Instincts Awakened (Barbara Minerva, aka Cheetah)

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"You did this, didn't you?!" He looked without any sort of emotions to the man that was yelling at him. Lex Luthor had him currently trapped with no way out or with no way for his allies to locate him. But he was in no hurry at all, he was right where he was supposed to be. All he needed was to bid his time until the right moment arrived. "Well it won't happen again. Cheetah!" He looked unimpressed, if he had to say something about it, his eyes looking at the orange haired female that was approaching the duo. The woman was not really wearing anything, but the fur all over her body thankfully covered her naked body. "Take over here. If our friend poses any more trouble, gag him"

He watched just as Luthor walked away with the others that were assisting him, before his eyes glanced at Cheetah. She brought her claws out, looking at Luthor momentaneously before looking at him and hissing in his direction. All he did was a slight grunt, but the very miniscule smirk on his face told a different story. He knew just how to work through the problem at hand, all he needed was a bit of time. After all, he was the Dark Knight. He was Batman, and he always had a plan for everything.

Time Skip

"And then what happened?" He asked, trying to keep the woman in front of him disoriented long enough for him to be able to escape and call his allies for help. He already knew the story behind the woman known as Cheetah, the story of an unfortunate accident. He knew of everything, he had to gain upper ground to be able to deal with many of his villains. It was all thanks to the research he does on a constant basis, that he is able to know so much and still be able to keep on working. But he was looking at the woman walking around, her tail swiftly moving left and right in boredom.

"My research opened whole new worlds. There was so much to do-"

"But so little funding" He noticed that she quickly stopped to look at him, a raised brow staring directly into his eyes. He didn't outwardly react to it, but he already knew that he had her right where he wanted. It was easy to interrogate them while in a normal conversation, they wouldn't expect it and he was able to get valuable information because of it. He has done it many times in the past, and he will keep on doing so. Until more ways to take out information was learned.

"You know about that?" Cheetah glanced at him, her yellow eyes staring directly into his own. He was thinking of ways to answer her question without revealing that he knew much. If she knew that he already had read a file telling her whole story, then she would not have the reaction that he wants her to have. Plus, it was not so bad to spend time talking for a slight bit. Better to talk now and get information in some shape or form than talk when The Flash is around.

"You didn't have enough for research subjects" He stared directly into her eyes without flinching, even when he noticed that she was walking right towards him. He could see the sadness in her eyes, something he had always needed to hide behind the mask. Though, he had become so accustomed to the mask that he did not know who was the real him. Was he Bruce Wayne or was he Batmen? It will probably be a question for another day, his eyes catching up just how the villainess stopped right in front of him. "So you used yourself"

"And now I am a freak" She motioned to her entire body, though he had a drastically different opinion about who she really was. He loved the dedication she has for her work, he could use someone like her in his company. He was always appreciative of dedicated hard workers, and she filled the bill quite nicely. Just maybe he could convince her in some way to join him. Obviously after letting her know that no villainous activities should be done after such an offer.

"That's not what I see..." He could still see that her eyes were closed, her furred arms crossed underneath her chest, pronouncing it slightly. It was barely noticeable because of the fur that was covering her, but his analytic mind was able to see even the tiniest reactions. Such as when her tail seemingly froze mid swing as he uttered those five words. He just had to go for the kill now, to make it believable. Though, even he knew that his next words were actually the truth instead of a manipulation from his part. "I see someone that is willing to give up everything for a cause she believed in"

"How do you know so much about me?" She opened her eyes, her yellow slits staring back again at him. He didn't feel the aggressiveness he had felt during the start of their conversation. All he could see was the intrigued and curious look that Cheetah was giving him. He could notice a small twitch on her tail, something he found quite interesting. It told him everything he needed to know, whether the female was happy, angry, sad, or just outright confused. Her tail was telling him her entire story and she didn't even know about it.

"Let's say cats aren't the only ones who are curious..." He kept the mystery, not wanting her to know that he knew everything about her. He saw her smirk his way, walking up closer to him while pressing her body right at his chest. Her right hand's index finger scratched lightly underneath his chin, a small purr escaping her lips as Batman just kept staring at her. It was a matter of seconds before he had what he wanted from her, her trust.

"Too much curiosity can be dangerous..." He could feel the exhale of air from her mouth, which thankfully did not stink. But it was all he needed to know that Cheetah was very excited. While it was not what he was looking for, it was a nice secondary option to escape from the prison he was in.

"Maybe... I like danger" He said, which only made her purr a bit louder. He could see it in her eyes, the glint her yellow slits had while talking in such a way. He knew that he was a playboy to say the least, he got around various women in life before officially becoming the Dark Knight. It's just that he did not expect that part of his life to actually help him escape from the villains' grasp.

"Do you?" She was tempting him, his eyes catching the new swings of the feline's tail. It was curling, moving softly and carefully. He half expected it to be standing straight but it was good to know that when Cheetah's tail was curling, it meant that the female was excited.

"Try me" It was then that Cheetah grabbed his face and kissed him on the lips. He tried to kiss her as passionately as possible, earning purrs of satisfaction from the feline. He would have done more, but being trapped didn't help. Bruce leaned forward when Cheetah was leaning back, catching her again with his lips. This time Cheetah moaned in the kiss, feeling just how he bit her lips softly, before continuing with the kiss. His tongue entered her mouth and began to massage it with his own tongue. Cheetah gasped in excitement as she continued to rub herself on the Dark Knight, as the kiss slowly began to become even more passionate.

He had her right where he wanted her to be. But at the same time, he really hoped that she would actually listen to his following petition about joining him at Wayne Enterprises. He was definitely looking forward to seeing what her research would be capable of if she had the fundings from the beginning. But he would probably have to think about it later on, the feline villainess was too concentrated on the kiss to even care about his proposition in the first place.

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