Chapter 10

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The first thing Minho does is run through the hospital entrance door and hysterically look around for his friends. Jeongin is close to him and tries to calm his hyung down, but Minho is too upset for that. The poor boy blames himself for the fact that Felix is ​​now in the hospital, even though it wasn't his fault. He just wanted to give the boy some trust and he did that and that was a good thing. Otherwise Felix would probably never have opened up. But Minho is still convinced that if he had gotten Felix a glass of water, Felix wouldn't be in the hospital, but at home on the couch and they would be watching a movie together.

"LEE MINHO!", the boy suddenly hears someone calling and Minho immediately stops because the voice doesn't sound very happy. It was Chan holding a crying Jeongin in his arms. Minho must have scared the Baby Alpha because Minho was acting out of character as the Pack Omega. Minho is usually the quiet one in the group. He makes sure that EVERYONE is fine and that no one gets as hysterical as he is right now. This hysteria must have scared Jeongin because he doesn't recognize his hyung.

Minho looks guilty at his baby and immediately takes the boy in his arms, who immediately removes his arms from Chan and puts them around Minho's waist. "I'm sorry, baby. I overreacted a little. I'm so sorry. Do you hear me? Hyung is sorry," Minho tries to calm the boy with gentle words and pats on the head. Jeongin immediately buries his nose into his hyungs neck and inhales the sweet scent of cherries and roses. Jeongin always does this to calm himself down and Minho of course lets his maknae hold him for as long as he wants.

While Jeongin continues to rest in Minho's arms, the older looks at Chan and the others and gives them an apologetic look too. Chan just shakes his head gently as a sign that he understands. Then they all sat down in the waiting area. Chan helps Minho carry Jeongin because he has already fallen asleep in Minho's arms...
The power of a Pack Omega...
When Minho has finally made himself comfortable and is sitting between Chan and Jisung, he looks at Chan. "How is he?" Minho asks in a small voice.
"Who? Jeongin or Felix?" Chan asks, even though he knows exactly the answer. Minho just rolls his eyes and Chan has to smile.

"Jisung found him first. He's still a little upset and hasn't said a word yet," Chan says, looking at Jisung, who is sitting not only next to Minho, but also next to Changbin, who holds him safely in his arms and whispers gentle things in his ear and always The still shaking beta boy tries to calm down. Minho is sorry for how Jisung is suffering and immediately takes the beta's hand in his and strokes it gently.
"Hyunjin and I arrived next. While Hyunjin was taking care of Jisung, I called an ambulance and put my jacket around Felix. He was freezing cold and completely soaked. He must have been in the rain the whole time. We caught him in the middle of a deserted road that leads into the forest. I don't know where the boy was going, but I'm sure that wasn't the right way," Chan explains.

'Of course not,' thinks Minho. 'We took the poor boy into our home and he didn't even know where he was?' Minho sighed loudly and Chan knew immediately that the older one was blaming himself for everything again.
"Hey it's going to be okay and it's not your fault. If anyone's to blame it's me. I'm responsible for the safety of everyone in our house and Felix was in our house at the time. I should have known better and should have locked the front door,” Chan says and Minho immediately interrupts him.
"No Channie, it wasn't your fault-" and he's immediately interrupted by Chan.
"Exactly. It's no one's fault. Felix has a difficult past, but we are there for him. Whenever he needs us. The doctors said that he is very hypothermic and will probably get a fever due to the wetness, but they also said there's something positive about this situation," says Chan, and Minho doesn't quite understand what's positive about fever and hypothermia.

"They said that Felix would present soon. That means we will soon find out what subgender our last mate will be," says Chan with a gentle smile and that's actually good news.
"Do you think he'll accept it? That we're his mates?" Minho asks and immediately the attention of everyone in the room is on Minho except Jeongin, who is still sleeping.
"What do you mean? Why shouldn't he?" Hyunjin asks uncertainly.
"Well, he barely knows us and if I'm honest, he doesn't seem like he knows what this is about or why Jisung and the rest of us were so stubborn towards him," Minho says and now as the others think about it, they understand why Minho thinks like that, but before anyone can comment, the doctor comes into the waiting area.

"Lee Felix's family?" the doctor asks and six boys immediately stand up.
"We are his friends and found him too," says Jisung and the doctor nods in agreement.
"Okay. After a thorough examination, we found that Felix had some physical injuries," the doctor says and Minho and Chan already knew about it, but the others were shocked.
“We know about his injuries, but what is his health?” Chan continues.
"We were able to warm him back up to a normal temperature, but as expected he developed a fever. It's nothing serious and he can go home again if he's taken care of, but I'm worried about the injuries to his torso," says the doctor now Chan and Minho are confused.

“Why that?” Minho asks. "Some of his wounds have healed externally, but he has a broken rib and if it is not treated immediately, it could lead to internal bleeding. We would have to ask a guardian for permission for the operation. However, we have not been able to reach his father " says the doctor. Chan immediately takes a step forward.
"He's our mate and I'm the pack leader. Is my permission okay too?" Chan asks and the doctor looks unsure.
"Since the boy hasn't been presented yet, I'm assuming you haven't claimed him as your mate yet, right?" the doctor asks and Chan just nods.
"Hmm, on the other hand I have no other choice, otherwise the boy could probably die. Alright. Mr. Bang, please come with me. You have to fill out a few documents and then we can get started," said the doctor and accompanies Chan to his office.

After Chan has done everything and given the doctor permission for the operation, all seven boys wait in the waiting room for the doctor to return.
Jeongin has now woken up again and Seungmin has explained the latest events to him.
The operation lasted two hours and those two hours were pure torture for the boys. All they could do was wait and imagine the worst.
But when the doctor finally came back to them, they were overjoyed and also relieved because he told them about a successful operation and that Felix could be discharged tomorrow at noon.
The doctor then said goodbye to the boys and a nurse took the boys to Felix in the recovery room.

I know the end sounds rushed, but I didn't knew how to end it.

In the next chapter the POV will be back on Felix!


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