chapter 37

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Applejack looked up at Rainbow and took in a deep breath, head still aching slightly from the night before, feeling better since Pinkie had poured water down her throat that morning after finding out she was a lightweight.

"First off, Dash I really like you, I promise you I am not lying, you know I don't lie."

Rainbow rolled her eyes in response, "Explain what happened last night then." 

Slightly disheartened, but deserved, AJ continued. "At the beginning of the party, I went with Rarity to be friendly as she wanted me to go with her. I was planning on being purely platonic. When she gave me a drink I was not going to drink it, but then I thought of you and believed'd think I was more chilled out and likable if I was more laid back and reckless, like you are." She spoke sheepishly before continuing. "I didn't know I would knock out, I've never drunk strong alcohol before. Then, we were dancing, I understand why you may have interpreted that as flirting, but I swear nothing was happening. From what I remember I even drunkenly told her that you're the only one allowed to steal my hat when Rarity took it. She seemed surprised why I lashed out a little. When she fell I wasn't going to let her hit the ground when I could have done something about it, because I the end, she is our friend. And when we got pulled away to play that stupid game I didn't know how we got there, my vision was flashing back and forth at that point, I probably should have said something about how I didn't feel that great. Pinkie kissed someone and then it was my go. The bottle landed on Rarity but I swear I didn't know it was her. I was so tired Dash. I know it sounds like a pathetic excuse but I swear I thought she was you because of the shirt. It was the only thing I could identify. Since I thought it was you I thought you would be okay with it and you...Rarity, seemed eager to do it. I thought I was kissing you Dash, I swear by it, you can ask Rarity, I even accidentally told her I thought she was you. The poor girl seemed horrified and hurt but after that, everything went black." 

Rainbow stared at her, the parts of her story beginning to line up with the evidence Applejack was presenting her with. She very well could have questioned AJ's honesty but she did mostly believe her. If the girl was being truthful about one thing, it is that she hardly ever lies. She stayed silent as she considered the wave of thoughts in her head. Rarity's information made sense with AJ's story, just how did she not know she was kissing someone else? Dash tried to compare this to her experiences from ages ago when she'd drink excessively for fun, trying to think whether she could remember or see things clearly. No, she couldn't. 

"Dash I swear, everything that I did, I was too intoxicated to know what was happening. I should have stayed with you the whole night and not gone off with Rarity and I wouldn't have done anything stupid. I've been a real jackass recently and now I've made it worse. I'm so sorry." 

Dash was getting tired of their arguments and exhausted love-hate bond. She wanted Applejack. She knew she should deny it and that she should just stop and end it here, then things like this that affect her so much wouldn't keep happening and hurting her. 

"I need time to think AJ..." 

Applejack gave a slow nod, a devastated expression across her face. "I understand, I truly am sorry Dash." Rainbow stood slowly from the girl's bed and lowered an arm to grab her bag, swinging it over her shoulder, keeping her gaze on the ground as she did so. Applejack remained unmoving in her chair which was now facing an empty spot as a shaky breath exited her quietly, yet not soft enough for Dash to ignore. 

Rainbow stopped in her pursuit of the exit and listened to the girl continue to exhale air in sporadic patterns. Though AJ didn't intend for Rainbow to hear, keeping her emotional leakage to herself, Dash let out a sigh and placed her bag on the ground where she stood not far away and turned around, taking careful steps back over to the girl. Identifying Applejack's guilt, she lightly touched the girl to alert her of her reappearance and wrapped her arms around the girl's neck and head into a hug without thinking about it further. AJ leaned into the girl's lower body and a sniffle arose to meet Rainbow's ears. She could feel the girl pulling her closer, arms wrapping around her waist, expressing her apology physically. Rainbow took a second to think about what to do, never being the best at comfort and was still somewhat conflicted about the girl. Letting her desires take over, she let her hand slide down to the girl's jawline, placement symmetrical on her face and lifted her face, seeing two lines of tears draining from her eyes as her gaze shifted from Rainbow's waist to her magenta eyes. Dash looked back at her, both girls broken, and leaned forward to plant a small kiss on her forehead, forcing herself not to linger, and let her hands slide away immediately after, causing AJ to let her arms around the girl similarly fall loose. Going back to where her bag was settled, Applejack did not move as Rainbow picked up her items and made her way to the door. Realising she had never replied to the girl before, she let words slip from her mouth, soft spoken, as she stood in the frame before walking back down the hall and stairs. 

"I know."

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