Chapter 43

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Before I start...
I am currently working on another Felix-centric Book and I am curious if you would like to have the first chapter as a sample reading.

Let me know in the comments ♡'・ᴗ・'♡


Felix walks through the park with his suitcase and looks for a bench to sleep on for the time being. He has been walking for at least 30 minutes and he is so tired. On top of that, he has a headache from crying so much. He can hardly see anything through his eyes as the tears are blurring his vision and then there is the severe tiredness, which is making him weaker and weaker. All he wants to do is lie down and sleep. If he doesn't find a place to sleep soon, he will pass out. He can feel his strength dwindling with every step he takes and the worst thing about it all is... Nobody cares. No one looks for Felix or worries about him. Once again he is all alone...

Finally, the boy finds a bench and heads straight for it. He sits down on it and breathes out a sigh of relief. 'Finally...' Felix feels his body relax. Unfortunately, this also causes his eyes to get heavier and heavier. But before he can go to sleep, his cell phone rings and he immediately takes it out of his pocket. He hopes it's one of the boys, but it's his mother. He's not disappointed, but it doesn't exactly put a smile on his face either. He opens the chat and reads through the message.

Hey, have you talked to the boys yet? Are they angry with you?

She's worried about Felix without knowing what's happened. Felix has treated her coldly over the last few days and has barely engaged in a conversation with her. What's more, he has more or less used her for his plan, just because he was too cowardly to open his stupid mouth.

They kicked me out

His message sounds as if he doesn't care and as if he was already expecting it, but he's sitting in the park. In the middle of the night. It's cold and he's freezing. No one cares about him and the whole world just hates him. He doesn't care. He really hoped to finally find happiness with the boys. It was all so great. He had gained another sister. His mother is back, even if he can't quite forgive her yet. He'd gained seven amazing boyfriends. Olivia was finally safe and his father had finally gotten his just deserts. It was all so good... But now he feels like he's back to square one.

Where are you?
Felix answer me!!!

He hasn't even noticed that his mother has called and texted him several times. He's too tired. He tries to write to her that he is in the park, but he can't send her more than a 'P'. Then his eyes close and everything goes dark. His cell phone falls out of his hand and crashes to the ground. No cell phone... No help... How could it have come to this?


Listening in the dark of night, danger... while the shadows of uncertainty lie deep over the surroundings and every sound holds a hint of mystery. In this silence, hidden threats may emerge, but their presence remains enigmatic and challenges the senses to be on high alert. In these nocturnal moments, the darkness weaves tales of uncertainty, and the rustling of the leaves becomes a faint whisper of secret adventures. Every step is accompanied by uncertainty, as if the darkness itself is weaving an invisible web of tension. The moon, a solitary witness in the sky, reveals only a fraction of the mystery, leaving the rest hidden in the shadows.

It is so easy to hide in the dark, and so was the person who had not been able to rest for days. The leaves rustled softly under the footsteps of the mysterious person approaching from the darkness of the park. The streetlights cast a dim light that illuminated only part of the path, and so the figure seemed to dance in the shadows as it approached Felix on the bench. Their footsteps were quiet, almost like a breeze blowing through the treetops. Wrapped in a weathered cloak, the person seemed to gain more contour with every step. The face remained hidden in the semi-darkness, pulled deep into the face by a hoodie. Only a faint play of light dimly revealed the outline of a strange face.

The person finally reached the bench on which Felix was lying motionless. There was a moment of silence in the air, broken only by the soft rustling of the leaves. Slowly, the figure tilted its head as if studying the scene. The eyes, hidden in the shadows, betrayed nothing of the thoughts behind them. A cold breeze blew through the park and the person raised their eyes. The cloak fluttered slightly, and for a moment it seemed as if they was melting into the shadows. Then they lifted their hand and gently touched Felix's forehead. A soft murmur that sounded like a forgotten prayer escaped the stranger's lips.

'We'll see each other again soon enough... Lixie...'

The shattered screen of the cell phone gleamed in the faint light. The shadow lingered for a moment, as if they sensed an invisible connection between themself and Felix. Then, as unexpectedly as it had come, it dissolved back into the shadows and disappeared silently into the darkness of the park.


When Felix regained consciousness, he was lying comfortably in a bed that seemed strange to him. He is in a room that is wallpapered in pink. He is lying in a bed filled with lots of cuddly toys.
'Have I been kidnapped?' Felix asks in amazement as he sits up and lifts his head. it still hurts.
'I think I'm going to be sick,' he remarks and indeed he feels very weak. But where is Felix? Suddenly the door opens and a familiar face greets him with a broad smile. 'Olivia,' he wonders in amazement as he embraces his little sister in tears. "You're finally awake. Miyeon already said you'd be better soon, but you scared me so much",  she says, burying her face in her brother's chest. Felix hugs his sister tighter and buries his face in his sister's hair.

'So Miyeon found me..' he breathes out in relief. "Miyeon just went shopping, but Sungjin and Rachel are here. Wait, I'll get them quickly," Olivia calls out and disappears from the room. Felix falls back into bed and breathes out a sigh of relief again. He knows he was easy prey for psychos out there. He is so relieved... Suddenly he hears a rustling from his trouser pocket. He reaches in and pulls out a piece of paper. 'It's not mine,' Felix notices and opens the folded letter. 'A message...'

'Hello Lixie... You won't know me anymore, but I know you. I've been waiting years to finally see you again. I've been waiting days... weeks... no, months, making the perfect plan to finally have you with me. But then you have to meet these good-for-nothings and move in with them immediately. Do you know how hard it was to get to them? Well, now I've done it and you're alone again. But don't worry, not for long.
I'll be expecting you. Come to ****** Street on Sunday at 8pm sharp and you'll finally find out the truth about Jinyoung... Wooyoung... your father and all the other people in your life who have hurt you. I'm the one who can give you all the answers, so don't do anything stupid.... otherwise your little Olivia won't live to see the next day...'

Attached is a photo of Olivia playing in the garden of Miyeon's house.... Whoever this person is, is serious. This person knows things that Felix has wanted an answer to for years. But this person can't be trusted. Somehow he got to Felix without anyone noticing. Somehow he knows Felix. Somehow he knows where Olivia lives and they threatened her. He's in danger and so is Olivia... Just because of this unknown person. It's time to finally put the whole thing to rest... Felix looks at Olivia's technical watch and sees that today is Sunday... 'Funny, yesterday was Wednesday...?' He still has four hours to prepare for the meeting... But what exactly is he preparing for? Who is he meeting? Once again, Felix knows nothing and runs straight to his safe end...
'Maybe the time has finally come...'


The end is near...

Hope you liked it!


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