A Change of Course (Laura de Mille, aka Madame Rogue)

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He was staring at the locket in his hands, observing the picture that it held inside. He yearned to see them again, the two adults that were present in the picture. He surely missed them, and still needed them in his life. But things were not as he wanted, not the outcome that he needed. But he had managed to persevere, to be able to handle the pain and turn it into a weapon of justice or vengeance; it could vary depending on the point of view of others. But to him, it was the manifestation of his anger on those who deserved the punishment.

He sighed, closing the locket and pocketing it in one of the many pockets that he had available on his belt. He wanted to see them again and talk about everything that has happened in his life. He didn't even know if they were proud of the things he did and would never get the chance to really have fond memories with them. And don't get him wrong, he would never be the man that he was if it wasn't because of that event in his life. But he always pondered upon it, always went back to that same topic.

A shadow was noticeable, his eyes caught upon someone approaching the tent that he was currently resting on. He narrowed his eyes at the approaching figure, his hand already twitching towards his throwing weapons. He would always be prepared for any situation, prepared to face any foe that may want to cause a problem. Though he calmed down slightly as soon as he saw the woman entering the tent. Selina Kyle, the woman that he once tried to marry, was looking directly at him; even as she was closing the tent once more.

He moved, now sitting as he looked at the female. He was about to speak, but she placed her fingertips over his mouth. He just stopped, his eyes looking at her questioningly. He needed to find out what had her like this, to help her in anything that she needed. But one better look at her eyes told him something more. He could recognize that stare anywhere, she had looked at him that way many times in the past. So it came to no surprise that he let himself go, let himself be caught in a lustful kiss from the woman who now was on top of him.

He could never control his hunger when she came around, never was able to reign it in. It was because of this that he once wanted to marry her, to make their lives better. But it would mean that he was taking away that freedom that she loved so much, that freedom that she had fought for. And he was not strong enough to take that away from her. But he ignored those thoughts, concentrating on the lips of the woman. His hands were already trailing all over her body, the same thing she was doing with her own. But it was then that he felt her arms, and he stopped any compelling movement that made him kiss her.

He could see it in her eyes, she knew that he had noticed his inactions to continue with their kiss. He kept staring at her with a scowl over his face, only looking at her grinning smile. And it was then that he could watch with slight intrigue the way Selina Kyle transformed, from one woman to another. She still had black hair, though it was definitely longer; her lips were now darker, almost black but with a shade of red; and the metallic arms, the body part that made him realize that she was not Selina Kyle. Since in front of him stood Laura de Mille, better known as Madame Rogue.

"Smart... I can see that there is no man like you" She whispered, her eyes still looking at him with lust. He could definitely see that she wanted something out of him. It eluded him what she wanted from him, his mind overworking itself to try and think of what she wanted from him. He was well aware of just how Laura worked, of the misdeeds that she has done to cover herself from feeling the impact of the law. Yet without any evidence to back him up, he could not act. So, he had to hold his intentions back.

"What do you want?" He asked, his voice only loud enough for the woman to hear. Even while he was cornered, it did not mean that he couldn't ask her questions. The few times that the two had been in the same room, it has ended with the female trying to seduce him quite a few times in the same night. He could guess what she wanted out of him, what she wanted from him. He was not going to leave it easy for her, if his thoughts were to be believed. Yet even with all of these ideas roaming freely in his mind, he was still scowling at her.

"You already know what I want..." And just like that, the female had confirmed his own suspicions about her. Finally had found the reason as to why she kept trying to seduce him, as to why she still had not given up on the idea. He only grunted, even more so when she tried to kiss him once again. He moved his head to the side, making her frown slight at his actions even when her smirk was still in place. A weird visage, but quite alluring from his point of view. "But what do you want?"

A simple question, one that left him pondering on it for quite a few seconds. He definitely did not know how to react to it, did not know what to answer. His mind was thinking of a few answers that could meet Madame Rogue's expectations. But he was not just seeking out to meet her expectations, he was trying to make her slip. To finally have a chance to put her behind bars. yet the more he thought about it, the less he wanted to do so. Was it because she was still on top of him and grinding her hips slowly at him? Was it because of her eyes looking at him with a sensual stare? he didn't want to know, didn't want to think.

So, without thinking about it any longer, he captured her lips on his own. The surprise on her eyes was quite revealing, making him notice the slip that he had been looking for. But now that he had it, he ignored it; preferring to keep on kissing the woman on top of him. Was he making a mistake? Was he letting his lust control him? He didn't care about that either, the need to satisfy the urge that she made him feel was stronger. And he complied with her unnamed wishes, completely missing the soft moan that escaped from her lips.

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