Chapter 9

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Minho POV

I searched all over the streets, but there was no sign of Felix. I've been looking for him for almost half an hour and if Felix is ​​still here alone in the wet weather, in his condition, then I really don't know how I'm going to find him or any of the others. I honestly don't even know what drove him to run out of the house so scared. I really thought he would feel comfortable with us. I had even thought about offering him our guest room, but Channie said that Felix wasn't ready yet and that we would just overwhelm him. However, Jisung was convinced that Felix would certainly quickly settle into our little chaotic family, even though he is so withdrawn and shy.

And I couldn't agree more with Jisung. Felix is ​​very withdrawn and hardly dares to go out, but you could see joy shining in his eyes when we ate together and invited him to a movie night. I was really hoping that he would open up to us soon and that we could help him, but then suddenly he disappeared.
He just ran out of the house and the only thing we heard was the sound of the door slamming. He just wanted to get something to drink. I wanted to accompany him, but he said he could do it alone and I was very proud of him inside for being able to find his way around a strange house on his own. But then he disappeared.

Since then, I have regretted not accompanying him. If I had been with him I would definitely have been able to help him and calm him down. He certainly had a sudden panic attack and was just surprised by the strange surroundings. He acted out of panic and fear and I can't blame him. But if I had been at his side, Felix wouldn't be alone in this weather. He was wearing nothing but a sweater. No jacket and no shoes either. Nothing that could protect him from this biting cold and it's all my fault because I had too high hopes. Of course, Felix would never trust us so quickly that he would call for us in the event of a panic attack, but would instead act on his own initiative as usual. Why was I so stupid? Why-

"Hyung, stop it," a voice suddenly says next to me as I kept my head down and had to bite back tears. "What?" I ask, raising my head to look at the person. "It's not your fault, Felix ran away. He was scared and his first instinct was to run. He's never known anything else and it's not your fault. Felix has a painful past that we don't know yet, but we will help him and stay by his side. We will make it. Because he's our mate," Jeongin said in his recently developed alpha voice.
"Oh my baby Alpha. You've gotten so big," I say, pinching Jeongin's cheeks. He was always the one who could think the clearest when we were in a stressful situation. This is probably because he was always treated like a baby and we never burdened him with difficult situations. Jeongin has probably just grown up over the years. Another aspect that I never really noticed. And I call myself the most observant among us all... What a disappointment...

"Yah Hyung, I'm not a baby anymore. I'm an alpha now... but seriously Hyung, you can't help it," Jeongin continues and I give him a sad smile.
"I know Innie, but I... I still feel guilty," I admit openly. It's a shame that I'm so weak with my maknae. I should be a strong hyung and keep a cool head, instead I end up crying to our baby alpha.
“Hyung, do you know how admirable you are?” Jeongin suddenly asks. This question completely snaps me out of my negative train of thought. Jeongin thinks I’m admirable?
"Me? Admirable? What do you mean?" I ask in surprise and Jeongin immediately gives me his special healing smile that makes me melt every time.

"You are our Pack Omega. You are our glue that holds us together. You are our Pack Alpha's right hand man. You help Channie Hyung when he gets stuck and gets lost in his work again. You help Jisung Hyung when he feels bad again and has a full-on panic attack. You help Hyunjin Hyung with his insecurities. You help Changbin with his diets, even though everyone knows he doesn't need them. You helped me when I found out that I was an alpha and was extremely overwhelmed. You help Seungmin when he disappears back into his books and forgets to live. And now you're helping Felix, even though we barely know him. All we know is that he is our mate and you immediately took him in and helped him through a panic attack. None of us could have done it as well as you did. Yes, Felix ran away from us, but you don't know why. And I'm pretty sure it wasn't because of us. You know how broken Felix is, but we still don't give up. We didn’t give up on Jisung or Hyunjin or you either. We will help him. We will explain everything to him and we will give him all the love he deserves. Hyung... I love you. You are perfect the way you are."

Wow, I really didn't expect that. I can only stare at Jeongin. I can't believe our baby Alpha has words like that.
"Innie... I," I start, but the words get caught in my throat. "It's okay Hyung, really. I know you all still see me as your maknae and I always will be, but I've also had my experiences in life and learned from them. I'm not a little kid anymore," says Jeongin and I can only nod proudly. "I'm proud of you Innie. So, so, so proud"; I say as I hug him tightly. He immediately puts his nose in the crock of my neck and starts to scent me. This is the most normal reaction my pups get as soon as I take them in my arms. Even our big alpha can't resist the smell of his pack omega.

"Okay, then let's keep looking for Felix," I say and Jeongin reluctantly lets me go. But before I can take another step, I suddenly get a call from Chan. "It's Chan..." I said no louder than a whisper. He ran with Jisung and Hyunjin in the opposite direction from me and Jeongin to look for Felix. "Hyung, answer it," Jeongin urges as I just stare at my screen for a while. I blink at Jeongin answer confused and then answers the call. I'm afraid that Chan found the boy, not because he was the one who found Felix, but I was scared in what condition Chan might have found the boy. But I also know that I have to answer it, otherwise I'll just worry the others unnecessarily.

"H-Hyung?" I answer in a nervous voice.
"Hey Min... we got him..." Chan says in a heavy voice. I recognize this tone immediately. I know when Chan sounds worried or stressed. I know all my pups better than they know themselves. "Hyung tell me what's going on?" I say in a serious voice. Chan knows that he doesn't even have to try to calm me down or tell me in a gentle way. I want the truth. No matter how painful it may sound.
"He's on the way to the hospital..."
When those words leave Chan's mouth and reach my ears, I'm breathless. Something happened to Felix. It's so bad that he had to go to the hospital. I drop my phone in shock and notice how everything is happening in slow motion.

Jeongin tries to talk to me, but I don't understand a word he says. I can hear Chan's worried voice coming from my phone, which is now on the floor. Jeongin picks up the phone and raises it to his ear. he seems to be talking to Chan while I'm lost in my thoughts, blaming myself for everything.
If only I had gone into the kitchen with him like I had planned.
If only I had gotten him the water, he could have stayed in the living room with the others.
If only I had made sure the front door was locked. Why was I so stupid and left him alone? I promised him that I would stay with him and help him.

Before my thoughts take over even more, I am suddenly shaken sharply by the shoulders. I look disoriented into my baby pups worried eyes.
“Hyung, we have to go,” Jeongin says and just raises my phone in front of my face and I immediately nod in agreement. I have to go to the hospital quickly. I have to be with him. I have to make it clear to Felix that I'm sorry and that I'll never leave him alone again.
I have to go to my mate.

Thank you guys so much for almost 2K reads.
Also I decided that I will ad omegaverse, because it first perfectly into my plot.

See you next Friday...


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