Radiant Feelings (Kimiyo Hoshi, aka Dr. Light)

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It has been a few days since a plague infected a lot of innocent people, with herself being one of the few. She remembered clearly everything that she had done, the usage of her powers and even some other actions that she probably did not want anyone to know of. She needed to apologize for what she had done, and thankfully she had already talked with Guy Gardner and apologized for hurting him.

"You do not even have to be there..." She muttered to herself, her eyes almost bloodshot from all the tears she spilt in pain because of the plague. She didn't know what it was, only knowing that it was imprisoned inside of Martian Manhunter's body. Seemingly the plague couldn't affect him, so everyone was saved because of his sacrifice. But while she was happy to have her free will back again, she could never forget the actions that she had caused while controlled by the plague. She needed to make things right, even if it was by word alone.

She shook her head softly, standing up from where she was sitting and looking at herself in the mirror. She looked at herself, unable to recognize even her own face. She still had the same mascara she placed on herself the day she apologized to Gardner, though slightly run down between all the tears that had escaped. Her eyes were completely red, probably to the amount of times that she tried to stop the tears from falling down. She sighed, preparing herself to at least look presentable in front of the last man she needed to have some words with.

"Please, let me not drop in when he has things to do..." She whispered to herself after fixing up her entire makeup. She activated her powers, her consciousness separating in two as she created a light-based hologram where she knew the man to be. She looked around, finding herself looking at the back of the hero she needed to have a word with. She hesitated slightly, her hands trembling in slight fear.

"Kimiyo... What are you doing here at the Watchtower?" Her eyes widened slightly, though she really shouldn't have been surprised. Batman was the world's best detective, he needed to have his ways of knowing when someone was trying to sneak up on him. She watched as he turned around, the look of indifference he mostly had made her slightly uncomfortable. Yet she knew that it was the face the hero used most of the time, even when he was around friends. "You are not here..."

"I'm back at my place..." She whispered, her eyes averted for the brief of seconds. Though she returned the stare right back towards the Dark Knight. She heard him hum silently, his eyes looking at her directly. Even when she was just a light-based hologram, she could feel the intensity of his stare. It brought her nerves up to a degree, making her feel hesitant to even declare her apology. "I'm just a hologram"

"I see" She gulped silently, preparing her mind to think of a way to start her words. But she didn't even know where to start. At least with Gardner, she just had to apologize for hitting him in the chin. But how do you apologize to someone whom you had kissed without having any sort of control over your body. What was worse in all of this situation was that the plague also made her confess to the hero, though he probably took it as the plague talking and not herself talking through the influence of the plague. "What do you need, Light?"

She was not just anyone, she was also known as Dr. Light. She was the successor to the original man who held the title, even if she didn't know the man herself. But that did not matter right at this moment, because she could care less about the origins of the alias she uses. What she needed to do was to finally be able to express just how sorry she was for kissing the man without his consent, even if she was manipulated into doing so.

"I wanted to apologize..." She finally stated, her hands hidden by her back. She looked down a bit, her eyes on the verge of crying yet again. She couldn't help it, she wanted to just be free with her feelings and tell him right there and then that what the plague said was real, that she indeed loved him. Even if she could barely stand him when he repeatedly asks for the same thing over and over again. "Attacking you and Gardner, kissing you..." She felt completely destroyed, even when she was finally doing what she came here to do. She was at a crossroad where she didn't even know which way she needed to go. Uncertainty filled her soul as her heart pleaded at her to tell the truth as well. "I'm-"

"You were not in control, Kimiyo" The abrupt interruption made her widen her eyes slowly, a single tear escaping from her left eyes. She knew that it was not her fault, but she still felt responsible for whatever happened when she was controlled by that plague. Her heart clenched against her chest when she saw his current expression. He gently smiled at her, one that could also be mistaken by a stoic expression if it weren't for the slight curve his lips had. "You do not have to apologize for what happened"

"I... I know it is not my fault, but I feel responsible for it" She communicated her worries towards the Dark Knight, who simply nodded his head at her statement. She started sweating a bit, dread and confusion mixing with one another as she thought carefully about her following words. She didn't want to say more than what she wanted to. Not now at least, not when the confession was so close to the day everyone was freed from the plague. "But I needed to tell you that I am sorry... For everything that I did to you during that time"

"Apology accepted, Kimiyo" She sighed in relief. Just by hearing that her apology was accepted, it brought down a weight that she didn't know she was carrying all along. Yet, the pressure that was once there had been filled by the pressure of confirming her love to him. She blushed at the thought, which gained her a raised brow in her direction. She didn't know what else to say, she had already said what she wanted to say.

"A-And... I also wanted to say that I meant those words" Without waiting for any response from the Dark Knight, the hologram of Kimiyo Hoshi disappeared. She was blushing hard, quickly taking the nearest pillow she could grab and scream in it to muffle down the sound. She was crying, unable to comprehend just why she professed her love to him once again. Yet her heart felt at peace, which only managed to calm her down slowly. She smiled against the pillow, closing her eyes for a moment. Her mind sent her images of what could happen between the two, and she could help but let her smile grow as she rested in her place.

"I really love you, Batman..." She muttered softly, letting herself be dragged down to the realms of dreams. She wanted to keep dreaming with the images that she had just seen. A moment in her life where she could be with the man she loves. And hopefully she will grow courage to tell him with confidence just what she felt for him. Even if she had already planted the seed in his mind because of the plague that was controlling her and because of her earlier words.

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