balls used in this rough game and with only a few seconds to react to the physics defying magic, she could simply raise her forearms up in a final effort to defend herself as she crunched down. While the damage inflicted was not as bad as it could have been if she had not seen it coming, it still would leave a bruise and an eventual small scar across her eyebrow by the sharp edge of one of the rough ball surfaces. The one who had sent it? Most likely their captain, Spitfire, AJ's main competitor and, in her opinion, the best quidditch player on that field, besides herself of course, hence it would make perfect sense why she'd hit the mass over in an angered release due to losing. 

As a few cliques began to similarly file out through the hallway since there were still a few stragglers leaving the stands, both teams who were packing away their game items, additionally, took their sweat towels and brooms back to where they belonged and had to be stored during class times. With some friends acknowledging her injury, people she'd interacted with briefly in her herbology class, they'd ask the casual, "Are you okay?" and "Does it feel better now?" To which AJ would respond with 'yes' despite the agonising pain it even required to think about uttering a reply. 

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