Chapter 17

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Am I dreaming?

I don't know. It's you who's here...

But I am talking to you am I not?

Honey, did you forget?


You don't talk anymore?


You decided that you won't talk anymore, because no one was listening to you.

But he listened to me. He helped me...

Who did?


Who is Jisung?

The boy... the boy who wanted to be my friend... the boy who shared the same pain as me... the boy who is my 'Moon matched soulmate'.

Honey I think you're getting delusional.

No! NO! I am not delusional.
I told him about dad... what he did to me... what I have been through. He listened... He was there... He promised me he would help me... they would help me...

No one will help you... No one stays with you... No one listens to you...





Felix immediately jumps up and sits on his bed. Felix looks around frantically, looking for Jisung. For proof that this wasn't all just a dream. That Jisung is real. That he really spoke to him...
What happened? Where is he?
Felix sinks into his thoughts and looks for answers, but no one is there. He recognizes the room. He's actually at home with Minho and the others, but there's no Jisung here and it seems to be night.
Suddenly the door opens and Felix's hectic gaze immediately goes to the person. It's Minho.

“Hey little one, how are you?” Minho asks and when Felix tries to open his mouth, no words come out. Felix doesn't speak... why doesn't he speak?
"Hey, everything's fine. One step at a time. After you fell asleep again with Jisung yesterday, we didn't wake you up because you looked so tired. Jisung was feeling better and wanted to go to school so as not to miss anything. Although, I think he just wanted to leave a good impression on you and bring everything for you," Minho explains, but Felix is ​​still thinking about the conversation with Jisung. Did that really not happen?

Felix takes out his cell phone and writes something.
'Wasn't Jisung with me this morning?'
Minho reads the message and looks at Felix confused. "No. He left the house right at 6 a.m.," Minho says confused.
'So I didn't tell Jisung anything about my father?' Felix continues to ask. The memory is still so fresh and it felt so real.
"No, not that I know of. As I said, after Jisung fell asleep with you yesterday, he woke up at noon and we all let you sleep in peace. I'm the first to visit you here," says Minho, all confused Felix so much more.

He's so sure he talked to Jisung. But Jisung wasn't even here. Felix doesn't talk either. He couldn't even talk if he wanted to. But it felt so real. He felt so relieved and so safe. Was it all just a dream? Was it all just a hallucination of his wishful thinking? Is this something like an unconscious longing for the approval and care of boys?

Felix was too lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear Minho's calls. Minho was a bit lost and didn't know how to help himself or help Felix. The boy seems to have a problem and is distancing himself, but he doesn't talk.
Minho snaps his finger in front of Felix's eyes, but Felix doesn't react. Minho is starting to worry. He puts his hands on Felix's shoulders and shakes him gently at first, but then a little harder when Felix still doesn't react. But nothing seems to bring the boy back from his petrified state. Minho sees a glass of water on the bedside table.

"I'm sorry little one, but I'm only doing this for your own good," or so Minho believes. He doesn't know if it can be dangerous for Felix to take him out of his world of thoughts like that, but he's running out of options and Felix's breathing becomes weaker, as if he's forgotten how to breathe.
Minho takes the glass and pours the contents over Felix's head. The boy immediately snaps out of his head and back to reality and looks around the room questioningly with wide eyes until he meets Minho's apologetic look.
"I'm sorry, but you were so distant and your breathing was too slow and shallow. I was afraid that you would pass out right here," Minho apologizes.

Felix doesn't realize what has happened until he notices the wet spots. Then he starts laughing. Minho is confused and blames himself.
"Oh no, I broke him," Minho cries desperately until Felix takes his Hyung's hands and shakes his head slightly, giving him a soft smile.
'Everything is good. You just surprised me, but thank you. Situations like this can be really dangerous for me,' Felix writes down and Minho breathes a sigh of relief.
“Phew, I was scared for a moment,” Minho says, laughing with Felix.

After a few minutes the two just look at each other until Minho breaks the silence.
"Oh, I'm actually here to get you to eat. You haven't eaten in more than 24 hours and even though you look pretty tired, you have to eat something," Minho says and Felix nods in agreement.
Minho helps the boy get up and put on something different that doesn't smell like sweat and is completely soaked.
'I definitely need a shower later,' Felix writes down, making Minho smile. "After dinner I'll run you a hot bath and then you can get rid of all the new Omega sweat", Minho promises him.

Felix nods gratefully, but misses the word 'Omega'. He still can't believe what happened.
The two go down to the dining room, but Felix notices that they are alone.
"The others are still at school or on the way home. But after your dinner they should all be here," says Minho and Felix nods. Then he sits down and gratefully eats the dinner that Minho has so lovingly prepared. Even though Felix hasn't opened up to Jisung, that doesn't mean he doesn't still plan to. In his dream and right now he feels so comfortable and loved. He knows that he can trust them and open up to them.

'After the shower... after the shower I'll do it...'


I am sorry!

I know you all thought he was talking and sharing his problems, but honestly it would have been to soon for him to talk.

Again I am sorry, but I promise that he will 'talk' (open up) in the next chapter.


Muted // Felix-centricUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum