Chapter 11

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"Can we please leave?” I ask my best friend.
"Why? Are you scared?” asks Jinyoung.
“No, of course not... okay maybe a little,” I say quietly and a loud laugh bursts out of Jinyoung. "You are very cute. You know that, right? Jinyoung said with a slight smile. A blush immediately rushes to my face and I hold my hands in front of my face. “How could I forget when you constantly remind me?” I ask, still holding my hands in front of my face. Suddenly I feel warm, big hands on mine. Immediately my whole body remains still. Jinyoung slowly takes my hands in his and holds them tightly. “And I mean it every time. You’re really cute, Felix,” Jinyoung says seriously, looking me in the eyes. I can immediately see the honesty in his blue eyes. His eyes always remind me of stars that shine brighter than any light in the world in a black night sky. Every time I look into his, I get lost in them again and again, but still I know that there can never be more.
“Jinyoung, please…” I whisper but he doesn’t let me go. “Felix, why? Why are you resisting me so much?" he asks, but never takes his eyes off me.
"I know we are very young and I have no idea what love means, but every time I look at you, I just feel my heart pulsating and my hands starting to get sweaty and every time I look at you, a smile immediately comes to my face," Jinyoung admits and Felix gets lost in his words. However, Felix also knows that this shouldn't be the case, which is why he immediately lets go of Jinyoung's hands.
“I have to go home,” says Felix and turns around. “Felix!” Jinyoung calls from behind her, but Felix doesn’t stop going home.


Felix slowly opens his eyes and at first he can only see a bright light. He feels a warm hand on his arm. But he can't defend himself. Why can't he defend himself? His whole body tingles, but he can't lift his arm. What's wrong with him?
"Hey Felix. Can you hear me?" a gentle voice asks. He recognizes the voice. He's heard it before.
Yes, that was the voice that he heard before he died-
Wait a minute, he didn't die. Otherwise he wouldn't be here now and would hear the same voice again, would he? Felix tries to open his eyes again and once again he is greeted by the bright light, but he doesn't stop opening his eyes. He wants to see where he is and who this person is who probably saved him.

When Felix's eyes finally adjust to the bright light, he slowly looks around the room. At first he can't see where he is. The room has a large window from which most of the light comes in. The ceiling is high and the walls are bright white. It all looks very sterile and monotonous. Then Felix sees an orange armchair and next to him are two chairs, each with a person sitting on it. He recognizes Minho in one of the chairs and the other is Chan. But that's not the house he escaped from.
And then it occurs to the boy. He is in a hospital. Felix immediately jumps and sits up straight, but immediately regrets it when he feels a sharp pain in his right side.

"Slowly Felix. You had surgery," Minho says and helps Felix lie down again.
A surgery? But why? Felix was fine after all.
"I know you definitely didn't want to go to the hospital, but you were hypothermic and unresponsive. I brought you here and the doctors discovered that you had a serious fracture in your ribs that absolutely needed to be repaired. But everything's fine and the doctor said they can discharge you as soon as you're awake again. On the condition that you come to us so we can take care of you," Chan says without really taking a breath and to be honest, it's a bit difficult to follow him. His head feels foggy and, to be honest, it hurts.

Without noticing, he raises his head with a pained expression and Minho immediately signals Chan to get the doctor and so he disappears from the room.
"Hey, slowly. Chan is going to get the doctor and he's going to check you out again. If everything's fine, then we'll go back home, okay?" Minho asks to make sure that Felix has understood what's about to happen. Felix wasn't thrilled about a doctor about to touch him, but he nods slightly.
It doesn't take long before Chan is back with a doctor in tow.

"Hello Mr. Lee. I'm your doctor Mr. Oh. I see you have a headache. That's completely normal. You seem to have fallen on your head when you fainted. It will hurt you a little, but it shouldn't be anything bad. But if you continue to complain about the pain, please contact a doctor as soon as possible," says Mr. Kim and Felix knows that he won't do that, but Minho pushes him in.
"We'll take good care of him, I promise."
"Good. The fracture is fine so far. It will take a few weeks for it to heal, which means you should definitely not carry anything, no matter how light or heavy it may be. You should also just lie down for the first few days and give your body time
I would actually like to keep you here for a few days, but Mr. Lee here has told me about your panic attacks and that this environment can be a trigger for them, which of course we don't want zo happen, which is why I'm allowing you to go home on the condition that you really take you time to recover," says the doctor in a serious tone and Felix nods in thanks.

He should be mad at Minho for talking about Felix's personal business again, but it saved him this time, so he can look past it once again.
"Well, then I'll give you a quick check and then you can go," says the doctor and takes Felix to a short examination that really doesn't take longer than 5 minutes. As if the doctor knows it, he tries to avoid touching the boy as much as possible and Felix just wonders if Minho said something about it or if the doctor is just very good at his job.

After the short examination, Chan takes care of Felix's discharge while Felix and Minho make their way into the car. Felix is ​​of course in a wheelchair, which they are supposed to take with them for a few days.
After everyone is in the car, Chan drives back to their house while Felix leans against the window and closes his eyes. He tries to block out his thoughts and concentrate on the whispers of the two older ones, but the boy can't hear anything more than mumbles.

When they arrive at their home, Minho helps put the boy in the wheelchair and then rolls him into the house. Chan follows them and opens the front door for them. As soon as the three walk through the door, they are greeted by loud roars, whereupon Felix immediately covers his ears. The loud noises startled him, but not necessarily scared him, but Minho takes Felix up in the elevator ('They have an elevator?') and Felix immediately recognizes the room. This is the room where he first woke up in this house. Minho's room, right?

"Okay, you're probably still tired. I'll help you go to bed and wake you up later to eat," Minho says with a gentle smile and Felix just nods in thanks.
Minho acts like a mother, but Felix doesn't complain. It's been a long time since someone has cared for him so lovingly, so why shouldn't he enjoy it?
After Minho helps him onto the bed and tucks him in, he gives him a kiss on the forehead and wishes Felix a good night. He then leaves the room, leaving Felix alone with a warm feeling. This was the first time in years since he felt someone else's lips on his skin that weren't Olivia's.
With a bright red face and a gentle smile on his lips, Felix closes his eyes and is able to fall asleep immediately for the first time in a long time.


I am sorry it took me so Long to update, but I am currently very busy.
Just as a Little warning I don't know if I will be able to update next Friday, but I try my best.


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