chapter 79

455 19 24

im so excited for my next chap of this main story, got such a good appledash idea


"What?" Applejack asked as her body slowly rose into an upright seated position. She didn't fully wrap her head around the words being uttered from the pairs mouths. They're on a ship in the middle of the ocean, Dash can't have just vanished like their memories did some days ago. 

"She isn't in her room, and we couldn't find her on the deck," Sunset hurriedly explained as the ever so logical Rarity snatched Twilight's job and spoke more articulate facts. 

"Darlings, this is a massive boat, she could be anywhere. A public bathroom, the theatre, the gym, basically anywhere except for the two places you listed," She raised with an indicating eyebrow of how she did not believe them, her hand that was previously placed on the blonde's head travelling to her back lightly when she sat up. 

"Okay but..." Twilight began to speak, glancing over at Sunset for comfort as she suggested the worst possible scenario, their shared hypothesis, though it was not pretty. "We were looking for her on the deck, and we of the smaller floats was missing."

"Maybe they're just missing a raft?" Fluttershy offered as she explored other options for where Rainbow could be. 

"We thought that too, but then we considered how much she kept talking about there being magic here, and Twilight shared how Rainbow said she the water earlier. There is this big storm brewing not too far from here, and we worry that maybe Rainbow went into the storm on one of the rafts. Maybe she thought..." Sunset openly expressed her train of thought as she pieced the parts of the puzzle together for her friends. "Maybe she thought...after your fight..." She continued, looking over at Applejack who shared her paranoid expression, "That she had nothing to lose, and went into the storm anyway, thinking there was something paranormal beyond it."

If AJ were a porcelain doll, she could imagine her face would start to show imperfect cracks as her emotions fluctuated between placing the blame on herself yet also feeling frustration for the possible recklessness of her, hopefully still, girlfriend. "I...I did this," she heard herself confess as her eyebrows tilted inwards, "She wouldn't have run if I had just-"

"It's not your fault Applejack," Sunset cutting her off, herself of all people knowing what it was like to burden yourself with being the reason for others actions, "She left of her own accord." 

"But if I had just, talked to her properly, we wouldn't have argued and she wouldn't have left," AJ pushed as she rested her head in her palms that were now propped up on the table, her fingers just combing through the loose pieces of her hair. "I did this, I need to get her back." 

"We don't even know if she actually left the boat for sure?" Rarity slid in again, raising an important point before rash decisions were made. "How about we call her, if she doesn't pick up, we'll leave a voicemail she'll have to respond to."

After some agreements and nods, Twilight pulled out her mobile to contact the missing persons by tapping the phone icon in the corner of her contact name. The line rang once, twice, multiple times with no success, hence, leading to Twi having to concoct a direct, informational message that would give them the answer they needed. "Rainbow Dash, if you hear this, please call us back so we know if you're safe and still on the boat. If you do not reply soon, we'll assume you're no longer onboard and we will follow you into the storm." 

"She better make haste, I don't know what we'll do if she really drove a flimsy raft into those treacherous waters," Rarity exclaimed in dramatics and ancient language. "I just hope she's okay."

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