Chapter 4

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"Hey baby, you gotta get up. Today is a big day for you," the mother says to her son. "What?" asks a sleepy boy who is not quite awake yet. "You have to get up. We're going to visit your grandma today," says the mother and her son's big, innocent eyes immediately widen. "Haha, I knew you'd wake up with that," she says and starts petting his son's hair. "Come on, we have to go, your grandmother won't wait forever for you either. She has something big planned for you today," says the mother and lifts her son up to get him ready. "What? What's Granny up to?" the boy asks with a big grin on his face. "I don't know, but she said it was a surprise, so we have to hurry," says the mother, putting her son's shoes on.
"Are you and daddy coming too?" the son asks with an expectant look, but the son can suddenly see sadness and pain in his mother's eyes and that is a rare sight for him. "I'm sorry, little one. Your father is not at home and doesn't come home until very late. And I have to go to the doctor today. But I'll pick you up after dinner this evening and then we'll finally finish reading your favorite book," says the mother and then picks up her son and gives him a smile. "Okay?" the mother asks and her son nods happily and cuddles then to his mother's chest.


"Mom...", Felix whispers to himself as he turns around on the floor. After reading the message from his father yesterday, he didn't get up from the floor and fell asleep there because of emotional exhaustion. But when Felix opens his eyes and tries to remember what happened, he realizes that it was a terrible mistake not to go to bed. His whole back hurts and his head is just pounding with a headache. Felix looks at the clock and notices that he still has two more hours until class starts. Felix starts to toy with the idea of ​​not going to school today, but unfortunately he has to, otherwise his perfect record will go down the drain and that would only raise questions that Felix doesn't yet feel ready to answer. Unfortunately, Felix has always been seen as the perfect student and although this only stresses him out more, Felix used to need this as a kind of distraction from everything else.

So Felix gets up and goes into the bathroom to look at himself. His dark circles under his eyes are darker than usual, even though he's gotten enough sleep. His eyes are also still very red and puffy from crying so much, but he doesn't feel like putting on makeup. So he just combs his hair over his face and puts on his black mask. Then he looks in the mirror one last time, but nothing good comes out of it other than a loud sigh. So he just goes into the kitchen and looks for something to eat, but there's hardly anything left.
'I have to go shopping today,' he thinks to himself and sighs again. Although he has enough money to support himself and still save for his future plans, it still hurts. He has never had to fend for himself. His sister and father were always there, even if he wasn't much help, but he still loved his father... somehow.

Felix simply packs his bag and leaves the house. He walks to school and doesn't even think about the steps that automatically take him to Olivia's former kindergarten. It hurts to see how used to his everyday life he was and would have done anything for Liv, but now...
Felix stops in front of the kindergarten for a few minutes and looks at the colorful facade. He still remembers taking Olivia to kindergarten for the first time. It was a warm summer day and she was wearing her favorite dress. A pink princess dress with a white bow on her back and her pink glitter shoes. Felix was holding her Disney bag and had to hold her too when she started crying because she was scared. She didn't want to go to kindergarten without Felix, but Felix had to go to school, but he still risked carrying her inside. But as soon as they were through the door, Liv was completely different. She saw all the colorful pictures on the walls and all the toys on the floor and all she wanted to do was play. Felix was happy that Liv liked it and could go to school with a clear conscience.

Muted // Felix-centricWhere stories live. Discover now