Chapter 6

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I know it's not Friday, but I finished earlier and asked for it, so here you go ♡!


"You are a disgrace to me!! How could I have a son like that? Why can't you be like your sister?!" his father shouts at him. The boy was getting worse with every second. His father has never reacted like that before. Yes, he got physical from time to time and kept shouting at him, but like that? That's never happened before.
The boy was huddled in the corner, his legs pulled up to his chest and his arms raised in front of his face.
"You're such a wimp. You can't even protect yourself. How are you going to go out into the world alone? Everyone will just laugh at you and take advantage of you. You're like a little bitch!" the man continues to shout at him , as he throws his half-empty beer bottle at the wall above the boy. The bottle shatters into several pieces and bursts directly over Felix's head. Luckily nothing hit him, but a small whimper still left his lips.
"Huh? You like that, don't you? If I call you a bitch and treat you so hard? Answer me, you bitch!" the man continues to shout and harshly takes the boy's chin in his fingers and forces him to look at the man.
"You're nothing but a slut. Are you proud of yourself, huh? Are you proud of being so puny? Jessica gave me a great son," he says, giving the boy one last blow to the head. The boy immediately lost consciousness and the father only walked away with one last laugh, leaving the motionless boy lying on the floor in beer, glass shards and his own blood.


"I'm here Felix! I promise you. I'll listen to you," Minho assures him as Felix begins to shake. The memories of his past hurt him a lot, but what hurts him even more is how true the words are. He never wanted to believe them and always told himself that it was just the alcohol which made his father talk like that, but he once heard his former best friend say, "The words of a drunk are the most honest you'll ever hear from that person."
Jinyoung didn't mean Felix's father but his own, which he said to Felix at the time. Jinyoung actually wanted Felix to listen to him, but instead his thoughts wandered to his father's words and everything only got worse.

Felix took his cell phone out of his pocket and typed hesitantly on his keyboard with shaking fingers. Minho waits eagerly for what the boy has to say to him, but when Felix turned his phone over and showed the words to Minho, he didn't understand them.
'Drunk people always tell the truth!'
What was that supposed to mean? Does Felix want to drink alcohol? How does the boy come up with these words?
"I'm sorry Felix, but I don't quite understand what you mean. Could you be a little more specific?" Minho asks, but Felix just shakes his head. He has already given too much away. They can get so much out of this sentence, but Felix isn't stupid either. Of course he knew that he was speaking to Minho in riddles. He wants to open up, but he's still afraid. Plus, he doesn't know the boys good enough to simply reveal his entire life story. If they really want to be his friends as you claim and really want to help him, then they first have to prove themselves and show that they are serious.

"Okay, that's fine. I said that I would accept any answer, even if they were like a riddle. I accept it gratefully. I am very proud of you Felix. I know how difficult it is to open up to strangers who suddenly impose themselves and are completely new to the school. I will never forget these words and I promise you that one day I will understand them," Minho says and Felix can hear the honesty and seriousness in his voice. Felix's eyes widen as he was not expecting such warm and loving words. He thought that the boy would get angry. That Minho would yell at him and wonder if all this effort was really worth it, but Minho showed no remorse or anger. Minho was grateful and proud. Someone was actually proud of Felix for once... After all these years, someone told him that he was proud of Felix.

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