chapter 12

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"No no no, this simply will not do," Rarity insulted as Twilight came out of the changing room in an orange dress. "Orange is NOT your colour, and I mean that in the best possible way darling." She continued, fluttering her eyelashes as she assessed. Twilight gave a small smile, "It's okay, it doesn't feel like is was the one anyway, I'll look for another." She responded truthfully, beginning to walk over to another rack of magenta dresses.

The little bell that was looming over the glass doors rang out across the room as two new people entered the store.

"Applejack, Rainbow! So glad you're here, I just picked out the perfect dresses for you!" Rarity hollered to her friends as they bumped into each other while entering. "Sorry," "Sorry," they apologised simultaneously. The two girls shuffled over slowly avoiding eye contact and maintaining equal distance. Rarity raised an eyebrow at them in question to why they were acting so weird. "Are you girls okay?" She asked. She formed a suspicion that something happened between the two but she wasn't completely sure. "Yup we're fine." Rainbow responded a little too quickly. Rarity let the scene brush over, headspace distorted by the dresses and her passion for fashion ignited once again. "Anyways! Here are the dresses! Aren't they just GORGEOUS?" Rarity exclaimed, eyes metaphorically turning to hearts as she picked up two coat hangers, dangling with fabrics.

AJ gawked at the dress her friend held towards her. "Thanks Rarity...but ah was kind of hoping for, you know, pants. Dresses ain't ma thing." Applejack replied gratefully but deniably.

"Please Applejack, trust me, this one is PERFECT!" Rarity pushed, slowly stretching out the arm that was holding her dress. "At least TRY it."

Silence followed as Applejack thought it over, frowning at the garment. "Fine...but only to humour ya." AJ replied grudgingly as she dragged her feet over to the empty changing room, stringing the curtain shut in one smooth motion.


Dash awkwardly stood in her place watching the exchange between Rarity and AJ before moving around and saying hi to her other friends.

"Hey Flutters," She said, looping an arm around the shoulders of her childhood friend.

"Oh, hey Rainbow." She replied smiling, jumping to the side a little at the sudden interaction. "What do you think of this dress?" She asked, swinging the fabrics around her body in a flowing motion. The dress was a delicate turquoise and yellow with little pink butterflies and bows on the shoulders, suiting her perfectly. Dash didn't have the best eye for fashion but considering how well it suited her and how much she seemed to love it she encouraged it. "It looks great, the butterflies match your hair."

"Oh they do don't they? I was thinking of getting this one, its my favourite so far. It feels the most, me, you know?" She replied, reading Rainbows mind.

Dash nodded. "You definitely should. You'll look so awesome." She complimented as a rosy glow spread across the others face.

"Well if you like it...I will get this one then!" She decided, looking up at Rainbow, eyes sparkling. Dash warmly smiled in return. She cared about Fluttershy particularly more than some of her other friends due to all they've been through together. She wouldn't hand out compliments and genuine smiles all the time, just for Fluttershy. Fluttershy is special. Dash was feeling particularly emotional in that moment due to what happened in the gym earlier and reached out to give Fluttershy a hug. It was random and impromptu but the smaller girl still hugged her back, head tucked just beneath Rainbows.

" okay?" Fluttershy asked, somewhat concerned. She knew this type of behaviour was odd for the egotistic athlete.

Dash thought for a second before replying, considering telling her what happened. "I'm alright, just felt like a hug." She responded half-truthfully, letting her hands rest upon the others shoulders.

"Okay..." Fluttershy softly replied, still unsure whether this was the truth of not, but she knew not to push it. "I'm here for you if you ever want to talk okay?"

"I know." Rainbow said consciously, giving Fluttershys shoulders a quick squeeze before dropping her limbs to her sides. As they broke contact, Applejack emerged.

"Rarity ah look ridiculous..." She called to her purple haired friend as she stepped out from behind the curtain in a denim dress with red apples and lace embroidered onto the rim.

Rarity stared awestruck at the dressed up girl infront of her, Rainbow doing the same. Dash inhaled deeply, sucking in all the air surrounding her as she tried to control and push down any emotions of attraction she felt that were rising at an alarming rate.

"No, Applejack, you look amazing!" Rarity cried, rushing over to the farmers side and inspecting the fit. "I knew this dress would be perfect on you, you simply MUST get it!" She continued as she looked AJ up and down multiple times.

"Are you sure? Ah feel silly...ah don't normally wear dresses"

"Then today you must start!"

Rainbow tossed ideas around in her head whether she should compliment her, insult her, ignore her, approach her. The previous eVeNtS made her mind scrabble and nothing was making sense. She turned her head to look at Fluttershy, kind and sweet, and decided to take a nicer approach.

"Yeah AJ, you look...really good." Dash commented, crossing her arms over her chest and eyed her 'friend.'

"Yeah you should wear dresses more often Applejack!" Pinkie chirped in, suddenly appearing from behind a clothes rack.

"I agree, denim works with your skin tone." Twilight added inquisitively, looking up from a ruffled dress she found.

After the series of compliments, Applejack started to believe what her friends were saying. " really think so?" She asked, turning to face Dash and staring her straight (HA as if she can do anything straight...SORRY) in the eyes as if her opinion was the only one that mattered.

"I do." Rainbow replied, nodding her head.

"Then...i'll wear this one." 

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