Chapter 15

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Before you start reading this chapter, I wanted to thank you guys so much for all these incredible compliments on my last chapter.
I didn't even noticed what I was writing. Only after I read it through to correct some mistakes, I was crying on my own and also felt heartbroken.
To thank you all, I'm just going to drop this chapter which hopefully makes you smile!

Thank you so so much!


His whole body is shaking and covered in beads of sweat. His blanket is pulled up under his nose and a damp washcloth is on his forehead to bring down the fever. His eyes are closed and his breathing is regular.
He looks so peaceful, but Jisung knows that the truth is that he can hardly stand the pain. Because he can hardly stand it either.
After Changbin has laid the boy in bed with Felix and given Jisung his own blanket so that they don't have to get Felix out of his warm (hot) cocoon, Changbin has left the two Omegas alone at Jisung's request. But he warned Jisung that he only has an hour at most before Hyunjin and Seungmin come over to wash Felix.

Jisung thanked his hyung and was happy to finally spend some quality bonding time with his new fellow Omega, even if Felix isn't awake.
Jisung pulled the blanket down to Felix's face to admire the boy's beauty. Felix's wounds have healed faster due to his change and there are hardly any cuts or bruises on his face anymore, which makes Jisung even happier.
Jisung gently runs his index finger along the sharp contour of Felix's face, down the bridge of his nose to the tip of his nose, across his closed eyes to his cheekbones and then down to his lips, which were slightly parted. Jisung admired every millimeter of the boy and was incredibly grateful to know Felix as his future mate, even though they haven't even asked Felix yet. But Jisung is sure that Felix trusts them.

"You are so beautiful... I really hope you'll stay by our side so we can prove to you every day how beautiful and special you are," Jisung breathes softly against the boy's warm cheek and then presses a gentle kiss down.
Then Jisung lies down next to him and puts his arms around his waist, drapes his own blanket over his shoulder and closes his eyes.
He listens to Felix's rhythmic breathing and it is like a lullaby for the Omega, because in the next moment his eyes close and he falls asleep, surprisingly, without pain.
The two Omegas sleep without pain and without worry. For the first time in the last 24 hours, they feel as if nothing had ever happened and can finally sleep peacefully.

When Hyunjin and Seungmin enter the room, they can't bring themselves to separate the two of them. They take a few photos and then tell the others about the pictures, which they proudly show off. They are all reassured that the two Omegas are getting some sleep and simply leave them alone. But what nobody had expected was that they would sleep through the whole night and the following morning.
Only when Minho decides to wake them up because they need to eat something do they open their eyes for the first time since yesterday and are quite surprised themselves.

They don't feel any pain and feel fit too. Felix's fever has gone down and Jisung's fears have disappeared. It's as if the two of them were given a miracle cure.
"But how is that possible? Felix hasn't quite fully completed his change yet and I'm usually always scared of something," says Jisung, and it's true. Even when Jisung seems like the happiest person in the world, he is always plagued by fears.
"I did some research," Seungmin suddenly says and everyone's eyes immediately turn to him, while Jisung puts his arms around Felix and pulls him against his chest. The two of them now sit upright leaning against the bed and look curiously at Seungmin.

"But before that, I need to know something else. Felix... when is your birthday?" Seungmin asks the boy and Felix looks at Seungmin confused, but then takes Chan's cell phone, which the older one has held out to him for communication at the moment. He types something on the keys and then hands it to Seungmin, who looks back at the others with a broad grin.
"As I thought. September 15, 2000... a day after Jisung's birthday," the others were shocked, especially Jisung. But Jisung was even more pleased. Felix is not only his soulmate but also his long lost twin. "And what does that mean Minnie?" Hyunjin asks curiously, not quite understanding what Felixs birthday has to do with the whole situation.

"Felix and Jisung are not just soulmates, but moon matched soulmates, which only happens about once every 200 years," says Jisung and the others are a little shocked but not completely surprised, except Felix who doesn't understand a word. 'Moon matched Soulmate's?'
"Moon matched soulmates are not just any soulmates. You literally share a piece of your soul with each other. That's why Jisung was able to feel the pain much more intensely than we did, or rather feel it in the first place, because we are not mates yet. Anyways, you two have a connection that others can only dream of. You share everything with each other. Pain, joy, sadness, sometimes even dreams, it depends on how intense they are," Seungmin explains further and now everything makes sense for Jisung, but for Felix not do much.

And as if Jisung could read the boy's mind, he turns to the boy in his arms. "Don't worry about it. We'll explain everything to you little by little, but now you have to get well again and then we can explain all your questions," says Jisung and Felix is honestly grateful to him. Felix has hundreds of questions, but he doesn't think he would be able to absorb the answers and process them appropriately. Felix just nods slightly against Jisung's chest and then closes his eyes to the pleasantly warm feeling in his chest. While, Jisung is excited, Felix falls into a kind of dreamless trance. Everything around him suddenly falls silent and he can no longer hear other people's conversations.

This time the numbness is not scary but pleasant and warm because he knows that no pain awaits him, but warmth and security.
His limbs go numb and he feels the last of the strength in his body leaving him. He must be really heavy for Jisung now, but even if Felix wanted to get up, he wouldn't be able to lift a finger.
Everything is so peaceful
So warm...
So calm
Just like in Australia...

Felix misses Australia. That was the last vacation together with his mother. She looked so happy. So beautiful and so in love. She loved her husband... she loved Felix... right?
She said it to him the morning she died... but not to her husband. Felix was too young to understand it back then, but when he got into the car and saw his mother talking to her husband, his father... she looked so sad, weak and hurt.
Was it because of his father all along?
Did his mother kill herself because of him?
But no matter how many questions Felix would ask himself, he would never get an answer.
Even if he still talked to his father, he would never talk about Felix's mother again. After the funeral, his father acted as if she never existed and only used her full name...Jessica.

How Felix hated hearing that name. But not because it was his mother's name, but because Felix could only hear his father saying her name with so much hate. With full contempt and anger. It almost seemed as if his father never loved his wife. But his father looked so happy back then.
What happened to the two of them that plunged her into death and him into his abyss?

Felix no longer wanted to think about the past, but only about the future. He didn't know what to expect, but this time he's sure he won't be alone. Even though he hardly knows the seven boys at all, he immediately had the feeling that he could tell them everything.
One day he will tell them everything and until that day he will enjoy the warmth and security, because if he has learned one thing, it is that everyone will leave him as soon as he opens his mouth. That's how it was with Jinyoung and Wooyoung and that's how it will be with them.
But this time he won't regret it... he's sure of that...


Hope you enjoyed it!


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