chapter 10

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"I think it worked!" Fluttershy said giddily as the girls exited the cafeteria in a large group.

"I'm certain Twilight will get the votes no-..." Before Rarity finished her positive affirmation she was interrupted by Vice Principal Luna calmly calling to the girls from the other side of the hall.

"Twilight Sparkle, please follow me."

Twilights eyes widened in caution, she didn't remember doing anything wrong. She slowly walked towards Luna, her friends following but the Vice Principal held out a hand and stopped them.

"Twilight Sparkle, alone, please."

The girls stopped in their tracks and looked at eachother in alarm.

"Go on Twi, we'll wait for ya okay?" AJ reassured her. Twilight nodded slowly and with quivering legs followed across the hall and into an office. Before she entered the room she took one last look at her friends, fear and confusion plastered across her face.

"Twilight please come in." Another voice called from inside the office.

Principal Celestia.

"We have to talk to you about something regarding Sunset Shimmer."


"Poor thing, she looked terrified," Fluttershy commented as the girls crowded around a corner of the hall, meters away from the office.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Rainbow asked. "Do you think they're mad about what we did in the cafeteria?"

"Can't be that, otherwise we'd all be in there." Applejack responded to her, shrugging her shoulders.

"Maybe they figured out she's a princess from an entirely different dimension that travelled here using a portal she constructed with her best friends and came back to steal her crown that Sunset Shimmer stole from her which holds all the magic in the world." Pinkie suggested calmly as she twisted a loop of bubblegum pink hair around her finger.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow at her and shook her head smiling softly. "Oh Pinkie, you're so funny."

"What else could she be in trouble for, she hasn't been here for very long." Rarity asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"GUYS LOOK, she's coming out!" (of the closet...SORRY BAD JOKE OKAY ANYWAYS.) Pinkie exclaimed as the purple haired girl exited the office slowly and shut the door behind her quickly.

"What happ-"

"We need to go to the gym, NOW." Twilight said with authority.

Without questioning her, the girls followed in concern and worry as to what Twilight is in such a hurry to see.


"Sunset Shimmer did this?!"

"Oh Pinkie i'm so sorry, I know you put so much effort into the formal..." Twilight comforted her friend, who's volumous hair started to deflate as she lay eyes on the destroyed decorations that spent weeks to put up and plan.

Streamers were all tangled in garish clumps on the floor accompanying the popped balloons in sad plastic pieces scattered as thin as the confetti that has been stepped on and stained. The drinks had been thrown in the trash and tables flipped over, cutlery and napkins strewn along the ground in unorderly patterns.

The group stared in shock at the mess knowing it would be almost impossible to clean it up in time for the dance. Twilights mind started to race. If the gym isn't cleaned up by the dance then she'll never win, meaning Sunset Shimmer keeps the crown, giving her all that power to destroy both worlds. 'I can't let that happen.' Twilight promised herself.

She plastered on a fake encouragement and stood up confidently.

"We can still do this. There can still be a fall formal! We just need to work quickly and organise. We can do this, we are not quitters! We cannot let Sunset Shimmer win! And lucky for you, I have my checklist." Twilight said as she reached a hand into her pocket and pulling out little booklets of paper excitedly.

"Yeah Twilights right! We can do this." Dash called out, punching a fist in the air positively.

"Mmmm I dunno, it took Pinkie weeks to set this all up in the first place, how can we do it in one night?" Applejack murmured uncertainly, carrying her arms as if she was cold. She felt a arm wrap around her shoulders and pull her causing her to lose her balance. Rainbow pulled AJ to her side, letting the poor girl lean on her as she regained her stability. "Where is your can-do attitude AJ?" She said rolling her eyes sarcastically at the farmer. AJ huffed and pulled herself out of the blue girls grasp. "She left, long ago." She replied. (!anyone get the reference!) "Cmon AJ! We can do this, we'll all help!" Dash tried to convince her. All their friends were looking at them awaiting a response. She sighed and looked at Twilight. "Ya really think ya can do it?"

"Nothing me and my checklist can't do!" She said cheerfully, waving a pen around.

"Alright..." AJ finally agreed. Her eyes shifted over to Rainbow who was already looking at her, smiling. They held eye contact for a while before Dash broke it and spoke to the others. "Alright Twilight, tell us what to do."

"Okay! Here's what i'm gonna need..."


sorry this was written in such a rush and is too fast paced! but i gotta get the book moving along somehow AHHAHA

-mj :)

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