chapter 59

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anyone wanna take a guess at what the wordcount for this whole story is rn?

i agonisingly added every chapter's word count up and it came to a grand total of 80,394, which is INSANE LMAO, including this chapter, it's 83,252!

also this is the longest chapter out of all 59 of them so far

also changed my pfp to dashie, just telling u incase u guys dont recognise me anymore HAHAH

anyway welcome back lets go gays


"The same colour family darlings! AHHHH" Rarity echoed, her dramatic screams sending through the forest and alarming the birds nesting in the trees to fly away startled. 

The group of students had eaten their dinner already and were asked to gather around the fire circle to eat s'mores and share spooky stories before sleeping, not the best idea. Rarity's story seemed to only be terrifying to her, the thought of burgundy and purple together in the same outfit sending her into a nerve racking state, yet others simply remained silent, Pinkie calmly continuing to eat her way through her fifth dessert cookie of the night. 

"Uh, that was a terrifying story," Applejack commented sarcastically to Rainbow, the two sharing a log. 

"Yeah, I'm terrified she'll try to tell it again," Dash whispered back which received a low chuckle from the other, pretending to scratch the corner of her moving mouth to hide their humorous exchange.

"Ahem, does anyone else have a scary story they'd like to share?" Vice Principal Luna cut in upon observing the unaffected reactions of the peers, peacefully continuing to put together the two crackers, a thin slab of chocolate and white marshmallow. 

"I have one," Timber announced, raising his hand with a certain look on his face that demonstrated this is not the first time he's shared this tale. "But I warn you, you may as well hug a friend now because that's how scary it is!" He continued, waving his hands in the air as if he were a ghost. Half the audience fell to his narrative reenactment, Fluttershy hugging onto Spike who was equally shivering as a conveniently timed caw from a crow could be heard above, yet some were immune to the scare factor. Rainbow eyed AJ from the corner of her sight to watch her reaction, it being similar to hers, unfazed. 

"It's about time I told you the legend, of Gaya Everfree," he opened, leaning down low as if it were a secret. 

"...she left a trail of gem dust in her grandparents...trespassing on her land...return to the forest..." 

The story felt like it was going on for a while, everyone getting more and more involved in the details of the spirit herself, distinctive qualities of tar black eyes, wild hair like the leaves of a tree, tangled roots exposed everywhere, Timber was getting the reactions he wanted. AJ wasn't fearful at all, generally being a tough person to crack. She was reputable around her friends for being the only one none of them had seen cry, as well as the only one able to sit through a horror movie without jumping one bit. Dash put up the act of being all tough, but deep down, at least in Applejack's eyes she was a scaredy cat. This assumption was to become apparent. 

"So if you see a trail of gem'll know, that it is, GAYA EVERFREE!" He finally concluded, yet as the called his last sentence across the crowd, a pair of pale blue eyes emerged from behind him from the darkness of the shadows, immediately causing everyone to let out a cochlea shattering screech, AJ the only one not joining that collective, her reaction made up of a smug glance at Dash as she felt the girl grab onto her arm and lean closer out of fright. 

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