Knight of Fury (Beatriz da Costa, aka Fire)

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He sighed, sitting down on one of the many chairs that he had while looking at the stars. He was at the balcony of his mansion, his eyes closed as his mind tried to even remember why he was still awake at this ungodly hours of the night. Yet for him, it was normal. Too accustomed to his life as the Dark Knight of Gotham City, too worried to even take a single break. But he decided to have a night all for himself, to be able to relax and be free from any villain that would have attacked him as soon as he got to the area.

He had a life. The life of Bruce Wayne, the man behind the identity of the vigilante of Gotham, could not be better. He was passing days that had honestly been quite good for him, which was something suspicious on its own. And normally he would have followed the feeling that his gut was sending him all through these days, which was why he managed to stop a major revolt that was happening in the asylum. He just needed a single day to be as far away from crime, a day that he could enjoy everything that life gave him.

"Why are you here?" His voice questioned to nothing, only an empty chair was beside him. No one was around him to even hear him, yet he knew that she had heard him. He already felt her, the heat that immediately appeared during this cold night was the answer that he needed. It was not like he was opposed to her company, because it was quite the opposite. He welcomed it, a small twitch of his lips made him realize that he missed her more than he would ever admit aloud. "Weren't you in Brazil taking care of things?"

"And miss this beautiful night?" His eyes were almost closed shut, yet he was still able to see the beautiful body of one Beatriz da Costa, also known as Fire. He saw that she was still floating in the air, her green hair ignited in flames of the same color. He even saw the smirk that she was sending towards him, a grunt escaping from his throat in response to it. "Never..." She added, sending a quick wink in his direction. He just sighed, forcing himself to open his eyes even further than what he wanted. But the night was still enjoyable, even when it was slightly less cold because of her fiery aura. "And I brought coffee too!"

"And here I thought that I had to get my own coffee..." He added without even thinking. He had been close to falling asleep on the chair while admiring the stars. He had been doing this as of late, thinking that when he looked up to the stars that his parents would be there accompanying him in his sleep. Though he supposed that those questions should be left out to be answered by others with more knowledge in the aspect. All he hoped was that they were proud of who he had become.

"Har har" He heard her mock slightly, a grin on his face as he took the extra cup of coffee from her hands. He could feel the warmth of the coffee being transmitted through the cup. He could see the convenience of having fire powers in the end. To move distance with your coffee still being hot was too good to pass on. Especially when everyone in his family was seemingly addicted to the beverage. "Very funny of you, mister Dark Knight"

"Thank you, Bea..." He thanked, ignoring the small squeak that the female let out. He knew just how to make her feel embarrassed, learning to be very attentive of the human body had helped him in noticing reactions that people had to certain words or actions. And while the nickname itself was not Fire's weak point, it was the atmosphere that the two had created that allowed him to embarrass the flame heroine. He took a sip of the drink, enjoying the steaming sensation of the liquid going down his throat.

"Always, Bruce..." He glanced at her, watching carefully as she was already making herself comfortable on the chair that was beside him. The flames that were all around her body were now gone, dispersed by the wind. All that was left were flickers of green flames that peeked out to the world through her hair. The flames also gave the balcony a green hue that actually did not hurt his sight.

"Fire, you know why I like you?" He asked out of nowhere. He wanted to let her know, show her what actually kept going through his thoughts. The question gained him a slight raised brow from the model that was sitting right besides him. He saw her think for a bit, her green eyes closing for a slight moment in thought. He was positive that she was never going to guess the thoughts that were going through his mind. Yet a part of him wanted her to guess correctly.

"Because I am a model and that way you can hide yourself in plain sight while taking information from competitors or villains?" Even he had to raise a brow at the very detailed response. It brought a soft snort to resound through the balcony. While he was sure that it was something that he would do to get the upper hand of a situation, it was not the answer he was seeking. But he was happy that she knew him so well as to guess what he would do in that very situation.

"It's because you don't try and fix me" He answered, a real smile escaping through as he finished his words. Every woman that he had tried something with always wanted to change just how he ended doing things. Even if he barely noticed it at first, the changes were always there. Yet with Beatriz, he could be who he really was. He didn't have to force himself to please the female beside him. He still gave her gifts, as she properly deserves. But he didn't have to force himself to impress her.

"And I never will, Bruce... Never" He didn't notice when she sat down on his lap, but it was a welcomed sight. She went for the kiss, which he reciprocated almost instantly. He felt the heat growing slightly, his eyes opening for mere fractions to see that the flames of her hair grew a tad because of their kiss. He mentally smiled, his arms snaking around her hips. He was really happy to have someone like her at his side. And in the mist of their kiss, he ignored everything else but the woman right in front of him.

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