The Lucky Roll (Veronica Sinclair, aka Roulette)

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Within the sordid confines of the Meta-Brawl, the one known as Batman walked with determination, each step calculated and silent. Darkness envelops him like a cloak, his cape fluttering in the tense air. His eyes, hidden behind the mask, scrutinize the surroundings with relentless coldness, every detail captured by his analytical mind. His expression is firm as ice, unmoving and uncaring. Yet his mind was only thinking about the benefits of having the villain he was following out of the streets to give others a chance without the evil in the dark.

He knew that somewhere in the shadows, a feminine figure would be watching him. He could feel her eyes, her presence as ominous as it is alluring. It was a feeling that he had felt before, yet no one was able to reach that level of lustful danger that Roulette, the mastermind behind the depraved spectacle unfolding in the clandestine club, would give him. It was as if her gaze sparkled with malice was staring straight at him, her mocking smile challenging even the most imperturbable of heroes. And he knew that she would not care if she was staring straight at death, she would gladly face it with the twisted smile he was currently seeing right now over her face.

"So, you've finally come to confront me, Batman?" He could hear her whisper, her voice a sinister echoing in the darkness of the room. He didn't react to her sinister tone, his eyes looking at the dangerous stare that the female was giving him. He could definitely see her lips twist into that sinister yet lustful grin that he had seen in the past. Their encounters clear in his mind, the female was as dangerous as she was exotic. "I've been looking forward to this encounter"

He braced himself for the battle, his muscles tensing, and his senses sharpened. He could not be reliant only on his skills when facing Roulette. Even with the confidence that he would normally have with most of his villains' movements, Roulette was known to also predict the actions of her enemies. And he knew that he could lose this bout if he relied too much on what was in sight rather than what he knew she could do. With movements as swift as lightning, he watched Roulette produce a whip from her belt, the metal twisting with serpentine malevolence. He also could see her licking her red painted lips seductively, before his eyes caught her feet moving towards him carefully.

In seconds, the silent confrontation turned into a deadly dance between the two, each strike and counterstrike executed with millimeter precision. He knew that the slightest of mistakes would cost him this match he was currently having with Roulette. It was as swift as a whirlwind of skills and strength, both of them evading each other's attacks with the grace of a feline and responding with calculated blows that threatened to knock each other down to the ground. He knew that he could not let her get away with things, yet in their intense battle, he could see the female's smile widening slowly as each second passed. He could see her confidence in her own superiority palpable in the rarified air, the two of them still exchanging blows to determine who would come up on top. But one thing was certain, the two of them were trying to undermine the other's determination and concentration.

"Do you think you can stop me, Batman?" Roulette taunts, he caught a tinge of lust within her voice. The two were currently looking at each other's eyes, their similar strengths making it so that the two could not have one over the other during this confrontation. Everything was about skill and the determination to see their respective mission through. While he did not know the entirety of Roulette's goals, he knew enough to know that if she was left unchecked, she could destroy peace and usher the world straight into chaos. And he was not going to allow his city to go even further down to the darkness he was already walking through. "I have created this game, and only I know all its rules"

Batman did not answer her taunt, his mind not fooled by her words. With a bold move, he seizes an opening in Roulette's defense and knocks her down with a decisive blow. He could hear her surprised and angered cry as he made her fall to the ground with his hand behind her head. He could see her mask of arrogance and superiority finally torn asunder, yet he also was able to catch on that the female was also smiling widely at the fact that he had taken her down. It unnerved him, made him think of the possibility that it was not over yet. That even with the female down for the count, he had missed something during their encounter.

"Your game is-" He started to declare, his voice resonating with relentless authority. Even when the back of his mind was telling him that something was amiss, he held Roulette in his hold. Yet, even his current hold could not prepare him for when she did next. Dislocating her very own shoulder and grunting a bit in pain, she was able to outmaneuver herself out of his hold and make him fall to the ground with her sitting on his back. He was about to retaliate, but the sudden tightness in his neck made him stop. She was using her whip on his neck, he could feel the pressure that she was making over his neck.

"You were saying, Batman?" She whispered seductively, his ears catching that much from her current tone. His muscles tensed at the sudden and unexpected turn of events, especially when she started to use her hands to feel his body through his suit. He tried to struggle slightly against her hold, yet she had such an ironclad grip that he knew he would be done for if he even tried to struggle against her ministrations right now. He had to wait, he had to find the perfect moment to act and try to catch her once more. "I think this game is far from over~"

He refused to give up, his jaw clenching at the fact that he could not see an opening. He felt a shiver run down his spine as soon as he felt that Roulette was acting friskier with his body, actively trying to insert her hand through his suit to actually feel his body. He could slightly admit that her action felt quite nice, but the two were on different sides of the same coin. He didn't like to admit it, but heroes and villains were just divided into one single line. A line that could be crossed easily between one another.

"Why don't we play a different kind of game?" Her hot breath against his ear sent chills down his spine yet again, his eyes barely catching her lips moving. Her voice was dripping with seduction and malice, and he was also unceremoniously nervous to see that she was definitely trying to find a way to remove his cowl. He could feel her nail against his chin, slowly trying to find a way to remove the one thing that protected his identity. The movements were calculated and intimate, and that made him even more worried about what may happen. But even in the face of such adversity, Batman refused to surrender. With a surge of willpower, he summoned every ounce of strength he possessed, channeling it into one desperate act of defiance. With a swift and decisive move, he twisted his body, breaking free from Roulette's grasp and flipping her onto her back.

For a fleeting moment, they locked eyes, a silent battle of wills raging between them. Then, with a swift action, Batman disarmed her, his hand closing around the whip that had been her weapon of choice. With a flick of his wrist, he sent it spiraling out of reach, its metallic coils clattering against the ground. He could also see Roulette sprawled before him, her mask of confidence slipping for just a moment to reveal the vulnerability beneath. But before Batman could react, she vanished into the shadows.

"Until the next game, Batman... Looking forward to this new game between us~" He could hear the taunting whisper in the wind. Her whisper was nothing more than a haunting echo in the darkness. But the fact that got him more on edge was the fact that she seemingly wanted to change their kind of game. He had to prepare himself further, because he had to be ready for the bout that was soon to come. And this left Batman alone with his thoughts and the knowledge that their dangerous game was far from over.

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