chapter 7

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"RUN GUYS RUN!" Gilda shouted at the group as they heard sirens approaching. They had no idea who called the police on them but they knew they had to get out of there. The athletes all started sprinting in different directions, subconsciously in pairs. Rainbow was terrified as she dashed out of the alley going as fast as her legs could take her. She heard Spitfire panting next to her. She was trying to keep up with Rainbows pace as they exited the school grounds and ran past a few restaurants.

"Dash...I think...we lost...them-" Spitfire started to heave out. But as she finished her sentence, police cars sped in from behind the girls and started driving towards them at an alarming speed.

"I don't think so!" Dash shouted, grabbing Spitfires arm and pulling her with her as they ran.

Outrunning a car was hard. Dash knew they couldn't stop. They couldn't go to juvenile. It would look terrible on their records. Not that Rainbows grades were anything to admire but still. Applejacks words flashed through Rainbows mind again, 'nothing risky...'

'Why didn't I just listen to her...she was right, she's always been right...' Dash scolded herself as they kept running. She didn't know where they were going, just anywhere away from the sirens.

The two girls ran down a long road, searching for any hiding places anywhere, hoping that the police would give up. Without realising how long they were running for, they slowly left the city. Rows and rows of houses followed the street, all lights turned off. 'It couldn't be that late already could it?' Rainbow wondered in a panic.

"DASH, I can't keep running!" Spitfire shouted out of breath.

"We can't let them get us!" Dash responded slowing down a bit to be able to speak to her, police car following close behind.

"It's just vandalism, i'm sure they won't punish us that badly right? We're just kids. I don't even know why they're still chasing us."


"Dash, I need to stop. You've always had better stamina, don't let them get you..."

"NO, WE CAN KEEP GOING. i don't even know where we are."

"Then come with me..."


"Keep running."

Spitfire started running slower and slower until she came into a walk. She bent down and put her hands on her knees, taking deep breaths in and out as if she had been suffocated. Rainbow watched in disbelief as her friend openly welcomed the police to take her. The car slowed down and a door opened, an officer stepped out and stared at the other teenager still running in the distance, and then turned to look at the exhausted girl infront of them.

"We got one." The officer reported into a communication device, followed by a radio scratching noise.

Spitfire was cuffed and got led to the backseat of the car. Before she was pushed in she took one last look down the road, trying to spot her friend, but smiled a little to see only dark road.

Dash had gotten away.


'Where the heck am I?' Dash thought, as her pace slowed into a speed walk.

The houses were getting fewer and fewer and there were no cars to be seen, only open grassland. She could turn back, but that would just make her more likely to get caught.

'I'll just wait here for a while then.'

Rainbow pulled her phone out of her pocket to check the time, or possibly call someone for help. But the button she pressed just resulted in a black screen.

"Shoot..." Her phone was dead.

Dash shoved it back in her pocket and started to walk around the open land. There was a cold breeze that blew all her hair back from her face. The fresh air comforted her in a way and made her feel slightly content, forgetting all the nights events. But that soft wind didn't last long. It started to pick up and grew stronger, dead grass flying all through the air, hitting Rainbow as it cut through the fields. It became colder and Dash started to shiver, burying her hands into her pockets for any warmth she could find.

Suddenly, she felt a drop of water on her nose. And then one on her shoulder, one on her cheek. Before she knew it, rain started pouring down, saturating the freezing teenager. Dash looked around frantically for any shelter. But she had gone so far out into the field she couldn't see any houses anymore.

'Could this day get any wors-" Her negative comment was interrupted by the sound of a car. Rainbow stiffened up, thinking it was the police again, and resumed a sporting stance getting ready to run aagin. But then she heard a voice.

"Rainbow what the hay are you doing out here??"


Dash turned sharply at the sound of her voice and saw a large red truck, frantic waving coming from the front seat.

"Rainbow get over here it's raining!"

Dash didn't waste a second before racing towards the other teenager, relieved to see a familiar face. Applejack slowly opened the door of the truck and snapped an umbrella open. She held it above her as she walked over to the back door, waiting for the girl to reach her.

"AJ!" Rainbow cried, slamming her body into Applejack and throwing her arms around the shocked girl.

"Be careful now, or you'll get us both wet." Applejack lectured her, however slowly realising Rainbows soaked clothing leaking onto her own. AJ sighed and clicked the back door open and pushed Dash off her, into the truck. She shut the door and went back to the front seat, entering the comforting warmth of the vehicle.

Applejack started the truck again and started driving further down the road.

"Dash what were you doing out here..." She asked as rain hitting the windshield rather loudly.

"I" Rainbow struggled to find an excuse for why she was in the middle of nowhere in the rain by herself.

"That Rainbow was you wasn't it...the one spray painted on the wall..." AJ questioned, still facing forward at the road as if there was something she could hit.

Dash slowly slid into the seat next to her so she could see Applejack properly as she responded. "I know you told me to stay safe...but I didn't listen. I'm sorry AJ. I didn't think we'd get caught."

Applejack remained silent trying to think of a response. There were so many ways she could respond to this. Not to mention she was still mad at her. 'Not now.' She told herself. She'll address that later.

"Are you okay?" She finally said.

"I think so? Just a bit...cold." Dash said, rubbing her hands up and down her arms to hear herself.

"You can stay at my house tonight. But we have more to talk about later." AJ replied. Her hands on the wheel slowly started to turn and the headlights shone on a red barn as they pulled into a garage.

"Thanks AJ..." 


sorry this one is short :") but after chapter 8, chapter 9 will be a long one!

-mj <:

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