Chapter 7

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"Good morning baby, happy seventh birthday!" the mother calls happily and hugs her son tightly. "Thank you mom. I'm finally seven years old. Now I'm a big boy," the boy calls out with a proud grin on his face and the mother can't help but smile and nod at him. "Yes, you are. My little baby has now become a big boy," she says. If the boy were just a few centimeters taller, he would be able to see the slight tears in his mother's eyes that she is desperately trying to suppress. "Baby, I have something for you," the mother then says and the boy sees his mother expectantly. "Here, this is a small box. And a letter for you. Happy birthday, my darling," his mother says and gives him a big kiss on the forehead. The boy giggles and takes the box in his hands. "But you can't open it now. Your father is already waiting for you downstairs. You have to pick up your cake from the bakery," says the mother and takes the box from the boy's hands and places it on her son's bed. "Oh yes. I'm really looking forward to the cake. Come on, Mom, I have to get ready," her son says happily and pushes his mother out of the room so he can get dressed. The mother just laughs and finds her son's reaction amusing. "Okay, okay, okay I'm going already. I'm waiting for you downstairs with your father, so don't take too long," calls the mother through the suddenly closed door. She just shakes her head, but the tears immediately come back to her eyes. She sighs loudly and then goes after him downstairs, where her husband is already waiting for their son. "He's coming right away," says the mother dryly and in a cold voice. "O-Okay," the father simply says and looks at the floor in shame. "I'm ready." , the boy shouts from above and runs down the stairs. "Come on dad, we have to go," the boy shouts and quickly puts on his shoes. "I'm coming," calls the father with a broad and honest smile on his face . Before the boy storms out of the house and into the car, his mother takes him in her arms again, as if it were the last hug. "I love you, my angel. And I will always protect you, always," she whispers to her son, who just gives his mother a confused look and tilts his head slightly to the side. "I love you too, mom, but we'll be back in a few minutes," the boy says to his Mother and the mother smiles.
"Of course. See you then, angel," she says and lets her son run free, who immediately rushes to the car. The father stands at the exit and gives his wife one last unsettled look. "See you soon, darling," he says, hoping for a happy answer , but he can see the sadness and pain in her eyes.
"Bye... Markus," she just says and then locks the door, but can still hear the sad sigh in her husband's voice. After the door is locked, she lets herself fall to the floor. She pulls her legs to her chest and cries into her arms.

'Farewell, my little Lixie!'


Felix rolls uncomfortably on the soft surface. He can see the dark memories in his mind's eye and he doesn't like what he sees. All these dark memories... this pain... It hurts. Everything hurts. All he wants to do is see darkness... forever, but instead he sees these colorful images in front of him. They are all filled with different emotions. Hate... sadness... anger... love... joy...
All at once... it's too much for Felix. He immediately shoots up and is sitting straight on the... bed? Why is he lying in a bed? He doesn't remember going to bed, let alone going home. But then he realizes that it's not his room. The room seems almost empty. There is a window with a view of a forest. There is a desk in the left corner and a chest of drawers on the right. Otherwise there is only the bed in the room. Everything is kept simple and modern. But Felix still doesn't know where he is. He tries to remember.
What did happened yesterday or is it still today?

He remembers being in the cafeteria with the new boys but then having a panic attack. Someone was following him... Who was it again? Minho, the attentive one...
He helped Felix to calm down. Felix even wanted to open up to him, but then didn't because he barely knows Minho. He remembers getting tired and then everything was just like a blurry dream to him. He remembers hearing several voices and someone picking him up. After that everything was just black. He doesn't know who took him or where he was taken. He just hopes that Minho didn't leave him alone. The boy trusts someone else and then he is kidnapped... Or was it Minho? Did Minho take him home and put him in his bed? But why would his room look so empty and impersonal? That does not make sense...

Muted // Felix-centricDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora