chapter 50

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in apology for being gone so long (travelling overseas) i gift u with two new LONGER chapters :) enjoy

Applejack sucked in a deep breathe of air as she pondered how to answer the inquisition. Flurries of varying thoughts passed through her mind as she considered why Fluttershy was asking these questions and what she would do with the response. The girl stared politely awaiting a response as the drive persisted silently, houses with darkened windows only lit by the murmurs of televisions could be seen passed by.

"Well err..."

Fluttershy shuffled closer, on the edge of her seat, ready to hear the statement that could advance or deny her future actions. Applejack noted how her and Rainbow had never truly confirmed what they were, girlfriends, more than friends, she herself didn't even know.

"Dash and I aren't dating exactly-..."

"Okay good! Because I wanted to tell you something." Fluttershy jumped in before AJ could finish. Upon hearing all she needed to, despite it not being the whole sentence, she let a confession slip to her friend.

"I-...go for it sugarcube." AJ replied with attempted calm in her voice, taking back her attempt to finish her response. There was an inkling of a feeling already knowing what she was about to say.

Fluttershy locked her hands together and gaze shifted down, taking nervous glances at the other.

"I've felt this way for a while and it's been hard to keep it a secret, so I feel I just need to get it out..."

A pause between the two.

"And maybe also get some help with it."

AJ nodded at her, looking at the nervous jumble of a girl in her peripherals.

"I like Rainbow, and it's been miserable knowing she probably doesn't feel the same way."

There it was, the reveal, the assumption proven true. Applejack knew she may speak of this yet she had not thought of what she would say when it did come out. Not wanting to invalidate Fluttershy or leave her in silence, she turned towards her, one hand still on the wheel, and lightly stroked her shoulder.

"Thank you for feeling you could tell me, I didn't know you were know."

A relieved sigh exited the girl as a smile grew upon feeling the warm contact to her upper body. "Yeah, I guess it just feels easier to tell you since I know you' know, the same."

"Anyone would be lucky to be with you Fluttershy, whether it be Dash or not. You're one of the kindest girls I know."

"Thanks Jackie. You're a good friend."

The last sentence stung like an open cut being brought to attention upon messing with salt or alcohol. AJ technically was with Dash, how would she help Fluttershy get closer to Rainbow while also not helping her, does she tell her the full truth, or should she let her move on after a while? Just sharing a smile in return, unsure of what to say that could shed light on any of the things that she was thinking, the truck loomed closer to Soarin's neighbourhood.

Pulling into the street that was lined with medium sized homes, stumbling teens could be seen on the pathways, tripping over themselves and laughing relentlessly. Acknowledging how they were all coming from one direction, the two could tell which home it was before they could even see the number plated on the mailbox. Applejack shook her head as she let the truck slide over to the side of the road, twisting the keys and stopping the engine as she encouraged Fluttershy to exit the vehicle. Climbing out of her own side, she shut the door and looked both ways across the street before skedaddling along beside the other.

An Inconvenient Attachment // Appledashजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें