Empowerment of Love (Mary Bromfield, aka Lady Shazam)

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Her anger kept fueling her power, rage oozing out of her body as she punched the woman under the command of Darkseid. She did regret her actions, attacking Zatanna earlier in the week was definitely something she could have avoided. But the power given to her by Black Adam was amazing, it made her feel as if she could do anything. Even when she was punched back by the female she had punched earlier, she felt as if nothing could stop her.

Mary Marvel, empowered by the magic given by Black Adam, trusted her hand towards the villain's. Eclipse's neck. She began to choke the woman who followed Darkseid blindly, her other hand already in place to rock her down to the earth with a single punch. But the hand underneath her chin was not allowing her to see clearly, though she did see her palm shining quite a bit, a purple hue accumulating around her hand.

She scowled slightly, looking at the smug face of Eclipse. She knew that Eclipse had something else in mind for her, she just knew more than what the villain thought. She knew that apart from wanting her to be Darkseid's concubine, Eclipse wanted her powers or more specifically, she wanted her. And she was not going to allow that to ever happen. She still needed to find whoever had kidnapped her new parents, already been adopted by a family that loved her. She was not going to allow them to suffer anything if she could help it.

So she shifted her body, throwing Eclipse out of her comfort zone before she punched her straight in the nose. She sent the woman flying towards the ground, with her following quickly after her. Dark clouds slightly obscured her sight, but it was not much. She could still see quite clearly, even with her sight not being as clear as she would have hoped for. Though it was then that she saw that her punch sent Eclipse flying down towards Gotham City, the city where the Dark Knight operated.

But right now, she honestly could care less whether she was dropping at Metropolis or even at Star City. She needed to stop Eclipse from even thinking of trying to manipulate her to her wishes. She kept rushing at the woman, the dark clouds escaping from her view and being replaced by the darkest night she had ever seen. But it won't deter her from finally stopping Eclipse once and for all.

In no time, Mary was already nearing Eclipse's location. Her eyes demonstrated the anger she felt at not being able to save her new parents. She still had her adoptive family, especially Billy who was like a younger brother for her. But her new family, the one who had given her a chance to experience the happiness of having parents even at the age she already had, deserved more than being kidnapped by whoever did the deed. And she was going to find them, one way or another.

Though before she could even do anything else to Eclipse, she saw that the woman was already trapped by the Dark Knight. She definitely saw the scowl on his face, which was something she could easily ignore as of now. Because she needed to take out any sort of information Eclipse had on her parents. She could feel it in her bones that Eclipse was behind everything, she just needed the proof.

"Why are you here, Marvel?" She, for the most part, ignored Batman, her eyes concentrated on the woman who had been trapped by him. She had to thank the Dark Knight later, she needed the information on where her parents were at. She needed to save them, just like how they saved her from her doubts of ever being adopted. She had to keep going forward, because if she didn't do so, then who would accomplish her goals?

"Stay out of it, Batman. She knows where my parents are, I know it" Even when Eclipse said nothing, the smug face she had made Mary angry. If she ever needed any confirmation that she was behind everything that has happened to her in this last week, then looking at her face was answer enough. She was nearing Eclipse's position, thankful that the villainess was unable to even move. But it was then that Batman stopped her, a hand over her right shoulder. "What are you-"

"This is not the way, Marvel" His words made her pause quite literally. She knew that it was not what she really wanted to do, but the need to save her parents and the intoxicating power that had been given to her by Black Adam was, in reality, blinding her. "Leave her to the other members of the Justice League. They can handle her" She was glaring at Eclipse, the woman kept her smugness directed at her. She was about to latch out yet again, but the hand of the Dark Knight was still on her shoulders. "I'll help you find your parents"

That made her calm down quite a bit, her powers fluctuating slightly because of the decrease in her anger. Though it was not long before her powers restabilized once again thanks to yet another dark feeling in her mind, lust. The lust of having whatever she wanted, the lust of being so close yet so far was making her look at the Dark Knight with other eyes. What was a simple crush she had developed a long time ago, something she knew that was never going to grow, had burned strongly. It had transformed into an inferno that wanted to attract everything that she wanted near it.

She looked just as Batman walked away, leaving the Eclipse knocked out after the man activated the electricity in the ropes that were around her. She smiled quite wickedly, licking her dark painted lips as she slowly followed the Dark Knight towards wherever he was heading. She probably would wait until she finally had her parents in front of her and she could catch up on every assignment she may have to do from her college. But one way or another, Batman was to be hers. She was going to see it through.

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