Chapter 25

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To celebrate International Fanworks Day and Valentine's Day I'm giving you a chapter today.
(International Fanworks Day is an annual event on February 15th celebrating and promoting fanworks of all kinds).

I also hope you had a better Valentine's Day then me. Mine was horrible...

Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Hyung, do we still have some cocoa powder?" someone shouted from the kitchen. "I don't know, have you looked in the cupboard above the sink yet?" the older man shouted back. They could hear someone opening a cupboard door and moving the contents in all directions and then closing it again with a disappointed sigh.
"I can't find anything," the voice calls back sadly. The older man gets up and goes into the kitchen, where he is greeted by a huge cloud of flour. The poor man has to cough hard and blows the remains away from his face.
"Felix, what have you done? It looks like a bomb went off here," the boy said, still coughing. But it wasn't Felix' fault. He was just standing in his place, in front of a half-finished brownie batter and had an innocent puppy look on his face.

"Minho, that wasn't Felix. I accidentally slipped the flour packet out of my hand and dropped it on the floor. But I'll clean it up straight away. But first we need cocoa powder, otherwise Lixie won't be able to finish baking his brownies," apologizes Jeongin, who continues to search frantically for cocoa powder. Minho just shakes his head and then sighs audibly.
"If you haven't found any by now, then we probably won't have any left. After all, Lixie has been baking for the last few days straight. So I'm not surprised that one ingredient is running out," says Minho, trying to stop Jeongin from turning the entire kitchen upside down.
"But I want Lixie's brownies... No, I need them!" exclaims Jeongin, looking like a druggie addict.
"Okay, I think you need a break. This flour dust isn't just clouding your vision, it's clouding your brain too. Lixie and I will take care of the brownies and you make sure you calm down first and then clean up this mess," Minho says seriously and shoos the alpha out of the kitchen.

"So what are we going to do with you now?" asks Minho, looking at Felix, but his gaze is more focused on the unfinished dough in front of Felix. Felix immediately takes his cell phone out of his pocket and types something into it.
'We could go shopping...'
The question sounds so logical and insignificant, but Felix hasn't left the house since he got back from his short trip home. That must have been almost two weeks ago...

It wasn't that the others forbade Felix to leave the house. They only ADVISED him to stay in the house. The secret intention, however, was not to lose sight of Felix and repeat the same incident as two weeks ago or for him to get lost. They had only just got Felix back and he had allowed them to court him, so the pack didn't want to lose him again.
Minho looked at the boy with questioning eyes and you could see the uncertainty on Felix's face, but Minho also knew that they couldn't keep Felix locked up forever.
"Okay, get your shoes on. I'll quickly tell Chan and then we can go," says Minho and immediately a broadly grinning Felix runs from the kitchen to the shoe rack and frantically puts on his shoes.

Felix really likes the boys and appreciates their care. After all, it's been a long time since anyone has looked after him as much as they do. But Felix also needs a bit of space and needs to get out of the house again.
When Minho returns, he is not alone. Chan is behind him and stops right in front of Felix. Felix looks at Chan with a broad smile and it not only makes Chan's heart melt, but Minho's too.
"Minho told me you wanted to go shopping so you could bake our baby Alpha some brownies," Chan says to the boy, adjusting the jacket on Felix's shoulders. Felix just nods and lets Chan do it. "Okay, please take care of yourself and don't lose sight of Minho," Chan asks the boy, as the leader is not entirely comfortable with this, but he also knows that he can't keep Felix locked up forever.

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