Chapter 20

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"Felix, please let me explain," his best friend begs him. But Felix just moves on. He doesn't want to listen to Jinyoung any longer. What does he actually think he's asking of him.
"Lixie, please. I just want to show you how serious I mean every word," Jinyoung shouts after him and Felix actually stops and turns to his friend, who also abruptly stops. "Okay, then explain it to me. Because I really don't understand what you mean," Felix says, but still keeps a distance between himself and himself.
"Thanks... do you remember how we first met? I saw you here in this park... with your mom," Jinyoung begins and Felix immediately flinches. Jinyoung doesn't know anything about Felix's mother yet. He wanted to tell him, but the sadness is still too deep and he wanted to repress it a little further because he still can't admit it.
"I still remember pulling my mom towards you and asking you for your name. That day I already knew that we were meant to be together and more than just friends. I love you Lixie, please let me take you out," Jinyoung begs the blonde boy. Felix was shocked by the words. Just a few days ago he lost his mother and now the only person left in his life is confessing to him means. Felix can't believe what he just heard.
"Do you really mean that?" Felix asks and Jinyoung nods eagerly. Jinyoung walks up to the blonde boy and takes his little hands.
"I love you Lee Felix. Do you want to go on a date with me?"


"How about a date... to make it up to you?"

The words hung heavy in the air. Felix lost his breath. Jisung didn't ask for a nice get-together among friends. He clearly asked for a date... a date like only lovers do. 'A-A date?' Felix thought. "Yeah, why not? We can go to the amusement park or the park, there's a market this week. Afterwards we can sit down in a nice restaurant," Minho suggests. "Uhh, I heard the restaurant on the castle street is supposed to be very good," says Hyunjin. "I heard that too. Changbin and I wanted to go there anyway. We can all go together," Jeongin shouts enthusiastically. While they are all already making plans for a wonderful date, Felix just remains silent and lets the voices pass him by.

The last date he had didn't go well and he doesn't want to have to go through it again. So he does the only thing he can think of. Felix shakes his head violently, immediately drawing all the attention to himself. "No?" Seungmin asks in surprise. "Don't you like the amusement park? Or is it the park that bothers you? You can suggest something if you want," Chan encourages him, but Felix doesn't want to go on a date. Why does it have to be a date of all things? 'I don't want to go on a date. We can do something, but please... please don't call it a date,' writes Felix in the chat and everyone is immediately silent. You can see the panic in Felix's eyes and of course you react immediately.

"Of course, anything for you as long as you're well and comfortable. We didn't want to take you by surprise, we just wanted to apologize," Jisung says next to him and Felix looks at him with a slight smile, even if Jisung doesn't mask, he sees it through his eyes. 'I think it's great how you want to return the favor, but firstly you don't need to and secondly, a cozy get-together here with you is completely enough for me. We can order something from the restaurant if you want,' Felix suggests instead and the others seem happy with the idea as they all nod in agreement.

And so it happened that Felix was sitting on the couch between Minho and Hyunjin and had a plate full of delicious food on his lap and the movie 'Titanic' was playing in front of him (a/n: don't judge me... I frickin love this movie).
Felix chose the movie because even though it was his and his mother's favorite movie, he still loved it just as much. And if he started crying, no one could blame him or ask him questions he wasn't ready to answer.
Felix sits comfortably on the couch and enjoys the warm food. The rumor about the restaurant was true, it was very good. The evening seemed to go perfectly...too perfect.

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