Chapter 38

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More unexpected stuff is happening and it will never end...

Also please don't forget that this is an omegavers book.... it will be important for future chapters...


'It's not your fault... my father... he... he raped me when I was 12... the kiss reminded me of that... but it wasn't your fault at all.'

The boys just didn't want to believe it. They couldn't believe it. Felix's own father is said to have not only been violent towards his son, but also raped him? How can a father do something like that to his own son? Felix sees the frustration and lack of understanding, as well as the anger and the bubbling hatred. But he wasn't ready to talk to the boys about it now. He would prefer to never talk about it or think about it again. So he tries to completely distract the boys from the topic.

'Everything is good. I'm here now... with you. And I want to feel better and that's why I'm asking you... would you help me to speak again?' he asks, holding out the piece of paper with an innocent look. The boys are of course immediately positively surprised. The last time they discussed Felix's attempts to talk, it ended in ignoring him for several days. "Of course Felix. We'll find you a therapist first thing in the morning. Don't worry, he'll just help you solve your blockage. And if you want, one of us can always accompany you," Minho promises the boy and Felix nods in agreement. Of course, the idea of ​​talking about his life with a stranger scared him, but if one of his boyfriends was there, he could do anything.

"Come on, we have one last surprise for you," Chan said, taking the boy's hand. They got into a van and then drove to the park. As they walked through the park, Felix noticed the picnic area. A sparkle immediately lit up in Felix's eyes.
"We thought what would make the perfect birthday even more perfect...?" Changbin asked. "A picnic under the stars!" yelled Jeongin, who was already sitting on the blanket and treating himself to chocolate strawberries. The others just laughed and then sat down next to him. Felix made himself comfortable and stared at the sky. He still remembers how he always did that to Olivia when she asked about her mother again.
'I hope you are doing well...'

At that exact moment someone comes running towards Felix and the others. The person hugs Felix's back and the boy is of course shocked and overwhelmed. He doesn't know what to do. The others don't seem to understand what's just happening either. But when Felix hears the person laughing, he recognizes the innocent laughter of a child.
'Liv?', Felix immediately turned to his sister and looked her directly in the eyes. Olivia had a big, happy smile on her lips, while Felix still had his eyes wide open and didn't want to understand that his little sister was standing in front of his eyes. One thing Felix and Olivia learned was sign language. But it was just so the two of them could talk better. Olivia never questioned Felix's decision to be silent. Well, she was only in her early threes.

'I can't believe I see you here!' Olivia says to her brother with her hands. 'What are you doing here?' asked Felix, shocked. If Olivia is here, that means his father is here too...
'Mum and Dad had to pick up some things from the house and when they saw you weren't there they decided to stay for a few nights,' exclaims Olivia happily. Felix's father really doesn't want to see his own son anymore, even though he was the monster...
'But what are you doing here? In the park? Where is... Dad? It's 1 a.m....' Felix asks confused as he looks at the clock.
'He doesn't know I'm here. They're not exactly the most attentive parents. Mum and Dad go out every evening and sometimes don't come home until the afternoon and then disappear again four hours later. But I'm already a big girl. I get up alone... make myself breakfast and then go to preschool,' she says proudly and Felix is ​​also proud of his sis.

But he is also very angry. His father leaves his... 5 year old daughter all alone for hours?! Felix knew that Janice hadn't meant it seriously, but he didn't expect it to be so bad. 'You'd better go home. Dad could stil get mad at you. We can meet again another time,' says Felix. Olivia immediately loses her smile. 'But I missed you so much. I don't want to go to Mom and Dad without you. You're my brother... I need you.' This breaks Felix's heart. He would love nothing more than to go back with Olivia, but he knows that's not possible. He has a new home now and he's not ready to talk to his dad yet. 'I'm sorry Liv. But we can arrange a time for tomorrow and then we'll meet here again. Then we spend the whole day together, how does that sound?'

'OK. 10 a.m. here tomorrow morning,' says Olivia full of confidence and sticks out her little finger. Felix has to smile, but hooks his little finger into hers. 'Promised! But now go home. Otherwise you'll be too tired tomorrow,' he says, trying to shoo Olivia home, but she gives him one last puppy look and Felix can't help but swing his arms around his little sister. He missed her so much. She was the first person after his mum who meant more to him than the world. It's good to see her again. He just hopes that going on a date with her wasn't a mistake.
After a few minutes they break the hug and Olivia runs home, but doesn't forget to wave again and again. While Felix watches his sister leave and misses her again, someone next to him clears their throat.

'Oh...' Felix had completely forgotten about the boys. What do they think now? “Um... who was that?” Seungmin asks after an awkwardly silent minute. Felix immediately grabbed a pen and paper. 'She's my sister... the little girl I brought to kindergarten in the morning', he explained, and that seemed to be enough of an explanation for the boys, as they all immediately made an 'Ahhh...' sound and nodded.
"Okay, should we go home then?" Minho asks and stood up.
"I think it's for the best. It's already late," Chan said and also stood up. The others naturally followed their leader, only Felix was a little hesitant. Somehow it felt like it was his fault that the date suddenly ended.
"Come on Lixie, I need a cuddle partner tonight," Jisung said and offered his hand to the boy, who of course immediately accepted it.

The way home was quiet. Felix became more and more tired and the others talked to me in pairs in whispers. It was actually late and Felix hadn't even noticed.
When they arrived home, Felix was already asleep and Jisung picked him up bridal style. The Omega said goodbye to the other boys with a kiss and then went to bed with Felix. He gently laid the fellow omega on the bed and then snuggled up to him.
"Goodnight angel. Tomorrow will be an exciting day for you..." he whispered against Felix's forehead and gave him a gentle kiss. Felix smiled in his sleep and snuggled closer to his boyfriend.
Something Felix didn't know was that Jisung also knew sign language and understood everything Olivia and Felix had agreed to.


The next morning Felix got up early and got ready for an exciting day with Olivia. But he remembered that he had to do one more thing first. And he ran to Chan's office, where the older man was sitting at the desk, as expected, immersed in his work. "Oh, Felix. You're up early," Chan said surprised when he saw Felix standing in front of him. 'I have another meeting with Olivia. But I would like to make an appointment with the speech therapist beforehand. Would you help me with this?' Felix wrote to the older one. Chan was of course overjoyed and immediately nodded.
"Of course. Let me just get the phone quickly," he said and then ran out. Meanwhile, Felix is ​​waiting excitedly in the office.

Today was a big day for him. Today he finally took the first step towards recovery and he only had the boys to thank for it all. And then he finally has Olivia in his life again. He didn't know how much he needed this in his life.
"So I'll call and if you have any questions, I'll just ask you," Chan said and Felix nodded in agreement.
While Chan was on the phone talking to the therapist's friendly assistant, Felix sat excitedly in the chair. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. Felix only had to provide a few details about his personal information and how long it had been since he had spoken, where he could give an exact date... September 15th. 2017...
Then Chan ended the call and Felix was free to meet Olivia.

Felix was very excited. Hopefully everything goes well...


He finally made an appointment with a therapist.

And he is meeting Liv. Let's just hope that nothing bad happens...

Hope you liked todays chapter!


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