Chapter 23

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Hellu luvs,

today we've got some background stories from a few of the pack members...

I also hope this story isn't getting to complicated... I'm still trying to figure out how many plot twists I should add- ups spoiler... hehe.

Anyways, I am also very thankful for all the reads and votes and especially the comments. They always make me smile and happy.So thank you very much!

Also there's a reason why I updated so early. It's because I have a question at the end and I need your help. So I would appreciate it greatly if you could leave a vote in the comments at the end, thank you!


Chan has never let down a member of his pack and today won't be the first day. But even though he is full of worry and the majority of his thoughts are with Felix, he doesn't lose sight of Jeongin and Seungmin who are running in front of him. The last thing he needs now is for one of his maknaes to get lost or injured. Although Seungmin is a beta-alpha and very smart, he often tends to stray because something else catches his eye that could potentially be of benefit to him. As soon as Seungmin sees something that seems important to him, the boy often stays behind and if Chan doesn't pay attention to him, he he would stay behind and get osot on his own. It was the same on the first day when they met him.

Seungmin was the third in the pack. Chan already had Jisung and Minho by his side. Jisung was the one who first sought contact with the younger '00 liner. Jisung later explained that Seungmin looked like a lost puppy who was practically screaming for help. But Seungmin is firmly convinced that Jisung just has a lot of helper syndrome and appeals to anyone who looks a little sad or is alone. And Seungmin has to admit, he was alone. But it wasn't like he was forced into it or that no one liked him. Seungmin loved peace and quiet and being alone. Then he could devour his books in peace. But even after the third rejection, Jisung didn't seem to understand that Seungmin wanted to be left alone. And so Seungmin tried to avoid the Omega. But Jisung really wanted to be friends with Seungmin and therefore sought help from Chan and Minho, who were very suspicious at first. Let's put it this way, the pack is only this big because of Jisung. Now that doesn't mean they regret taking in the others, but Jisung was the main reason why everyone is a part of this pack. And today no one would want to change it.

When Chan and Minho helped the young Omega get to know Seungmin better, Seungmin quickly learned that a few friends wouldn't hurt him. And aside from Jisung's annoying attitude, he was okay, but he would never say that to the omega's face. He would also never admit that he felt comfortable in Chan's presence pretty quickly. Chan had something that Seungmin lacked and in retrospect he is very grateful to Jisung for being so persistent. That's why Seungmin knows that they can't give up with Felix. At least not yet. Felix is ​​still too distant from the group. He needs to get to know them properly before he can make a decision. If he still says 'no' after that, then Seungmin is the last person who will force him to do something. But he doesn't know how it looks like with Minho, Jisung and Chan. Because the three of them already seem to be very attached to the young Omega.

Chan looks from Seungmin to Jeongin, who is trying to run faster and faster like a champ. Jeongin has always been a very protective alpha. Even when he wasn't an alpha yet, he always put others before himself. Chan is very proud of the young alpha and he is even more proud of how Jeongin has changed. When Chan first saw the boy, he was a rocky acquaintance. Jeongin was just a freshman and Chan was already a sophomore. Normally the two would never have crossed paths if Jisung hadn't made sure Chan had to go back home because Jisung forgot his backpack. As Chan was running out of the school building, Jeongin ran in and bumped into Chan. Chan wouldn't have thought anything of it, but when Jeongin looked around at Chan and gave him a mean looking stare, Chan was a bit surprised.

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