Chapter 29

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Get ready for some drama!


Felix was tired. Or rather, his hand got tired. He has been answering questions from Changbin, Seungmin and Minho for the past few hours. Most of them were about of his mother.

Seungmin: "Did your dad talk to you after that?"

'He didn't even look at me after that.'

Minho: "Do you really think it was your mother you saw?"

'I don't know it. She looked a lot like my mum and she didn't have a sister either. So yes.'

Changbin: "Where did your father go?"

'He's not important anymore.'

Seungmin: "Didn't you have a sibling? Where is that now?"

The question came as a surprise and completely threw Felix off guard. They knew about Felix's sister. So not really. They only saw Felix in front of the kindergarten.
But Felix wasn't ready to talk about his sister either. The pain was still too fresh and what would be the point of telling them about Olivia. She wasn't there anymore. Felix didn't even know where she was. He would never see her again, his father would take care of that.

'I am tired,' writes Felix in response and Minho, Changbin and Seungmin immediately leave him alone. They apologize for their intrusive questions and then leave Felix's room. Felix now sits alone in his room and is alone with his loud thoughts.
Felix never liked being alone with his thoughts, as they tend to put him down and only list the worst qualities about Felix.
But today... today they only think about one person. This one person that Felix missed more than anything else in his life and thought that was why he could never be happy again.

'I have to see her again. I need answers. And only she can give it to me. But how will I find her again? I probably won't meet her a second time in the store. But I don't know where she lives or what she does now. She was a doctor before I was born, but she gave up her job because of me. Father made more than enough money for all three of us. Will she now be a doctor again?'

Felix knew that he would never get an answer that way and so he decides to take a walk through the park. Fresh air and stretching your legs never hurts anyone. So he gets up and looks for Chan.
Nothing happens here without asking Chan first, especially when it comes to Felix.《
He's still not sure how he feels about it, but Jisung told him that it's an Alpha/Leader thing and Felix should just ignore it. Jisung does too.
Which would also explain why Jisung gets into trouble most of the time. So he decides not to ignore it and goes to Chan.

When he gets to the office door, he knocks on the door with a deep breath. He enters the room and sees Chan engrossed in writing. To this day, Felix doesn't know what Chan actually does. He thought Chan was still in school?
"Oh hey Felix, what's up?" Chan asks, looking at Felix with a warm smile.
Felix takes out his cell phone and explains his visit. 'I wanted to ask if I could stretch my legs...out in the fresh air. In the park?' Felix asks and he can see Chan's grimaced face as the older man reads the message carefully.
"Hmm, I don't know. You were outside just yesterday and look what it did to you. You should really get some rest," says Chan and doesn't like the idea. He thinks Felix isn't ready to go out again yet.

'Please Hyung. I need to clear my head and this house... It's a bit restrictive. Minho is breathing down my neck the whole time and asks how I'm doing every three minutes. Seungmin and Jeongin hardly let me out of their sight and Jisung wants to be by my side the whole time. Normally I don't mind, but right now it's too much. I need fresh air, I need to move and, above all, I need to get away from all this,' writes Felix and hopes that Cahn understands him. Chan definitely understands Felix. He also has to get away from the chaos every now and then, which is why he has his own office.

Muted // Felix-centricWhere stories live. Discover now