Chapter 30

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So basically, the first part is just a quick reminder of what happened to Felix' mother...


"Mama?" the little boy calls through the house on his birthday as he comes back from buying cake with a grin on his face. He really wanted to show his mother the great cake that this nice aunty baked for him in the bakery. She even gave him a muffin as a little birthday present. When Felix ran into the kitchen, he didn't find anyone. But on the floor he saw the dishes, knives and pots lying around. It looked like a wild animal had run through the shelves and destroyed everything. But there was no sign of his mother. Felix ran behind the kitchen counter and saw the floor with blood. "Mom?"

Felix didn't have a good feeling about it and had to find his mother. He ran all over the house screaming for his mother, but he got no answer. The boy ran up the stairs loudly and with tears streaming down his face. He stormed every room hoping to find his mother. Felix could hear his father running into the house and screaming for his son, but Felix only had his mother on his mind. His father must have seen all the blood and destruction in the kitchen and thought someone had broken in. While he was calling the police, Felix saw a light on in the bathroom. Felix had a big grin again and thought that his mother just didn't hear him. But when he ran into the bathroom and opened the door, he stood frozen at the door.

Blood... There was blood everywhere. There in the tub everything was bloody. The ground... The water... His mother. Felix took a step towards his mother and looked at her. He still has the same empty eyes in his head. Her arms rested on the edge of the tub. He could see the blood still flowing from the open wounds, staining the outer wall of the tub red. Felix would never get that red out of his head again. Felix tries to wake her up, but didn't want to... couldn't touch her. "Mommy?" Felix asks quietly. His voice was broken. Nothing more than a whisper passed his lips. His mother had wet hair and her eyes... 'I thought they were closed?'... why were her eyes open?
They were staring at the boy, but at the same time not. It seems like they are seeing right through the boy.

"Mommy? Wake up... please," Felix whispered quietly, but he knew his mother wouldn't wake up... 'Why is she looking at me?'... Felix could see something yellow peeking through the bloody water. It was her favorite dress . She loved that dress. She always said it was as yellow as sun. She always called Felix her sunshine. His mother loved the sun... and the color yellow...
'Who is she looking at?'... Felix took a step towards his mother and dared to put his hand on her shoulder. "Mommy?" the boy tried to wake her up. He screamed louder and louder. At some point his father stormed into the room. He couldn't believe what he was there. But when he saw Felix next to the dead woman, he reacted quickly. He took Felix out of the room and locked the boy in his room.

Felix wanted to get out of the room. He banged on the door and begged his father to let him out, but nothing happened. At some point Felix got tired. He dropped to the floor and listened at the door. He could hear many people storming the house and running to the bathroom down the hall. He hadn't heard the sirens at first, but then his hearing seemed to come back. He didn't even notice how everything around him became silent. Felix stared at his bloody hands. His mother was dead... 'Maybe she wasn't dead after all?'... so much blood. Felix thought that he would never be able to see blood again. His mother was dead. Or...?


Felix woke up with a severe headache. He noticed how his face felt wet. He wiped his face with his hand and realized he had been crying. "Ah... you're awake," a boy said as he opened the door. It was Minho. "I brought you something to drink... You must have had a nightmare," Minho remarked, wiping the remaining tears from Felix's face with his thumb. Felix just nodded slightly. Felix picked up the water and took a long sip. He was very grateful for the water. His throat felt very dry. As if he had been screaming for days. "I know this isn't the right time, but I got this from the woman you saw in the park," Minho says and immediately Felix sits frozen. Minho raises the card to Felix and the boy passes it through.

Muted // Felix-centricWhere stories live. Discover now