Chapter 37

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I am currntly writing the end and I am actually very proud of it. So stay tuned...

Btw be prepared for a cute chapter!


It was finally the day Felix had been waiting for for so long - his 18th birthday. Just last week he got seven incredible boyfriends and now he's finally of age.
The sun was shining in the sky when Felix was woken up by his boyfriends. They weren't particularly quiet when they entered the birthday boy's room. Honestly, it was just Jisung who fell through the door and knocked something off Felix's dresser, rather rudely waking the boy from his sleep. But when Felix saw the seven boys, he couldn't help but smile. They all stood around him and then started to sing him a happy birthday song. Felix was so ashamed that he hid under his blanket. But Jeongin, who was closest to the omega, pulled the blanket off his face with a crooked smile. Felix had the feeling that the boys were just doing it to annoy him. But he didn't mind either.

🎶 How wonderful that you were born,
otherwise we would have missed you very much.
How nice that we are together,
we congratulate you, birthday boy! 🎶

Unfortunately, there were no good memories associated with the song. It's actually a harmless children's song that you sing to children on their birthdays, but for Felix it meant nothing but horror. It was eleven years ago when he first wished he had never been born.
But he no longer wants to dwell on the past and instead wants to look to the future. He is starting a new path of life.
He can feel like turning 18 will be his year. No more surprises. No more suffering and no more secrets. He can literally feel how freedom is finally welcoming him. But if he's not mistaken...


When the boys had finished their serenades, Felix stood up with a wide and grateful smile and let them hug him one by one. The hugs made Felix's heart beat faster with joy. These were the boys' second hugs as his boyfriends and that made the boy so proud.
The group had planned a day full of surprises and adventures for Felix. The morning surprise began with a lovingly prepared breakfast, to which each of them contributed something. Chan had made pancakes, Changbin provided freshly squeezed orange juice, and Minho brought a huge birthday cake.

Felix couldn't be happier. He had seven incredible boyfriends who wanted to give him an incredible birthday. During breakfast, Felix listened intently to the boys' conversations, but didn't join in. He just enjoyed being able to be in peace and quiet. No mother indirectly begging him for forgiveness. No father who would traumatize him again.
No Wooyoung who would only remind him of pain and sadness.
No Olivia to fill him with guilt.
Just these seven incredible light boys who have taught him more about love and trust in the last few months than his mother or father ever did.

The next surprise comes after breakfast. The boyfriends surprise Felix in the morning with an elegant limousine that takes them to the most exclusive boutiques in the city. While he drives around the city alone in the limousine and looks at the beautiful Saturday afternoon, they have distributed to their various stations and are now patiently waiting for their date.
At the first store, Chan is waiting with a tailored suit he picked out for Felix. When Felix arrives he is initially shocked. He knows the shop. His father once took him here to buy a suit for his grandparents' funeral.

When he enters the shop he sees Chan waiting nervously for him. "Hey Lixie. I have a little surprise for you," he greets him and holds out the suit to the boy. Felix looks at Chan questioningly, but then takes the item of clothing. While Felix tries on the suit, Chan disappears from the shop and is replaced by Minho. When Felix comes out of the cabin again, he is surprised to see Minho, but gets involved in the little game.
"You look stunning," Minho compliments the boy, gaining a blush in Felix's eyes as Felix tries to hide in embarrassment. "Come on, we still have a lot to do," Minho says. He pays for the suit and then leads Felix to a sneaker shop, where he presents him with his personal gift - a limited-edition pair of sneakers that Minho knows will delight Felix.

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