Chapter 13

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It has now been two days since Felix found out that the boys, who were so kind and loving, have a subgender and that there is a certain hierarchy in their group. During this time, Felix has tried to spend as little time as possible with the others, hoping to take it all in and process it properly. But it seems the others have become even more open and affectionate since Minho told them that Felix now knows about them. Jisung was the first to want to get to know Felix and still has plans to do so. For the past two days, Jisung has always accompanied the boy to lunch and helped him walk around the house. Meanwhile, Jisung told the funniest stories that he and his friends had already experienced.

Jisung was a good friend. Felix soon found this out, but the others were no longer as reserved as they were at the beginning. Hyunjin always invited Felix to his painting sessions. Felix really enjoyed this time, because Hyunjin spent it in peace. Nobody talked. They just enjoyed their togetherness and the songs by Lana Del-Ray playing in the background, which made the room seem less eerily quiet. Seungmin and Jeongin invited Felix over for a few rounds of video games in the evening, which Felix happily accepted as he loved playing video games but barely got to do so as a child. Chan and Minho checked on Felix every half an hour and tended to his wounds. They really were like two loving fathers to him. It was only Changbin that Felix couldn't connect with. The older one was always so withdrawn and honestly looked a bit scary for Felix. The others said that Changbin was the biggest softie in their family, but Felix hadn't been able to see that for himself yet.

But one thing from the conversation with Chan and Minho wouldn't let Felix go. They said that Felix was one of them and also had a subgender. He was an Omega... but what did that mean and how were they supposed to know? Felix didn't feel any different than usual. He was pretty sure that he was just a normal boy with nothing really special about him. But Chan and Minho looked so convinced. Maybe they were just wrong and Felix wasn't one of them. Would that mean they would leave him? Would they no longer accept him as soon as it turned out that he was just a normal person after all? Is that why Changbin didn't want to get to know him yet? Because he wanted to wait and see if Felix was really one of them? Felix didn't have any answers to his questions and he wasn't sure if he would get them so quickly, so he enjoyed this familiar dynamic a little longer until they really put him back on the street.

But it wasn't to be like that. Chan and Minho were never wrong about things like this.
When Felix woke up on the third day, he immediately doubled over in pain. His whole body suddenly ached, as if every muscle in his body was cramping up. Is he sick? Again? But this pain didn't feel like any other pain Felix was familiar with, and Felix had already experienced several different kinds of pain. However, none compare to this one. As every muscle tenses, his head throbs as if someone is tapping against the wall of his skull with a hammer. And at regular 5-minute intervals, his heart felt like it was going to break. The pain is indescribable. Felix has never wanted to die as much as he does right now. His main goal was that this pain would stop.

Felix tried to be quiet so as not to wake the others, but the pain got worse and worse and so the boy finally let out a long and loud cry that would scare even lions away, it sounded so shrill and painful.
Immediately the whole house was awake and on its feet. Chan and Minho were of course the first to break down the door to Felix's room and see the poor boy huddled in the bed under the covers, whimpering. Minho ran to Felix and took his face in his hands. Minho could literally see the pain in the boy's innocent eyes and it broke Minho's heart into a thousand pieces.
They all knew what Felix was going through and would love to take away any pain, but unfortunately there is not much they can do. Every change is different, but that of an Omega is the most painful and takes the longest.

A Beta has it the easiest, as not much changes. Omega-betas do get a uterus, but it is not as developed as that of a full-blooded omega. An Alpha-Beta gets more muscles and an Alpha develops into a strong person, but they usually suffer from their first rut immediately after the change. It usually follows directly after the change. Whereas omegas have to develop a full uterus and their senses are strengthened, especially their sense of hearing. Omegas are very sensitive during and immediately after their change and need to acclimatize to their surroundings with extreme caution.
A change in a Beta, no matter what subgender level, usually takes two to three days. An Alpha takes two days at most, but an Omega can take up to a week.

The friends just hope that Felix is not one of the omega's that take longer. It took three days for Minho, but Minho is also a very strong Omega. Jisung, on the other hand, took a little longer, five days to be precise. It was particularly difficult for Jisung and his friends because Jisung was screaming very loudly and was in a lot of pain. At this thought, Jisung immediately whimpers and hopes that Felix will not suffer the same fate. Changbin immediately takes the little Omega in his arms and raises his hands to cove Jisung's ears to block out the noise. Hyunjin holds Seungmin and Jeongin in his arms while Minho and Chan try to soothe Felix, stroking his stomach and hair.

Minho remembers how his stomach hurt the most and Felix is very grateful. The rubbing creates a warmth that is very pleasant for Felix, but unfortunately it hardly relieves the pain.
"Jisung, Changbin can you please get warmers for his stomach. And Hyunjin, please go with Jeongin and Seungmin to get some wet cloths. Felix needs all our help now," says Chan and the others immediately nod and leave the room.
Felix just lies there, his face contorted in pain. Felix has already suffered a lot of pain and some of it has been worse than this, but no matter how many times someone would hurt Felix, it will always hurt him to the fullest. He just won't get used to it....


Hey guys,

today I finished a bit earlier, which means I won't update this Friday. I still hope it's okay for you!

The next chapter will be a bit painful, but I try to fill it with as much fluff as possible!


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