Chapter 27

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You know what's funny.

Eveytime I update a chapter I reread it to make sure there are no mistakes (but there will always be mistakes haha) and then I take a look at the chapter I am currently working on.
Then I am always snickering to myself.

It's just to funny to see what is about to happen and how shocked you all will be.
Sorry, but not sorry...

Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Hyung, did you hear that?" Seungmin asks the older man, who is sitting next to him at the dinner table. "No, what?" asks Changbin as he looks at the younger man confused. Seungmin isn't surprised that Changbin hasn't heard anything since the older one is once again trying to break a new record with his stupid game on his cell phone. Changbin has been working on it for days, but he just can't do it. At first, Seungmin found it quite funny because he always teased the older one about it, but now it is just annoying. Changbin is on his phone most of the time and hardly spends any time with his mates. Seungmin would never admit it, but he misses Changbin's backhugs.
“Put that damn phone away,” Seungmin says annoyed. Changbin is a little shocked, but immediately puts the phone away.

“What should I hear?” Changbin asks again and this time he gets a judgy side-eye.
"Ugh, listen. Can't you hear that?" Seungmin asks and this time Changbin listens more closely. At first he doesn't understand what Seungmin means because everything is quiet. But when he listens closer he can hear something.

“That...that sounds like someone is calling for help,” Changbin says, immediately standing up. When someone calls for help in this house, it's just normal for the Alphas to get up first and since only Seungmin and Changbin are home at the moment, it's of course up to Changbin to protect his pack. So he immediately runs into the hallway, Seungmin is of course hot on his heels, and listens.

The cry for help becomes quieter and weaker.
"Felix..." is all he says and immediately runs up to the second floor and into Felix's room. He tears the door open and sees a boy sitting on the bed, gasping for air. Changbin can see the panic in the boy's eyes and also the struggle to breathe. Changbin immediately sits down next to the boy. Seungmin is also quickly next to Felix and together they try to help the young omega.
“Hey Lixie, can you hear me?” Seungmin begins, making sure Felix is ​​menatlly present. In fact, he gets a slight head nod. “Good, can you watch my fingers,” Seungmin orders, gently tapping Felix’s knees, which are drawn up to his chest, with his index finger.

"Okay, great, you're doing great. Now try to breathe in and out again in this rhythm. In...", Seungmin taps his finger on Felix's knee and leaves his finger on it. Felix takes a long, shaky breath. “And off again…” Seungmin lifts his finger and lets it hang over Felix’s knee. Felix slowly breathes out through his mouth. Seungmin repeats this a few times, making sure that Felix’s breaths are long and stable.
Meanwhile, Changbin takes care of Felix's shaky hands. He takes the Omega's hands in his and warms them up. Changbin can feel the cold sweat but ignores it. His Omega needs his help right now... His Omega. That has a nice sound...

This session lasts a few minutes until Felix is ​​breathing normally again and has calmed down.
As Felix takes his last breath, he closes his eyes and lets his head fall against the wall. He ignores the painful blow that even Seungmin and Changbin make a painful expression on and just concentrates on the scents of the two boys.
While Seungmin smells of freshly cut grass and cherry blossom trees, Changbin has a strong scent of cinnamon and... sage? This combination is actually not something Felix would have expected, but then again it's so fitting.
He breathes in deeply several times and takes in the scents around him intensely. However, the grass and sage scent stands out the most and Felix definitely doesn't complain about it. Something about these scents calms him.

"Are you feeling better?" Changbin asks and Felix only now realizes that Changbin is still holding his hands tightly. And surprisingly, he doesn't pull his hands away, but leaves them in Changbin's hands. This makes him feel safer. Felix nods in response. Changbin and him even makes eye contact.
“Can you tell us how this happened?” Seungmin asks, holding out his phone to Felix so he can text them.
Felix thinks for a moment. The boys have only shown him how serious they are about him in the last two weeks and how far they would go for him and even after such a situation they continue to worry about him instead of leaving him alone like many people have already done to him.

Felix nods, but doesn't take the cell phone. Seungmin gives him a questioning look and Felix points to a pad and pen on the desk. Seungmin gets it for him. Meanwhile, Felix enjoys the Alpha's big and warm hands a little longer.
But once Seungmin was back, he let go of his hands to take the pad and pen.

'It was 10 years ago...
I had a wonderful family and I was the happiest boy on earth. But on my 7th birthday everything went south. I got up normally, said good morning to my mother and then went with my father to pick up my birthday cake.
When we got back home, I saw my mother, but unfortunately it was too late when I found her.
She was dead...
She took her own life. And I just had a dream... which wasn't a dream but a memory that I had forgotten about because I was only 3 or 4.
My parents had an argument about my father cheating on my mother.
I think my mother killed herself because of it, but she could have just run away and not left me, right?
This realization must have caused me to panic, but none of that is of any use to me now. My mother is dead and my father is gone.
At least I thought my mother was dead.
But when I was shopping with Minho I saw a woman. It could all have been a coincidence, but she looked an awful lot like my mother. She had the same birthmark on her face...
But that can't be the case. I saw my dead mother... with my own eyes.'

(btw '...' doesn't mean he is writing the dots down, but he is pausing)

It takes Seungmin and Changbin a while to read everything and understand what Felix just confessed to them. Not only have they just found out that Felix's mother committed suicide, but also that his father is gone and that he saw his supposedly dead mother in the store today. They don't know how to react to it. Minho and Jisung are better at this sort of thing, even Chan can handle such news better. But Changbin and Seungmin have no idea what to say to Felix to make the Omega feel better.
But Seungmin, as the smarter of the two, takes the initiative and solves the problem wisely.

"Thank you Felix for trusting us to tell us about it. We know it must be a lot to take in. But we will help you find out the truth. We will always help you and never leave you alone," Seungmin promises the boy.
"And we'll only tell the others if it's okay for you or you can show them yourself," Changbin continues and Felix really appreciates how the two of them handle the situation. Felix nods his head in thanks.
'You can read this to them,' writes Felix on a separate piece of paper and then hands them the piece of paper with Felix's explanation. They accept it and nod in agreement.

"You should get some rest. The panic attack took a lot of energy out of you. We'll wake you up when Minho is finished with dinner," Changbin suggests and Felix nods again. But before Seungmin and Changbin can leave, Felix grabs their hands. The two look at Felix who gives them a bidding puppy dog ​​look and then they look at each other. They understand what Felix wants and they're honestly overjoyed that they don't have to keep starting from scratch like Minho had suspected.
'Oh Minho will be so pissed when he finds out that Felix confided his problems to us and then wanted to cuddle us,' Changbin says to Seungmin via mind link.
'Oh that's going to be so funny,' Seungmin giggled back and then they made themselves comfortable next to Felix. They put their arms protectively around the boy and Felix snuggles up to them both happily.


Argh, my heart always breaks when Felix is telling them about his traumas.
It just proves that he trust them so much.

Let's just hope they won't break his trust, because of... I don't know... maybe... rumours... or due to their own mistakes... or maybe they aren't as happy and innocent as they always act...

Hope you enjoyed it!


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