Quirky Madness (Harleen Quinzel, aka Harley Quinn)

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She stood on top of a three-story tall building, her eyes narrowed at the sight. Watching the crook try and rob the female he had trapped in an alley made her blood boil slightly. She couldn't even fathom to think back to when she acted just like that, acting just like the villain that people still considered her to be. But she had been fixing everything, saving people was actually more enjoyable than making them suffer. And it also helps that all the appreciation she got from them helped her to keep doing this. She felt like a hero, even if deep inside she knew that she still had a long way to go before she would actually be considered one.

She nodded to herself, jumping off the roof and straight to the crook. She had a job to fulfill, the daily quota of acting like a hero. She had left her past be consumed by the darkness, embracing the light that was now her future. She was never going to return to that place ever again. She swore she would never return, and has vowed to capture The Joker herself, even if she still couldn't hurt him much because of the mental trauma she slightly has against him. She needed to be better, to be helpful to the society she vowed to help as a doctor a long time ago.

"Back off ya creep!" She kicked the crook right on his chin, the force of her kick sending the man right to the floor. He laid down on the floor with blood escaping from his nose and mouth by the force of her kick, while the gun he had on his hand was sent flying right at the wall. Thankfully, the gun did not activate itself, so she was able to neutralize the guy with no casualties from her part. It had been a miracle just how easy the life of a hero was when you already knew how to fight. But even she could begin to see just why Batman would always be angry whenever they fought in the past. "And ya betta stay down if ya know what's good fo' ya!"

She sighed after she finished talking, walking forward a bit. She needed to know if the victim was alright, if they needed any sort of help. She turned around, looking just how the female was looking at her with appreciative eyes. She was surprised the first time it happened, looking at thankful eyes instead of the fear she had gotten used to receiving. It was a very different life, a life she was beginning to fully enjoy. It didn't last long though, before she had to hold herself in place thanks to the surprising hug given to her by the victim.

"T-Thank you!" She smiled slightly, her eyes softening quite a bit as she remembered the times where she used to help people through therapy. She was a psychiatrist though, thanks to falling in love with the wrong man, she fell from her initial path. A path she was slowly beginning to walk through once again. She was not going to walk away from it again, so many people depended on her to actually heal the anger that overruled Gotham. She was surprised when she fully experienced said darkness against her, always being on the dark side when she had fallen down from grace. But no longer will she let the darkness grow. She was going to join the light and help people again, just as she promised when she graduated with her doctorate in psychiatry. "Thank you for saving me Harley!"

"Think nothin' of it, sweety" She said, a smile on her face as she let herself be hugged. She was Harley Quinn, the ex-villainess and ex-partner of the Joker. But more importantly, she was a heroine, helping those in need just as the woman that kept hugging her. Moments like these made Harley think of why she even fell from grace. She obviously knew that it was all thanks to the Joker, but deep inside she knew that she was to blame as well. For not thinking that her therapy would become a psychological battle that ended with her betraying what she worked so hard for. "I'm happy to help!"

"I can't thank you enough, Harley! I'm happy you switched sides!" She smiled at the woman, who by now had ended the hug and had started to walk away from the dark alley. She was happy, just looking at how happy the woman was made her day feel greater. She loved this feeling, it was the sole reason as to why she even studied psychiatry. She wanted to help people. She hated the Joker, even if deep in her mind she still felt manipulated by the man. He had perverted her good will to help people and transformed it to a lustful drive to only help him. "Also, love the tattoo on your back!"

"Thank you!" She smirked slightly, waving at the woman. She had gotten that specific tattoo after she wanted to hide the ones that Joker had forced her to get. After a long time in captivity, she finally felt free from the Joker's tight grasp. She was able to make her own choices, plus not get beat down just because she suggested something. The tattoo on her back was of a shoulder-to-shoulder length bat symbol. She really was thankful for Batman's help because even after everything she had done against him, he still went out of his way to help her. "Now hurry home, sweety. Be safe!"

"I see that you started on without me" She glanced back, her eyes shining brightly at seeing the hero who had given her a chance. Batman stood in the darkness of the alley, the only thing that she could really see were the white lenses of his cowl. Though she was sure that she could see a smirk on his face, her own grin expanded a tad much just because of it. She owed everything to the hero in black. "I'm glad to see that you are taking the initiative"

"What can I say? Hero work comes naturally!" She grinned, her hands landing on her hips as she stopped on the downed crook for good measure. Hearing the slight groan coming from the unconscious man let her know that it was enough. So, she just walked a bit forward, approaching the hero in front of her. She moved her hands from her hips to her back, a side of mischief that she couldn't help but make. If there was anything that she actually enjoyed from her past as a villain, it would be making jokes and teasing the hell out of people. She loved to do so, and she especially gets a crack at it when it makes Robin a blushing mess.

"I see you modified the suit I gave you. But where is the mask?" She immediately looked away, her eyes looking everywhere but at the hero. She actually hated the mask, preferring to not have it. She did understand why she may need it, but it just wasn't who she wanted to be. She wanted to be known, to let people know that she has changed from her bad ways. Which left her to decide to not use the mask at all, though she still has it in her room for any moment that she may need it.

"Eh... It was not fo' me..." She chuckled nervously for a moment, before her eyes rested on the Dark Knight's face. She still remembers the day where she began to really try and be good. She had to work her ass off to show Batman that she really wanted to change. The words she exchanged with the hero would always be on her mind. A reminder that even heroes get bad days, days that are like that because either villains interrupt a nice-looking day or because of life itself.

"Why'd ya stay with me all day, risking ya butt fo' someone who's neva' given ya anything but trouble?"

"I know what it's like to try and rebuild a life. I had a bad day too, once"

"Nice guys like you shouldn't have bad days..."

"I see..." She even remembers the kiss she gave him that day, a kiss that she still make her blush hardly. It had been one of the sweetest kisses she has ever received from someone. The ones the Joker would always give her were rough and aggressive, holding no love in them whatsoever. But the one she gave Batman, even if he did not reciprocate the kiss, held more love and passion than any kiss she had ever received from the Joker. She changed her grin to a small smile, looking just as the hero extended his arm towards her. "Well then, would you join me for the rest of the night?"

"I thought you'd neva' ask" She immediately grasped the extended hand with her own, balancing herself towards the hero. In a swift moment, she kissed him straight on the lips and he responded immediately. She moaned into it, feeling just how one of his hands went straight towards her butt. She squealed in delight just feeling how direct he was being with her today. She just hoped that they could deal with all the trouble in Gotham quickly, because the Dark Knight really activated her desires for him.

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