chapter 15

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once again i am so sorry for not updating. i still love the fandom, just dying with no motivation. ill do my best. I've got big plans for our gay horse people. 


"C'mon y'all! The dance is gonna start soon!" Applejack called to the girls as she observed their movements turn from calm to rushed and frantic. Last makeup touches,  adjusting hair clips, refreshing curls, tying laces. 

Everyone except one was able to pull themselves together and stumble over to the door where Applejack was waiting. "Rarity we don't want to be late." She lectured as the girl continued to apply her pink lipstick as if she had all the time in the world. 

"Its fashionable to be late darling, and considering we all look so FABULOUS, it will be impactful indeed!" She sang, flashing a quick look at the cowgirl. 

"But Twilights running for princess of the fall formal, it would be ill-mannered if we were late." AJ pried further, trying to get their glamorous friend to budge. Rarity swatted her hand over at them as if saying, just-give-me-a-more-second, which was by followed a sigh from Applejack. She observed Rarity's process, carefully lining her lips with some pencil looking thing, dusting shimmery powder on her lids to compliment her eyes, curling her eyelashes with some metal mechanism. She did look 'fabulous' as she would say. Catching herself staring silently for uncomfortably long, she forced her head away, accidentally meeting the eyes of Dash. After Pinkie ambushed her hair and brushed out all the knots formed of sweat from soccer and strong winds flowing against her while she ran, she actually looked put together. Her hair wasn't as spikey with varied hair tip lengths as before, it looked softer and silkier. 'Pinkie must be really good with hair to make Rainbow look good,' AJ scoffed in her head, trying to push down any surfacing feelings she couldn't quite pinpoint. 

A scraping of the metal chair legs caught her attention and everyone silently celebrated as Rarity was finally finished with her makeup. 

"Finally, lets go!" Rainbow screeched, heading straight for the door as Fluttershy giggled softly, admiring Dash's unlikely punctuality.  Dash held the door open for the friend group as they exited the boutique, pairs of the girls clamouring together in excitement for tonights events. She could overhear Pinkie and Twilight talking about all the balloons she had set up and Twi boring the poor girl with her knowledge of helium and its low density characteristics. Rarity and Fluttershy then followed as they murmured about each others dresses and how they complimented their hair and personalities perfectly.

AJ lagged behind a bit as if she was waiting for something but eventually left the boutique behind her four friends. As she walked past Rainbow holding the door for her, she opened her mouth to offer a 'thank you,' the polite thing to do, but as she was about to extend short gratitude, Dash placed a hand on her lower back and pulled her through the door opening fully, letting the handle go behind her. AJ shifted her gaze to meet Rainbows and a wink was waiting for her, leaving her speechless. "You look good." She whispered, met with seduced silence from the other. Rainbow noticed the mute and observed the distance growing between them and the group from her peripherals. She decided to pursue further. "Lets not lose the others yeah Apples?" Dash said in a sultry tone, speeding up slightly in assumption Applejack would mimic. "...yeah..." AJ replied, uncertain with a slight lack of oxygen. It was not much, it was only a wink, her and Dash have done way more flirtatious things to each other before, so why did this time make her heart stop. Not wanting to make it obvious her translucent emotions were battling inside her, she followed Rainbow, stealing glances up and down her ex who just hit on her. She should have seen this coming, considering she sized her up in the gym when they were both vulnerable, chemistry marinating, she could have sensed Dash would do something slick to get into her head. Always a competition with her. 

They rejoined the group as they began to swiftly travel to the school down the road, pairs of girls coincidentally switching so that AJ and Dash weren't alone together. 


The formal was a big hit, everyone was on the dance floor, a flurry of colours contrasting the disco lights swamping the gym. Laughter was exchanged as they caught a glimpse of students forming a congo line and others performing a badly coordinated worm. Rarity was moving her hips to the beat, eyes closed, feeling the music as Fluttershy pulled out some 80's moves, smiling at Pinkie as she waved her arms around. Even Twilight was rolling her wrists and having fun, sandwiched between a shoulder bopping Rainbow Dash and a country skipping AJ. Soon the song ended and as the new one came on, a friendly dance battle broke out between Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, Sweetie Bell in the middle ready to judge a winner. As the girls expressed their own jigging style, Dash and Applejack exchanged glances, competition brewing in their psyche. As Scoot and Apple Bloom continued their match, competition grew and before either of the young girls were knighted a winner, Dash grabbed AJ's arm and pulled her away from them, a proposition escaping her lips. 

"Lets go AJ! You and me, I reckon I'm a much better dancer than you!" She snarkily accused, raising her eyebrows in a way that gave Applejack flashbacks to a more sensual time. Applejack knew she shouldn't, the formal is for everyone and as older students it's their responsibility to not be selfish. But...she also never turns down a challenge...and this would be a great opportunity to reassume charge.

"Alright Rainbow." She replied, rolling her eyes. Sneakily she walked over to her opponent, motives hidden, and whispered into her ear, attempting to catch the girl off guard. "Try not to take the loss too hard sugarcube." Her hand brushed along Dash's shoulders and barely swept the frozen girls lower spine before stepping away and initiating the battle. Whatever she thought that would do to Dash worked and immediately she had the upper hand. It's immature that shes doing this to try and win a stupid self-established dance competition, but for some reason it didn't feel totally wrong.

Dash felt excited hairs on the back of her neck prickle in contact with AJ's warm breath but still managed to pull herself together. Eyes focusing and narrowed at that who called her 'sugarcube,'  she watched as Applejack prepared to try to outdo her.  "Bring it on AJ." 

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