Chapter 12

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Welcome back for the next chapter.
Little warning this chapter is full of fluff!


"You know, Felix, one day I'll have a big house, a wonderful life partner and wonderful children," Jinyoung whispers quietly to himself, but doesn't take his eyes off the stars. Jinyoung invited me to star gazing and I can't refuse Jinie and so I just agreed without thinking about the consequences.
While Jinyoung looks at the stars, I watch him.
He looks beautiful in the moonlight. His pale skin reflects the beautiful white light of the moon and his long black hair blows gently in the wind. He tilted his head back slightly so that his eyes reflected the sparks of the stars. He just looks like a prince from a fairy tale that my mother used to read to me before bed.
"Jinie... I," I say quietly and lower my gaze to my hands, which I have placed on my lap and are playing nervously.
What is Lixie? Jinyoung asks me in his gentle voice and now gives me his full attention.
"I have to tell you something," I admit, holding my breath. I want to tell him the whole truth about my father. I've never told anyone before because I was afraid they would just mock me, but I trust Jinyoung.
"To be honest, me too. I've been waiting to finally tell you for weeks, but I was always so afraid," Jinyoung admits and now I'm nervous. Jinyoung was never one for secrets or fear. Jinyoung is one of the most fearless boys I know.
Jinyoung, you know you can tell me anything, I say to him and now look directly into his eyes, my intention of confessing long forgotten.
Jinyoung sees the truth in my words and slides a little closer to me and takes my hands in his. They're freezing because we're sitting outside, but no matter how cold his hands are, they always warm me up.
"Okay... Felix, I've had this feeling for weeks, maybe even months, but I was never quite sure. It was only a few days ago that everything became clear to me and I can't wait any longer. I know we both are still very young and actually have little to none idea what true love is, but I'm pretty sure about my feelings. Lixie... I love you... more than just a best friend. I love you in a romantic way and I don't regret it. You don't have to return my feelings or anything like that, but I just couldn't carry the secret with me any longer," Jinyoung then blurts out and I think my heart stopped during his confession. His words hit my heart directly and possibly a nerve that I couldn't control, because the next moment my lips were on his and fireworks went off inside me.
Jinyoung didn't think twice, but returned my kiss immediately. He puts one hand on my head and holds me closer to him, while keeping the other hand around my waist to steady me. The kiss was like something out of a Disney movie. All that was missing now was real fireworks in the background. It was the most beautiful first kiss I could have imagined, but unfortunately it would also be the last...


"Felix, food's ready," a soft voice wakes him up and Felix actually grumbles slightly, not wanting to be woken up from his wonderful dream. Minho must have found this somewhat amusing, as he suddenly began to nag the boy further. He pocked the younger one's arms and face. Felix waved his hand around in front of his face as if he was trying to shoo away a fly, but still remained in his half-asleep mode. Minho continues until suddenly a loud clap sounds in the room.
Nothing is heard at first. As if every sound in the world had been swallowed up by the ground, but then a loud, full-throated laugh rings out.

Minho is sitting on the bed with his hands clasped around his stomach, laughing heartily, while Felix rubs his cheek, his face contorted in pain.
Felix has actually hit his cheek while 'shooing away flies' in half-sleep mode. Minho couldn't believe what he saw at first, but then couldn't get the funny image out of his head and Felix's pouty face didn't make the situation any better. Felix didn't quite understand why Minho was laughing, but then he couldn't stop himself from smiling. He hadn't heard such a hearty and honest laugh for a long time and then because of him. He didn't think Minho was laughing at him and Minho wasn't.

Muted // Felix-centricWhere stories live. Discover now