AU: Tutoring Pt3

394 23 37

IM GONNA CRY, ONE OF MY FRIENDS FOUND MY ACCOUNT, so while i simmer in misery, i shall write and pray they dont see this


Once their agreement had been made, the pair sat in an awkward silence at first, not knowing if they were going to leap right into what they had decided upon or if they would 'bond,' a word Rainbow despised due to it's forceful feeling nature. 

Instead of utilising her notebook to attempt studying as Applejack suggested, she took her laptop out of her bag and placed it on the table infront of her as she sat back down, the seat still warm from before. As the base of it hit the plastic covered wood, AJ took her eyes off the girl and instead gazed down at the device which had a variety of stickers overlapping around the apple symbol in the middle, taking particular interest in one of the bands 'AC/DC' in black that was in the right corner. 

"You listen to them?" Applejack asked as she lifted her hand to point to the letters, letting her finger hover above the sticker as to not invade the girls space. Noticing her slight perking up at the question about one of her favourite musical artists, she shared an agreement excitedly. 

"Yeah, I try to play all the guitar solos in the songs," Rainbow spoke, "Do you know any of their music?" 

"Yeah, I had a phase when I was younger and thought I was so cool for listening to rock music, turns out I was just ignoring my true love for sappy pop songs, but some of their stuff I still know all the lyrics to," AJ exchanged an inkling into her past, "What guitar solo do you know best?" 

Dash loved this question, "The Back In Black solo that's lasts like...a whole damn minute, it's difficult but I felt awesome when I finally got it." 

"No way, that is so cool, what the hell. I'd always imagine myself being able to play the guitar when listening to it, but I have no musical talents, maybe you can show me one day," Applejack joked with a stupid charismatic smile Rainbow could tell was what caused girls to fall head over heels for her. "What's your favourite song to play?" She then inquired, causing Rainbow to feel strange due to the interrogatory manner of questions. 

"Why are you asking me so many questions?" She let her mind speak free, the creativeness on the right of her brain pondering her answer to the girls song specification. 

"Because that's what friends do? I'm interested in getting to know you, so I ask you questions," AJ told her, feeling as if she were teaching this girl about the basics of social skills. 

"That's weird. But, my favourite to play is T.N.T, it's a lot simpler than Back In Black, but it sounds so badass. Thunderstruck is cool too, but only when I get it right, it's fast paced so, I rarely nail it." 

Applejack felt a little bad, she didn't want to be too pushy, or too fanatical, or too much of anything to be honest. "I'm sorry, would you rather I didn't ask you questions?" 

"Why do you keep apologising, you didn't do anything wrong. Anyway, it's weird but, it's also nice, to be asked things. My best friend and I don't really talk about our past or our interests, we just talk about the now," Rainbow reassured her, suddenly finding herself oversharing about her life outside school, something she did with no one. 

Thinking back on Dash's answer now that she knew her overloading questions were accepted, her mind reflected on the speed of guitar chord changes in the songs the girl mentioned, regretfully finding her mind drift to how quick she'd have to be with her hands to perform such a song to perfection. 

An Inconvenient Attachment // AppledashTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon