Chapter 1

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New day, new happiness... That's what it says, isn't it? So why does every day look the same for me? Why do I have the same problems every day and why doesn't anything seem to change in my life?
I get up every morning at 6 a.m. to make myself and my little sis something to eat, then I get ready and take Olivia, my little sister, to kindergarten. She is just four years old. She has a different mother than me, but still shares the same terrible father. With only one difference... he likes her, but he hates me. Luckily my father is never in the house in the morning. He always has to go to work at 3 a.m. and I'm very grateful for that. I don't know what I would do if I had to see him in the morning. Unfortunately he comes home at 12 p.m. and then always waits for me and Olivia.

He has never done anything to Olivia and never will, I know that for sure. However, he doesn't shy away from doing something to me in front of her and I can't allow that. Which is why I always make sure Olivia comes home after me. I run home from school every day, which is a long way because I can't afford the bus and don't have a driver's license yet. Then I greet my father, or I try to, but he already had three beers and is no longer himself. It always ends with me lying on the floor in bruises and purple spots, tears decorating my face, but I never gave him the satisfying view of pain in my face. I'm already used to it and can bear it, but I couldn't bear for Olivia to see me like that or experience our father in such a rage time.

I always cover up my spots with makeup, which just makes my dad angrier, but I don't care. I don't want anyone to ask questions or put my father behind bars. It's not that he doesn't deserve it, it's that I don't want to be separated from Liv. I know from an old friend that growing up as a foster child isn't easy. Olivia might have the chance to grow up in a nice family, but no one would take me anymore. I'm almost an adult and then I can take care of myself. But I can't leave Olivia alone. And that's why I stay strong and will endure this.

After I take Liv to kindergarten, I go to the school, which is a 20-minute walk from the kindergarten. It's already 15 minutes to kindergarten and I would love nothing more than to save Liv the morning walk. But I don't have the money for a driver's license or a car.

I already go to work and earn a good amount of money, but I want to save the money for my future and that of Liv. Besides, my father would only take my money if he noticed that I was earning it.
As soon as I arrive at school, I always walk straight to my classroom and sit in the front row by the window. Just like today...
As usual, no one is there when I walk into the classroom, so I take my usual seat and prepare everything for class. Then I just stare into nothingness and think about nothing.

But it doesn't take long before three boys suddenly enter the room, which is unusual so early in the morning and I don't know them. But when they look around the room questioningly and whisper something among themselves, I don't pay any attention to them because they've probably just ended up in the wrong room. But then the three come towards me and I am forced to pay attention to them.

“Hey,” asks the taller of the three. I look at him and notice that he has a large scar on his left eye and also looks a bit intimidating.
I don't say anything and just stare at him. The three of them look at me in surprise, but don't look happy with my reaction.
"Hey my friend talked to you," says another who has brown hair and honestly his face looks like a puppy. But even when he shouts at me in a slightly louder voice, I don't say anything again.
I can't! The latter of the three seems to notice that something is wrong and tries to calm his friends down. "Hey, be friendly. You know we're here to make friends and not to start fights," says the boy with cheeks like a squirrel's, "Besides, I don't think he can talk, am I right?"

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