Chapter 47

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A lot of you won't like this chapter


Felix has been sitting on the chair for almost two hours now and has been able to listen to Hangyeol's chatter. The boy told Felix about his tragic childhood. How his father lost the entire company in a fire. How they lost all their money. How Hangyeol fell into deep depression due to the tragic loss of his parents. And how he grew up with his strict grandparents. Felix could actually just laugh. Unlike him, Hangyeol had it better. He didn't have a mother who faked her death and handed her child over to a cruel man who preyed on the child and abused him. He didn't have a crazy guy behind him that caused his best friend to kill himself in front of him. He doesn't suddenly have another sister that he barely knows. He didn't find love only to lose it because of rumors. He didn't stay silent for a year because no one believed him anymore.

It wasn't fair that Hangyeol portrayed himself as a victim and wanted to blame Felix for everything just because Felix dumped the boy without knowing it. Hangyeol didn't have a bad childhood... he had grandparents who loved him and gave him all the love and attention that he could no longer get from his parents. Even though they were strict, they loved him very much. He has the opportunity to remember great things with his parents that are not covered by a veil of deceit and lies.
Felix can never think about his past with his parents again because the only thing he sees is betrayal... lies... and a lack of love. Miyeon didn't love Felix enough. She left her seven-year-old son alone and Markus never loved his son. How will Felix ever be able to say that he had parents if neither of them ever behaved like parents towards him?

Yes, Miyeon helped Felix with Markus, but only because she felt guilty and not because she loves Felix. Yes, she took Olivia in, but only to ingratiate herself with Felix again to calm her guilty conscience. Nothinh that Miyeon did gave him any indication that she ever really loved Felix enough. Felix just can't forgive her. The pain is too great. Nothing could ever make up for this one.
Hangyeol may be trapped in his image of a depressed and black and white world, but he did this to himself. He never wanted to come to terms with of his parents death, so he took refuge in a world full of sadness and pain. But Felix, who never wanted to be there, was banished into the world and can no longer get out on his own.

Felix and Hangyeol are not the same. They don't share the same fate and they can't help each other either. Hangyeol can get out of his hole himself, but Felix will always be trapped in it. Unless the right person extends a helping hand. Just who is this person? Felix always thought he had seven... but they left him too. And if Felix were in their place, he would believe the victim first. Why? One could say that Felix has already had too much experience with rumors and therefore would not believe otherwise on principle. But also because the boys should know Felix. They know Felix would never do something like that. They should know that there must be a good explanation for the photos. But instead they are blinded by their pain and shock.

Felix looks at Hangyeol. The other boy is still talking. Felix doesn't even know what it's about anymore because he switched off at some point. He concentrates on his breathing. There's something in the air that makes him weak, but wouldn't that affect Hangyeol too. Felix tries to stay calm, but he notices how weak he is becoming. Suddenly he notices how quiet around him becomes. Hangyeol stopped talking. He now has an evil grin on his lips. Felix looks at him with questioning eyes. He tries to gasp for air in panic, but it feels like he can't breathe anymore. "It looks like the drug is working..." Hangyeol mumbles to himself. 'What drug...? When did he...?' Felix couldn't make sense of the situation. "When you entered the house earlier, you walked through an invisible gas cloud. So that I wasn't affected by it, I only had to leave you alone in the room for a few seconds. It was so easy... you're just too naive. "
You really have no sense of danger... like you do in the park," says Hangyeol and Felix's blood freezes again.

"You were just lying there... I could have taken you right there with me, but I wanted you to come to me. You are mine Felix. And I will make sure of it," he says, while Felix feels his eyes getting heavier become. "It'll only be a few seconds before you'll sleep for a few days. After that, no one can stop me. I'll go far away with you. No one will find you. We'll be able to be together forever Lixie," Hangyeol says and holds Felix's hands in his as he looks at the boy with love-filled eyes. 'Far away... for a long time... with someone who loves me... that's all I ever wanted... Jisung and the others don't want me anymore... maybe that's really my fate.. .' Felix's thoughts are no longer working properly. "You're already dizzy from the drug. Just let me do it. You'll be very happy afterward... I promise," Hangyeol speaks softly when he sees Felix no longer fighting him.


Felix hears someone calling for him. Or was that just his imagination. But Hangyeol seems to have heard it too as he suddenly stands up. "FELIX!" Once again... This time it sounded a lot like Jisung. He is here. Jisung and the others... they're here to save Felix. They didn't leave him. They came for him. Felix can't give up yet. He has to fight one last time. "Huh... HERE!!!" he shouts loudly. His voice sounds raspy and his throat feels very dry, but he can do it. "JISUNG!" he screams again, but suddenly he feels a pain in his stomach. "Shut up! They won't take you away from me. You're mine!" Hangyeol says angrily, but he can hear the other boys running closer and closer to the house and calling for Felix. And before Felix can say another word, Hangyeol wraps his hands around Felix's neck and squeezes tightly. "If I can't have you, then no one can..." says Hangyeol and strangles the boy.

Felix feels all the air leaving his body as he gasps in vain for air. He's really going to die... and it's because he hurt a boy years ago without realizing it. Is that really all Felix deserves? After years of fighting and enduring suffering, does it end like this? Felix's eyes become heavier and then the darkness reaches out to him. That's always what he wanted. Peace... Painless... Felix reaches for the hand, but before his fingertips can grasp the darkness, he is pulled back into the light. "Felix? You have to stay awake!" Jisung calls above him. Only now does Felix realize that he is lying on the floor and that it is no longer Hangyeol but Jisung and Hyunjin at his side. He looks into Jisung's eyes and can see tears.

"W-W-Why are you crying?" he asks. Jisung is a little surprised to hear Felix speak, but he's happy. "Because of you, you stupid..." Jisung says with a laugh. But Felix doesn't feel like laughing. "I-I'm cold..." says Felix and exhales shakily. "No, no, everything will be fine, you hear. We're here now. We'll help you," Hyunjin promises the boy, but Felix can't take it any longer. Now he's safe. His boyfriends... ex boyfriends are here now... that's all he needs. "T-Thank you," he says and then his eyes close.


The End!







No we are not at the end yet but there is not much happening anymore....
Let's just wait and see

Btw should I just post all parts today?

Hope you liked it!


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